I have 2 BNIB ZC 527 5-27×56 (MPCT-3X) 10 Mil NLE
SKU 400-0474
Price incl shipping and insurance … PayPal/venmo/check
Asking $3800 each
I have never touched or handled scopes and they have been in the box since I received them a month or two ago.
I bough 4 of these then realized I’m way over my skis here and don’t need this many high end scopes sitting around. And can’t really afford it either.

SKU 400-0474
Price incl shipping and insurance … PayPal/venmo/check
Asking $3800 each
I have never touched or handled scopes and they have been in the box since I received them a month or two ago.
I bough 4 of these then realized I’m way over my skis here and don’t need this many high end scopes sitting around. And can’t really afford it either.

ZC 527 5-27×56 (MPCT-3X) 10 Mil NLE
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