FS 308 Lapua LRP Brass


Mall Ninja
Full Member
Aug 28, 2014
I have 295 or so Lapua 308 lrp cases for sale. I'm going to 6.5x47 which uses srp so I'm consolidating my consumables by running all srp brass. The cases have 6 firings on them and they've been annealed every 2 firings, the necks have been turned down to 14 thou with a k m turner. They usually get loaded with around 42 grains of 4064 and a 175 smk but I have run them with 168 smk and 110 amax, no heavies and no hot loads. They are made up of 2 different lots of 200 and 100. I usually see 20-30 es on this brass with br2 primers and 175 smk. I can clean the brass with a stainless steel wet tumbler or leave dirty from the previous firing. I'd like to get 100 shipped through pp or f2f I'm in Jacksonville FL, if your local I'll throw in 700 br2 primers for 20.