Clearing the bench drawers... items are cross posted. Please post a public "I'll take it" and a follow up PM.
1. APA LB Gen II nitride, 6mm, 5/8-24 - $125 shipped
2. SOLD Area 419 Hellfire, 30cal. 5/8-24 - $145 shipped
3. Impact 30cal, 5/8-24 - $80 shipped
4. SOLD Silencerco ASR black, 22cal, 1/2-28 - $80 shipped
5. SOLD AAC 51T black, 22cal, 1/2-28 - $80 shipped
1. APA LB Gen II nitride, 6mm, 5/8-24 - $125 shipped
3. Impact 30cal, 5/8-24 - $80 shipped

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