Re: Full size 1911.... In 9mm? Your thoughts?
Hi Shooter,
I have contemplated the same, and I just come to these conclusions regarding the 9 for CCW(not saying they're right, just my ideas!) 1) A 9mm only holds one more round than the .45 version. 2) The couple 5" 9mm I've fired did not have much less perceived recoil than .45 to me. 3) Depends on configuration/maker, parts are a tad more tricky to find. Not prohibitive, but a pain in my opinion.
Now, I am going to contradict myself within my same message.
As I said, the above are <span style="font-weight: bold">*MY*</span> opinion. My wife, after trying and holding any compact 9mm in the market, by far and large loved the EMP 9mm.
Which is her CCW sidearm of choice. She likes all metal guns, loves the 1911 platform, shoots them well, enjoys and practices with a 9mm. Who am I to deny her the tool that fits and works for her?
She didn't care for .45, and hey, that's ok. As the saying goes, "better the small gun on your person than the large gun left at home." or something to that effect.
So, to answer your question, is the 5" 1911 a viable option? Sure it is! Are you going to be comfortable carrying the sidearm? Is it reliable? Does it fit you well? There are plenty of makers of a 1911 in 9mm that are reputable. And if it's left as a range fun toy, then by all means get one!
IF you get one, you have to post photos though!