Gain twist 338LM?


IMO you should choose what bullet type you will be using and spec the barrel to it.

The twist rate you can run that spectrum of monos at is not going to be optimum twist rate for that spectrum of jacketed bullets.

Remember...very few of the jacketed bullets can take the twist rates that some of the monos like to be at.

It all depends on your "reasonings" of wanting to go mono vs jacketed and "reasonings" of contemplating GT vs straight twist.

If you don't already have your .338LM rifle, Theis' company Hoplite Arms is making some totally kick ass rifles that can be pushed to much higher pressures than any other common rifle.

If you get interested, the first 10 rifles should be ready to be assigned to orders next month, so you might want to PM @THEIS if you are interested and let him know what chambering you want and what kind of bullet you want the barrel to be setup for.

That being said, however if you really want to have fun pushing the limits of .338LM, get a hoplite rifle setup for the solids and then get some of the Badlands Precision solids:

Those solids have been tested and used very successfully by some folks that know what they are doing in the ELR game.
With a Hoplite rifle in .338LM and those Badlands projectiles, you would be able to have fun shooting at much further distances than you'd be able to with a standard rifle and regular lead core bullets.
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Thanks fellas!

I am leaning toward cup core since I have a fair amount of 338 projectiles.

And considering that I dont compete, at least, casually, I think cup core projectiles are going to be it.
Some customers and I are have stellar results with 300g Berger’s and A-tips out to 2500. I don’t think you’ll be hindered either way with these or solids. But like mentioned before, get the right twist for one or the other.
I spoke with Dave Tooley about gain twist barrels and he is not a fan. He a lot of testing and there was no advantage to a gain twist. He did say he would how ever get unexplained flyers. I went 30 in 1-9 in my .338lm. I shoot Berger 300 HB and have made hits out to 2650 in ELR matches with them.
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I spoke with Dave Tooley about gain twist barrels and he is not a fan. He a lot of testing and there was no advantage to a gain twist. He did say he would how ever get unexplained flyers. I went 30 in 1-9 in my .338lm. I shoot Berger 300 HB and have made hits out to 2650 in ELR matches with them.
I’m conflicted, I’m not sure what I want to do for my next 338 barrel.
I strictly run solids with a 1-8 and can’t say I’m having any problems.
Not sure if I want to experiment, buddy is repurposing a gain twist from an older Lutz project and I’m curious how it compares to my straight twist.