Precision Rifle Gear Garmin Xero Trade-Up program

Fred @ Bison Tactical

Bison Tactical
Commercial Supporter
Full Member
  • May 18, 2012
    Boulder, CO
    Some of you remember when I did this Trade-Up program for MagentoSpeeds from V2 -> V3.

    Since most of use only need a single well functioning ballistic chronograph I am offering a trade-in for your existing working ballistic Chronograph towards a Garmin Xero C1 Pro Ballistic Chronograph.

    First off - your going to be better off selling your Lab Radar or MagnetoSpeed directly to someone person to person. However some people don't care too much about making the most money off their equipment, they just don't see the need to keep around more than one functioning device, and so like the convenience of trading their in on a new unit. So please don't complain that you think I am not giving folks a good deal, if you feel that way, this deal is not for you.

    LabRadar Code = xero-lab-trade
    MagnetoSpeed Code = xero-mgv3-trade

    I am giving trade-in value of $100 for a completely functional LabRadar with the original accessories (and anything else you want to send that you want to include).
    I am giving trade-in value of $75 for a completely functional MagnetoSpeed V3 with the original accessories.

    To take advantage of this program, purchase the Garmin on my website here:

    And use the coupon code at checkout for the trade-in value. Then ship me your device. Once we have the device here, and validate it works, we will ship your Garmin.

    Some questions you may ask:

    Q. Will I pay additional for accessory X?
    A. No, feel free to sell it by itself, or include it with what your trading in.

    Q. Will I provide a credit for a different Ballistic Chronograph? Ex. MagnetoSpeed Sporter?
    A. No, only LabRadar (not lite version), and MagnetoSpeed V3's are a part of the program.

    Q. How long will this deal last?
    A. 3 more months.

    Q. How do I buy the trade-ins your getting?
    A. Click on these links to see if we have inventory:
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