Gave my dog the bad news....


Full Member
Jul 5, 2008
Austin, Tx
Well he thought he was going for his usual trip to the dog park..... I had to break the news that it was time to go see the Vet for his shots and checkup. Snapped the picture after letting him know what was going to happen to his backside! He is reaching for the emergency brake.... He looks like he wants to crap himself.

Re: Gave my dog the bad news....

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: fx77</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Thanks for a post about a LIVING pet/friend </div></div>

Yeah I thought this was going to be another of "those" threads, nice to see a happy pet thread. I am an avid dog lover and I always hate to hear of someones loss.
Re: Gave my dog the bad news....

My dogs like everyone and have never really complained about being boarded or getting their shots. My vet is a great and his whole staff a pleasure to deal with.
Re: Gave my dog the bad news....

Looks like my dog when we pull up to the vet. He hates shots so much he has to get a muzzle on the snout now, and he only weighs 35#. Mean little mutt...
Re: Gave my dog the bad news....

That's the look my Vet gives me when he sees Hank the tank come through the door! All the Vet techs love him but he has so much energy when he gets excited he's a tough patient to deal with. That and he can't keep his tongue to himself, he'll just lick at the air in your direction if he can't reach you with it.
Re: Gave my dog the bad news....

Man. I have a 72 lb 4 yr old Pit that loves going to vet. Doesn't even realize when he gets the needle. LOL. Long as he gets to go in the truck he is gtg.
Re: Gave my dog the bad news....

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Trapshooter12</div><div class="ubbcode-body">This was brought into the Small Animal practice were my Wife works at last march. The Dogs that were there, were pretty quiet that day.


You don't say. It's not at all funny when suddenly that goofy sharp-clawed orange cat you used to chase up trees is back and big enough to eat you for a snack. Personally, I like a cat, but only until it gets large enough to do some serious damage. I have more than enough scars from psychotic/wet/angry/terrified housecats without dealing with what the godzilla version could do.
Re: Gave my dog the bad news....

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Trapshooter12</div><div class="ubbcode-body">This was brought into the Small Animal practice were my Wife works at last march. The Dogs that were there, were pretty quiet that day.


Holy shit! Do tell how that happened!
Re: Gave my dog the bad news....

The Cat was rescued by Safe Haven out of Winnemucca. The Cat had belonged to a couple that split up in Seattle Washington. The Guy that owned a pair of them split and left his Wife with them and she couldn't take care of them anymore. So they ended up in Nevada. This Cat and it's partner were on the national news. On this day she was brought into be spayed. I had asked why she couldn't have been put into a breeding program and because they couldn't be sure of her breeding she couldn't be allowed to be in the gene pool so she was spayed.

Thanks to my Wife the small animal Vet practice now sees large Cats.

Something that big gives a new meaning to Spay and Neuter Clincs.

Last month they had to put down a 500 pound Male Tiger. The Vet practice has other buisnesses in the building and one of them is a Car repair shop. The Girls in the Vet Practice needed help to get the Tiger loaded up in the disposal service truck. So my Wife went and ask the guys at the Car repair if they would use their forklift to load the Tiger for them and of course Men being Men, they said they didn't need a forklift, so about six of the strong lads went over there to show the wimmin how they could just throw this thing in the back of the truck. My Wife said are you guys sure this thing is heavy. The Six lads grabbed it and then decided they needed the fork lift.
Re: Gave my dog the bad news....

I am betting there were not any dogs talkin smack that day!

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Re: Gave my dog the bad news....

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: XARMOR</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I am betting there were not any dogs talkin smack that day!


Only this one!

Re: Gave my dog the bad news....

There is a lady here that is a local that owns a ranch about 10 miles from me. I have done some work to her vehicles. Her business is Brink design.
She is a real nice lady and is not the enviro wierdo you would expect. In fact she has many local hunters that give her game that is hunted.
Great pics on her site.
Re: Gave my dog the bad news....

Harley made it back from the vet ok, just a little traumatized. He decided to crash out for awhile. He covered his junk for the picture cause he knows LowLight hates that sh*t.

Re: Gave my dog the bad news....

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: oldgrayone</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: XARMOR</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I am betting there were not any dogs talkin smack that day!


Only this one!


Re: Gave my dog the bad news....

In the first picture, is he just muddy? It's hard to tell if he's brindle, muddy or has the mange. My pup had the mange when I got him and that's what it looked like.
Re: Gave my dog the bad news....

He is not muddy in the first picture, he is a mutt and has some brindle coloring mixed in with his black coat. We think he is lab mixed with sneaky neighbor dog.
Re: Gave my dog the bad news....

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bryan27</div><div class="ubbcode-body">That's the look my Vet gives me when he sees Hank the tank come through the door! All the Vet techs love him but he has so much energy when he gets excited he's a tough patient to deal with. <span style="font-weight: bold">That and he can't keep his tongue to himself, he'll just lick at the air in your direction if he can't reach you with it. </span></div></div>

Sounds just like our chocolate lab...