Geco 9mm Ammo

@kortik Thanks for the info. Target Sports has it for 0.18/rd shipped, non-prime member.

A few years ago I'd never thought I'd be buying factory ammo. Deals are good and time is short.
I have some Geco .22 bolt gun ammo I was gonna say works really well for a suppressed semi but fuck 'em. When it runs out I won't be getting anymore.

They also mfg. a lot of the carry ammo used in Europe. The Geco BAT round is one.

Just fed the fuck up with giant corporations pissing on whoever they want because they can afford more lawyers. Stealing ideas and selling them, just because they can afford to get it mfg.'d and marketed faster.

Europe has pretty lax sentencing... It'd be a shame if someone flew all the way over there to beat the capitol shareholder within an inch of his life.

I had a problem with Cialis inundating me with emails and shit and I got the capital shareholder's home phone number and address and I called him up at 2am and told him it wasn't gonna stop then I wasn't either... Mentioned how convenient it was that he only lived 30 miles away too. That one phone call is all it took. Funny how some "3rd party we aren't associated with but yet is working on our behalf and only benefits us and cannot be contacted or stopped" can be contacted and stopped if they really want to. This "we can't do anything, our hands are tied, the computer won't let us" shit just doesn't fly with me.

The last thing a greedbag soft and pasty billionaire wants is a credible threat to his way of life, no matter how minute. The Cialis asshole would rather have shut the whole fucking scam down than have me calling him at home and knowing where he lived. I'll bet RUAG's chief fuckrag isn't any different. They aren't hard to find and I'm surprised other people don't get tired of playing the "fuck off phone game" and just go right to the top.

If someone knows the full details and will write it up with references, I'll go update RUAG's Wikipedia page with it.
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