Get Your Kids Out Of Public Schools NOW!

Be a good parent and expose your children even more to the fallacies of the left. They provide more information to counter them than they do to support their bullshit causes.

At some point, the majority of American dads forgot what it means to be, and how to be heads of the household. They're succumbing to the constant propaganda bombardment by the media.

Put the remote down, take interest, and pick up a sport/hobby, or dare I say a Bible with your kids. If Jr gets five minutes of your daily focus, but an hour each day from extremists like this one it's a no brainer why he wants to paint his fingernails black and wear lipstick. "But life is too busy." No, your priorities are fucked up.

This wasn't directed at anybody, just a mini-rant.
The entire time my sons were in school . We had a daily talk about what was being taught in the class room .
We also talked daily about school/classroom propaganda .
Both sons know our morals and why we have those morals . Both know our politics and why we support those
political positions .
Both are conservatives and can explain why they are conservatives .
Parents need to know what is being talked about in class and if you don't like what a certain class/teacher is pushing.
Call or email that teacher and the school administration and tell them . Fight for your kids and the other kids , who parents
are lazy or uncaring . What their children are being taught .
Mostly share your values and morals with your children and explain those values and morals .
Its up to parents to counter the leftist onslaught of children .
This is part of the reason we are at a small school. My wife also works at the school and we stay engaged in the kids with what is going on.

They come home we get homework done, were out riding our bikes, shooting our bows, building stuff in the shop......

Another reason we left the peoples republic of kalifornia almost 20 years ago.
The 2nd video is what I ran into a lot when contacting teachers or administration .
They are very brave when they have power over children . But an adult confronting them is to much for them to handle.
Mostly they are bullies to children and cowards when interacting with parents who don't bend the knee to them .
The 2nd video is what I ran into a lot when contacting teachers or administration .
They are very brave when they have power over children . But an adult confronting them is to much for them to handle.
Mostly they are bullies to children and cowards when interacting with parents who don't bend the knee to them .
This ^^^.
I was fortunate and had much better.
Thought it would always be that way in small town USA.
It isn't.

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The entire time my sons were in school . We had a daily talk about what was being taught in the class room .
We also talked daily about school/classroom propaganda .
Both sons know our morals and why we have those morals . Both know our politics and why we support those
political positions .
Both are conservatives and can explain why they are conservatives .
Parents need to know what is being talked about in class and if you don't like what a certain class/teacher is pushing.
Call or email that teacher and the school administration and tell them . Fight for your kids and the other kids , who parents
are lazy or uncaring . What their children are being taught .
Mostly share your values and morals with your children and explain those values and morals .
Its up to parents to counter the leftist onslaught of children .
You dont mean something like this do you? How dare you.

Proverbs 22:6​

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

King James Version (KJV)
And now right on cue . Mr Marxist school teacher is the victim and scared for his safety and job .
This scumbag is a organizer of Antifa . A group who assaults people and burns and loots businesses .
A group who has been thugs in the street attacking people at will with protection from democrat city councils and democrat prosecutors .

And now right on cue . Mr Marxist school teacher is the victim and scared for his safety and job .
This scumbag is a organizer of Antifa . A group who assaults people and burns and loots businesses .
A group who has been thugs in the street attacking people at will with protection from democrat city councils and democrat prosecutors .

Ill support your worthless ass...with an anchor around yuor commie neck and off the back of a boat over the Marianas trench. then we'll drink beer and piss in the water. I feel sorry for th sharks that eat you though...indigestion.

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You dont mean something like this do you? How dare you.

Proverbs 22:6​

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

King James Version (KJV)

That means never sending you kid off to college. That was our most difficult time with our children. Seems like they tried to infest their Liberal ideal in our children's mind, body and soul. It was almost like having to deprogram them whenever they came home.
That means never sending you kid off to college. That was our most difficult time with our children. Seems like they tried to infest their Liberal ideal in our children's mind, body and soul. It was almost like having to deprogram them whenever they came home.
Dont 'send them off', let them earn their way, hopefully working for a few years first. I went back at 40 and likely got more value out of it than my younger classmates because I had a realistic world view and real experience in the work place. That led me to piss off many of the professional academics who didnt share my experience.
I'm generally against gov't schools for numerous reasons.

Whatever you do, make sure you are aware of what your kinds are being taught. And let the teachers know you regularly ask about what they are teaching your kids,
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You dont mean something like this do you? How dare you.

Proverbs 22:6​

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

King James Version (KJV)
I have 4 kids, 2 still in college. So far one of them has been brainwashed by the liberal agenda despite the way we raised them. The other 3 have done great, although one is a 1st grade teacher and she has learned really fast that the teachers union is out there.
Even though I'm in the BAy area, our schools are still somewhat based and my kids have had patriotic teachers so far. My I just enrolled older daughter in a small Lutheran school as she is now getting older and more likely to be exposed to Marxist indoctrination. I also emailed the Natomas School district and respectfully let them know what I thought of Soyboy Gipes! I made sure to mention that there isn't much difference between a poster of Mao Zedung and Adolf Hitler - both atrocious people who murdered millions of innocents. doubt i'll hear a response. I encourage everyone to bombard them with emails relentlessly.