These are what I think I’m seeing through mirage…..
Shot 8 I added 1/2 MOA right to see if I could get rid of the left bias. Ended up off target at 1500.
At least it told me I could see impact on the white backer. I have a shot or two down there I can’t resolve either tight to a previous impact or hopefully in the orange.
This 5 I lost the ability to find impacts. Appears still only 3 off the target.
I’ll be pissed going down there to find three or four more on the whiteboard….
Going to try holding a CH high because I’m getting a COVID clot at 1800.
This is what mirage and guessing lead me to think I will see down there….
Really seeing my reticle well which is nice as with this scope that’s not always the case.
Think I have some parallax. I got some reticle movement when ducking. Pretty sure before a Sig Class a few years ago I blew my scope up at the 100 and reset everything so I could see a clear reticle, had a good 100 yard zero with 175 FGMM, and had confidence in the gun.
It did good in that class but an MST-100 is not the scope for a PSR class - you need adjustments not BDC.
Most of the time I shoot this at 100 so I hadn’t noticed issues. If I want to stack shit I have other rifles. This one will crush steel plates with authority though.
Rangemaster just came over to explain the big hullabaloo at the 200 and invite me over to the BBQ they are having. Some 17 year old chick is joining the NG and he thought I would be happy about that. I told him to talk her out of it.
I wish I had the smock when I painted the rifle to better match colors and patterns but it was probably still curtains in some Czech Army barracks than.