Getting Started in ELR


Sep 23, 2021
How does one begin to approach the beyond 1000 activities? I'd love to do more but at a point I don't know where to start.

Found some of the more beginner matches and all require travel, not a huge deal--this is definitly not a 'local' sport, at least to me.

Whats a good "starter" setup. (I read the Precision Rifle Blog about an ELR match where it was everything from 6 Creed up to 300 Norma out to 2000 range or so, ELR seems to not fit in an category except 1000+ I mean I'm thinking before going into the true big bores to start with 7 PRC or 300 PRC--a lot will depend of course on matches whatever.

Are there other forums to check into (for comps)

I have a lot of interest, but very lost.
One of the most important things when it comes to caliber selection is having a heavy enough projectile that you can see your splash to make corrections, while the 7prc would work just fine out to a mile to 2000 yards you will get better splash from a 245 Berger out of a 300 prc. And lots of ways to go about refining it with that idea in mind:

The easy button is 300 PRC, that way if you are like meh you have not sunk a ton of money into it and you have a rifle that you can still shoot a lot and do a ton with. If you go this route I would pick up a MPA with a 30” barre

If you want to purpose build something, but don’t want to go too heavy a 300NM or 300NMI is the next step up from the PRC. They run pretty close velocity wise but the lapua bolt face lets you upgrade to a 33XC pretty easy which pretty much dominates light class. If you choose this route I would build off a Bat HR or Pierce 10x. Alex wheeler released his reamer for the NMI with a 35 deg shoulder and JGS makes reamers, bullet central makes dies. Or you can have Ryan pierce build you his version which is a 33 degree, and like wise, bullet central makes the dies.

And then from there the next step would be the 375CT which you will need a bigger press, and a more money to run but would work for most conventional ELR matches anywhere. A big Bat action would be my choice.

And then from here you can get into the boutique 416s and stuff but this is not entry level by any means and would not be a place to start.

So basically what is your end goal, play around for a bit and see if you like it? I’d go 300 PRC.

Want to commit a bit more money for it and step up into the Lapua bolt face setup to be competitive eventually, 300NMI or 33XC.

Money isn’t a thing for you and you just want to get a setup that will last you a long wile and you are ok with burning up 2 or so barrels just figuring it out, go 375CT

Leeeeroy Jenkins? 416 Barrett
I don't think that 1000 yards denotes ELR any longer. Frankly, 1000 yards is for smaller targets and seeing how small you can go.

There is no definitive "ELR Distance" but I'd say it starts at a mile. For a mile to like 2100 yards, a 7- or 300 PRC is a great cartridge because:

- It is highly capable at that range
- It is less expensive than some of the more popular alternatives (338 LM, 300 Norma), but those two cartridges don't offer much over a 300 PRC at the ranges mentioned above - beyond that, yes.
- Less expensive means less powder per shot, which means more shots per pound. Powder is still tough to come by, so more shots is good.
- Recoil is very manageable.
- So many good bullet choices for 30 cal
- Lapua brass (300)

I might be a little biased, but I think the 300 PRC is the perfect rifle for the ~mile range, as it brings together many good characteristics in one round.
Join the Safety First ELR HQ Facebook page. tons of good info there about matches and such.
As stated, choosing a cartridge really depends on your goals and pocket book. I agree a big 30 Cal is the answer out to 2000 maybe a bit farther. The 338 provides better splash but depending on the terrain that may or may not matter.
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I would start with an "intermediate" ELR cartridge - a 300 PRC or .300NM/NMI.

300 PRC will be the easiest and most budget friendly. There's factory ammo available, and you don't have to step up to the .338LM actions which can get a lot more expensive and less options.

The advantage to a .300NM/NMI, besides little more power, is the ability to put on an XC barrel later on down the road. This will be a little more expensive up front, but may save money down the road if you do decide to get into the larger cartridges.
Lots of good advice here. I really enjoy shooting my 7mm prc out to a mile, and it is very capable, but for light gun comps that reach out to 2k or just over the extra splash of a 308 or 338 bullet is helpful. I settled on 300 Norma for light gun, and 375 cheytac for heavy. Lots of guys moving to the heavier 416s on the cheytac boltface, but 375 is still in the winners circle as often as not.

And 2nd the advice to join the SafetyFirst ELRHQ fb page, you can see a list of comps and check out the equipment lists for ko1m and ko2m.
appreciate the advice

@Rocketmandb I realize that 1000 isn't exactly ELR, but the idea is PRS and things are mostly 1k and in, I was curious what is out there for 1k and beyond especially organized as I don't have personal access to anything beyond 1200.
appreciate the advice

@Rocketmandb I realize that 1000 isn't exactly ELR, but the idea is PRS and things are mostly 1k and in, I was curious what is out there for 1k and beyond especially organized as I don't have personal access to anything beyond 1200.

Check here and see what might be around.

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appreciate the advice

@Rocketmandb I realize that 1000 isn't exactly ELR, but the idea is PRS and things are mostly 1k and in, I was curious what is out there for 1k and beyond especially organized as I don't have personal access to anything beyond 1200.
Where are you located. There is a couple matches in Wyoming that run from about 800-2400 yards. They aren't true ELR style matches but a ton of fun.

Mountain Heart Challenge
Nightforce ELR Steel Challenge
KRG Extreme Steel

If you want a real ELR match join Safety First like I mentioned, tons of matches are posted there
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