So here are a few edits on your photos. Some of this may be from the angle the picture is taken from, but don't worry about a specific spot and focus more on the overall idea.
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The spots in orange show too much shadow/darkness or have too much contrast. You did get somewhat of a grasp of the jute to natural veg ratio and these can be melded together with more natural veg pretty easily. The head/neck/face areas are the hardest as you usually have some kind of hood that will fold onto itself when forward and end up with either a huge clump of stuff there that gives you away, not enough stuff to where the sheen and shape of your face are seen or basically a 'hole' where the darkness, sementry and contrast give you away. Ironically, this is also the area you need to rely on the most and why the majority of us wear some sort of hood or cape instead of a full ghillie. I'd also wear netting over my head that I could extend out over the riflescope or just let hang there.
Your jute material is a bit bright because its new. Soaked this whole thing down with water, toss it in a bucket of dirt from your AO (or where youd be) and let it sit overnight. Then rinse and do it again a few more times. You can also 'brush' the jute with a wire brush to make them less of a line and more of a frayed rope.
Also get gloves, for multiple reasons.
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This goes into the issues with the above picture. Not enough natural veg. You can see where your ghille is basically just not even there in some areas due to you not putting 50lbs of jute on it (good) but now having strong contrasts (bad). Also, while your pants looked fine in other backgrounds, they look entirely too faded for this terrain and contrast heavily. M81 would probably be a better option, for this picture at least.
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More shadows and contrast due to the same reasons mentioned above. Also remember, its highly unlikely (but possible) you'll be shooting in terrain this overgrown normally. Makes for a great observation spot, but lanes of fire and observation of things that aernt your specific target (i.e. patrols, random ass people being around, vehicles, etc) is next to zero. Also, if this is the one giant overgrowth of vegetation in the area, it will also be the first place people look for that hidden sniper. The natural vegetation and not contrasting will let you get into lower/smaller brush type terrain.
Oh, and fuck whatever those thorn bush with thorn bushes growing out of them bushes are.
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Last thing; see where your bands are that hold veg? See how unnaturally straight they are as well as make for an obvious contrast versus the veg? You need to hit the ghille cape with some spray paint, especially the bands to break them up. The other trick is to have longer jute up top that can drape some of them further down; but its much easier to break them up and then do your veg.
With that all said, your main focus beforehand needs to be cardio, rucking with weight and shooting basics proficiency.