Girl fight one in in hospital

The Missouri AG is working to try and have the perp tried as an adult. Dana Loesch interviewed him, as well as Newsmax.

Anyway, I watched the bit of video Newsmax and Dana showed. And it was enough. It sucks that she was too young to be EDC'ing. She could have "Zimmerman'ed" that perp (first thing I though of... exactly what Martin was doing to RZ). Problem being, I'm not sure how many of the others may also be packing and could finish her off, even if she had "neutralized" the main perp. Zimmerman was lucky it was only Martin.

Bet that video is nowhere to be found on the MSM.... :mad:
While I readily admit that I know nothing about the lead up to the altercation, it looks to me like the white girl stepped right on up and commenced to fighting. The black girl got the best of her and went to ground and pound. In a ring type fight, the head to concrete pounding is out of bounds, but on the street? If it were me and I had an opportunity to bang my opponents head off the curb a few times to stop the fight, that’s exactly what I’m doing. Ain’t no Duke of Queensburry rules in a street fight. White girl never should have engaged with somebody that’s six inches taller and 80 lbs heavier.
While I readily admit that I know nothing about the lead up to the altercation, it looks to me like the white girl stepped right on up and commenced to fighting. The black girl got the best of her and went to ground and pound. In a ring type fight, the head to concrete pounding is out of bounds, but on the street? If it were me and I had an opportunity to bang my opponents head off the curb a few times to stop the fight, that’s exactly what I’m doing. Ain’t no Duke of Queensburry rules in a street fight. White girl never should have engaged with somebody that’s six inches taller and 80 lbs heavier.
Where I'm from; similar would be called a "curb stomp", and there's plenty of people either charged or sitting in jail for it.

Yes, it's about walking away. But nothing I've seen yet, showed the girl pose a lethal threat to the larger girl, who also appeared to have a large entourage with her.

If you've ever been kicked in the noodle by someone who wanted more than a win; you'd have a different opinion. Just saying.

And, like you, I'm admittedly under-researched
While I readily admit that I know nothing about the lead up to the altercation, it looks to me like the white girl stepped right on up and commenced to fighting. The black girl got the best of her and went to ground and pound. In a ring type fight, the head to concrete pounding is out of bounds, but on the street? If it were me and I had an opportunity to bang my opponents head off the curb a few times to stop the fight, that’s exactly what I’m doing. Ain’t no Duke of Queensburry rules in a street fight. White girl never should have engaged with somebody that’s six inches taller and 80 lbs heavier.
Can't type my response, too many feds monitoring this site, and i'm pretty sure my words are against the rules.

Meh, that chick deserves a beat down and her family should suffer too. she meant to kill that girl and they should all feel every ounce of pain those consequences bring. when she went down that should have been the end of it. savages sometimes need to be savaged.
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While I readily admit that I know nothing about the lead up to the altercation, it looks to me like the white girl stepped right on up and commenced to fighting. The black girl got the best of her and went to ground and pound. In a ring type fight, the head to concrete pounding is out of bounds, but on the street? If it were me and I had an opportunity to bang my opponents head off the curb a few times to stop the fight, that’s exactly what I’m doing. Ain’t no Duke of Queensburry rules in a street fight. White girl never should have engaged with somebody that’s six inches taller and 80 lbs heavier.
At school is hardly "the steets". Minor children in school. Damned animal should be locked up for the rest of her life. Get real.
At school is hardly "the steets". Minor children in school. Damned animal should be locked up for the rest of her life. Get real.
Don’t step up to somebody that is twice your size. Minor or adult. FAFO. If a minor, can’t be expected to be rational. Is she an animal? Possibly. Spend the rest of her life behind bars? Sorry, they aren’t gonna put a minor in jail for life for this. She will probably wind up there eventually. Get real? Bite me…
Don’t step up to somebody that is twice your size. Minor or adult. FAFO. If a minor, can’t be expected to be rational. Is she an animal? Possibly. Spend the rest of her life behind bars? Sorry, they aren’t gonna put a minor in jail for life for this. She will probably wind up there eventually. Get real? Bite me…
Saying a person who is angry b/c they have no idea who their father is, who is mad b/c their mom raised them in such an environment, but can't express those feelings b/c their mom is the only person who showed them any semblance of caring or affection.
Instead they sublimate those feelings and project them onto others, is no reason they shouldn't be held accountable for their actions.
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Saying a person who is angry b/c they have no idea who their father is, who is mad b/c their mom raised them in such an environment, but can't express those feelings b/c their mom is the only person who showed them any semblance of caring or affection.
Instead they sublimate those feelings and project them onto others, is no reason they shouldn't be held accountable for their actions.
Never said they shouldn’t. Only that they won’t. And everybody still seems to be ignoring the fact that per the video, the poor precious white girl stepped right on up to the confrontation. I hate that she and her family are dealing with severe head trauma, but I’m willing to bet that she was never an honor student angel either.
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Never said they shouldn’t. Only that they won’t. And everybody still seems to be ignoring the fact that per the video, the poor precious white girl stepped right on up to the confrontation. I hate that she and her family are dealing with severe head trauma, but I’m willing to bet that she was never an honor student angel either.
Kim Potter was the Minnesota cop who meant to grab her Taser, but instaed grabbed her gun and shot and killed Duante Wrightt.
She was arrested and charged withinn hours.
Reverse that and say an say an African-American shot an unarmed white female and has never faced chsrges.
Kim Potter was the Minnesota cop who meant to grab her Taser, but instaed grabbed her gun and shot and killed Duante Wrightt.
She was arrested and charged withinn hours.
Reverse that and say a say an African-American shot an unarmed white female and has never faced chsrges.
What does Kim Potter have to do with the price of eggs? All I’m saying is the white girl got herself involved in the wrong fight and now she’s paying the price. The media and several pearl clutches on here are acting like she is some innocent lamb who was brutally attacked, unprovoked, by the black girl. The video tells me a different story. Should the black girl be held accountable? Absolutely. Should the white girl be held up as some poor, virtuous victim of bullying? Nope…
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WTF. Started as a fight. Ended in (likely) murder.

Anyone suggesting she asked for it needs their head examined.

When I was six years old, a teenage nigger that was three times my size attacked me for no reason. I have a scar to prove it.

Yes, I said "nigger." I refer to assholes like that, who happen to be black, as a nigger. That's exercising my right to free speech. If they happen to be black but aren't an asshole, then they aren't a nigger.

Niggers like this will be in for a big surprise if they get the race war that they are wanting.

There are people who aren't skinheads, neo-nazis or KKK that are losing their patience.
Well, to be fair, the media is racist. For example, the guy that killed three people and had a stand-off is black. No one calling for gun control. Now, some pundits are saying we need to address mental illness. If the perp was white, it would be time to take guns away. Because the media is racist.
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Well, to be fair, the media is racist. For example, the guy that killed three people and had a stand-off is black. No one calling for gun control. Now, some pundits are saying we need to address mental illness. If the perp was white, it would be time to take guns away. Because the media is racist.

I think the media will do whatever they think will bring the most ratings and "Ad" dollars. And, fundamentally, that means telling their perception of their "constituents" what they want to hear (or what they think those constituents should hear), thereby triggering more and better ratings and higher Ad dollars.. maybe a little "ideology re-engineering" in there, somewhere. To an extent, perhaps it also reflects the mindset of the Network owners as well (i.e. Murdochs, etc.). I guess it would seem that our society, evolving more towards a Marxist/socialist society, is more of a money maker for them (well, MSM and Fox). If everything is just so "Hunky-Dory" right wing prosperous economy, every one carrying their EDCs (without incident), there would be nothing left for the MSM to report on and get those hefty ratings. If appearing to be "racist" will get them better ratings and more ad $$$, that's how they'll appear.

Consider the case of the late Gov. George Wallace of Alabama. When he first arrived on the Natl. Scene (i.e. School busing in the 50's and then his 1968 presidential campaign), he appeared to be totally racist ("I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny...and I say...segregation now...segregation tomorrow...segregation forever."). What no one seems to remember is the very last line of that speech:

"And my prayer is that the Father who reigns above us will bless all the people of this great sovereign State and nation, both white and black."

So, "separate but equal," perhaps. But as his political career continued and the "ol' south" mellowed considerably, we find Wallace had a much more benevolent attitude towards black people (I dunno, maybe the fact that he was almost assassinated in MD helped a little). In short, Wallace was a "politician," pure and simple. He did what he felt he needed to do and said what he needed to say, to win elections.

Just as our media does to win ratings wars and ad $$$.
What does Kim Potter have to do with the price of eggs? All I’m saying is the white girl got herself involved in the wrong fight and now she’s paying the price. The media and several pearl clutches on here are acting like she is some innocent lamb who was brutally attacked, unprovoked, by the black girl. The video tells me a different story. Should the black girl be held accountable? Absolutely. Should the white girl be held up as some poor, virtuous victim of bullying? Nope…
I don't think that anyone is saying the white girl was innocent, but merely pointing out that the black girl took it a bit too far and should be treated as an adult.
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I don't think that anyone is saying the white girl was innocent, but merely pointing out that the black girl took it a bit too far and should be treated as an adult.

Precisely. I grew up in the PRNJ in the early to mid 70's. In my city, the Public HS I attended for a while also hosted a nearby Township's HS students, as they did not have a high school building of their own. Either that, or the parents in this Township sent their kids to a private Independent HS close by (from where I ended up graduating, eventually).

The population of the public school was, roughly, 60% black, 40% non-black (including white, Hispanic, etc. etc.). The population of the nearby Township was almost 95+% White and of a certain religious based culture... (you can probably guess which one).

Well, you know what happens in the Cafeteria when cultures meet and clash. One of the White Township girls said something to one of the local black girls she probably regrets (I can't say if it was "right" or "wrong" because I don't know what was said). But the result was a fight that expanded geometrically into a 3-4 day race riot. I think the Township parents kept their kids home until things cooled down. And, eventually, they did but, from that point forward, the Township parents decided they would not renew the contract with my city and went to a township a little bit farther down the road but one that had the capacity and was a bit much better "aligned" with their culture and their "demographics." I think, also, the Township parents were concerned that "ethnic relations" were actually getting a bit "too" relaxed and that their kids were starting to "hook up" inter-ethnically. That, and my Public HS was also turning into the "pharmacy" it still is today.

When I transferred to the private HS, I couldn't believe the number of students I recall from the Public HS that had done the same thing.
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