I’m aware there’s another Glock 43x thread but I didn’t want to hi-jack his thread. I’ve searched through multiple threads of 43X holster recommendations as well and the list of mentioned holsters is upwards of 15 different holsters now.
So I know you kind of just gotta test them out and see what works for you, but if I can shorten the list at all, it’ll help tremendously. So, for those that are small framed men/women, what holster has worked well for you that you would recommend? I’m 5’8” about 155lbs so concealing can be difficult for me. The 43x will be the largest pistol I’ve attempted to conceal. Like I said, really interested to hear from those that are smaller framed. Thanks
So I know you kind of just gotta test them out and see what works for you, but if I can shorten the list at all, it’ll help tremendously. So, for those that are small framed men/women, what holster has worked well for you that you would recommend? I’m 5’8” about 155lbs so concealing can be difficult for me. The 43x will be the largest pistol I’ve attempted to conceal. Like I said, really interested to hear from those that are smaller framed. Thanks