Sidearms & Scatterguns Glock 43x MOS vs G19


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Mar 3, 2017
Heavily considering the G43x MOS for AIWB carry. 15 rounds with the aftermarket mags at that size is pretty awesome. Glock should follow the premise of that magazine on future guns! I wonder how many rounds they could fit into the guns that are 2" wide... 😬 I suspect that the G43x will carry much more comfortably than a G19.

I want to put a red dot on it and am considering a weapons light. Doesn't seem like there are a ton of options out there. What are the best ones? Either Surefire or Streamlight and Holosun or Trijicon. If the Surefire light was 500 lumens, I'd probably go with that.

How easy to shoot is the gun compared to a G19? I suspect its snappier and a little harder to shoot at distance, say 25 yards. Anyone have feedback on this? Does it make much of a difference? I suspect that the length difference for shootability is somewhat mitigated by the red dot - the sight radius no longer matters.


EDIT: Wonder how the Sig 365 Macro changes this conversation. Any feedback on them? Any new developments on the 43x aftermarket mag front? There was another brand slated to make 43x mags, but I don't recall who.
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I carry both a G43X MOS with RMSW and G19.5 MOS with RMR.

First, I wouldn’t trust the SA 15rd mags as far as I can throw them. Way too many problems, I tried to give them a chance but they have issues mostly just due to how the spring is right inside the body and hangs on the mag catch as it rises. They are not self defense reliable, I don’t care what anyone says. If 15rd is a must then stick with the G19.

Regarding red dots and lights, fuck China. I run RMR’s on FCD plates with Trijicon suppressor sights on my 19.5’s and the RMSW with Ameriglos on my 43X MOS because they’re the best things for the cuts and not made in China. For lights I run TLR-7A’s full time on the 19’s and carry in a Tenicor Certum Lux holster and sometime but rarely in their OWB light bearing holster. I’ve been running TLR-7’s for over 2 years now and they’re amazing lights. I tried the Surefire XC1-B and had a few and they’re pieces of shit, the first Surefire product I’ve ever owned and disliked.

I’m finally going to start carrying the 43X with a light some. I’ve been patiently awaiting Tenicor to release the same holster for it with the TLR-7 Sub but it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen any time soon so I ordered the Sagax Lux last night with the stupid body contour tumor to give it a try. It looks like it’s smaller on that holster than the G19 version I had briefly so I’m hopeful I’ll be able to stand it. Been carrying the 43X with a Raven vanguard clip which is night and day from my G19 setup in several regards and not a fair comparison. I can hardly tell the G43X is there until it starts flopping around which it does all the time because the Raven sucks ass. You REALLY have to wear a great thick non flexible belt with it and then it still moves around. With the light bearing holster I don’t expect it to be any smaller in the pants than the G19 setup but I’m sure it will still be noticeably lighter, I can let you know in a few days. The G19 in the Tenicor I can clip in my gym shorts and go to the store if that tells you anything.

Shooting them the G19 shoots better, it’s not even a comparison. It shoots SOOOOOO much better and you have a much better grip. With that said, the G43X still shoots great for a thinner lighter gun. Accuracy also isn’t comparable, I can beat the shit out of the 6” gong at 100 yards with the G19. I would say the G19 shoots about twice as accurate as the G43X and it’s just so much easier to shoot accurately.

Personally I wouldn’t really want to be without either, both have their place. When I can comfortably carry the G19 I always do which is most of the time but the G43X is still really nice to have. If I had to pick only one though it would be the G19, but if I had to pick only one pistol period that would be my choice.
I carry both a G43X MOS with RMSW and G19.5 MOS with RMR.

First, I wouldn’t trust the SA 15rd mags as far as I can throw them. Way too many problems, I tried to give them a chance but they have issues mostly just due to how the spring is right inside the body and hangs on the mag catch as it rises. They are not self defense reliable, I don’t care what anyone says. If 15rd is a must then stick with the G19.

Regarding red dots and lights, fuck China. I run RMR’s on FCD plates with Trijicon suppressor sights on my 19.5’s and the RMSW with Ameriglos on my 43X MOS because they’re the best things for the cuts and not made in China. For lights I run TLR-7A’s full time on the 19’s and carry in a Tenicor Certum Lux holster and sometime but rarely in their OWB light bearing holster. I’ve been running TLR-7’s for over 2 years now and they’re amazing lights. I tried the Surefire XC1-B and had a few and they’re pieces of shit, the first Surefire product I’ve ever owned and disliked.

I’m finally going to start carrying the 43X with a light some. I’ve been patiently awaiting Tenicor to release the same holster for it with the TLR-7 Sub but it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen any time soon so I ordered the Sagax Lux last night with the stupid body contour tumor to give it a try. It looks like it’s smaller on that holster than the G19 version I had briefly so I’m hopeful I’ll be able to stand it. Been carrying the 43X with a Raven vanguard clip which is night and day from my G19 setup in several regards and not a fair comparison. I can hardly tell the G43X is there until it starts flopping around which it does all the time because the Raven sucks ass. You REALLY have to wear a great thick non flexible belt with it and then it still moves around. With the light bearing holster I don’t expect it to be any smaller in the pants than the G19 setup but I’m sure it will still be noticeably lighter, I can let you know in a few days. The G19 in the Tenicor I can clip in my gym shorts and go to the store if that tells you anything.

Shooting them the G19 shoots better, it’s not even a comparison. It shoots SOOOOOO much better and you have a much better grip. With that said, the G43X still shoots great for a thinner lighter gun. Accuracy also isn’t comparable, I can beat the shit out of the 6” gong at 100 yards with the G19. I would say the G19 shoots about twice as accurate as the G43X and it’s just so much easier to shoot accurately.

Personally I wouldn’t really want to be without either, both have their place. When I can comfortably carry the G19 I always do which is most of the time but the G43X is still really nice to have. If I had to pick only one though it would be the G19, but if I had to pick only one pistol period that would be my choice.
Thanks for the writeup.

You're the first person I saw that mentioned the SA 15 round mags not being good. Kind of bummed about that. Need to look at them more I guess.
Thanks for the writeup.

You're the first person I saw that mentioned the SA 15 round mags not being good. Kind of bummed about that. Need to look at them more I guess.

I’m not the only one, there’s a ton of people that have issues with them. You’ll get half people that say they’re flawless and half that aren’t. There’s a very long thread on arfcom about them. Also lots of YouTube videos on them. Sage dynamics runs them and claims he hasn’t had any issues with the new ones but you can clearly seeing them having to be yanked out of the gun in his vids which still means they aren’t reliable if they don’t drop free.
I tried the 43X and bought the 48. Very nice and slim compared to the 19, but both are much more "Snappy" as far as recoil, compared to the 19.

I'd consider the 43X something like a Chief's snub-noise, and the 48 like a 9mm PP or 230/232. Both are flatter than the 19 if that matters for concealment.

I have 300 rounds through three Gen 2 Shield Arms magazines and had my first-ever Glock stoppage (a magazine-caused failure-to-feed using Ball ammunition). Fantastic idea, nice weight and balance for 15+1, but not quite sure it's ready for last-ditch use or competition where you are docked points for time (i.e., clearing a stoppage).

I don't think the 43X or 48 are the right choice if you're using it for routine shooting (duty and competition). They're nice concealed carry guns where you want flat and light in 9mm.
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In my mind, the 19 is a must-have. If someone starts with "I need a handgun for...", you can just cut them off, suggest the 19, and save both parties some precious time.

The 43X is a bit more concealable, but it's not really a "deep concealment" piece for NPE or whatever other fantasies one may have. The outline of the grip is close to that of the 19, so it's substantially different to carry than the 42/43. The thinner profile of the 43X is subjectively more comfortable. I also think that 10 rounds is sufficient for 99.99% of defensive encounters.

I run RMRs on my full-size pistols, but currently use the Holosun 407K with an adapter plate from They Who Shall Not Be be Named on my 48 and will do so until Trijicon unfucks the RMRcc footprint.
I still like my G26 with an extra 17 round mag on my belt for CCW. As E. Bryant said, a G19 is never a bad idea. I'll change it up a bit and say a Shadow Systems MR920 is a real solid choice in place of a G19. They make a really, really nice pistol.
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Don't underestimate the G26. For what its worth, my G26 tracks better than any G19 midsize iteration that I have tried. I even have a G45, which is a 19 top end with a 17 length grip. The G26 runs and tracks flatter for me.

I've run both the G26 and G45 in IDPA. I am faster and more accurate inside of 10 yards with the G26. I can go back and forth between my G26 and my full size G34 without having to change the way I run with the gun's timing and sight tracking. The midsize top ends definitely run and track different for me.
I carry both a G43X MOS with RMSW and G19.5 MOS with RMR.

First, I wouldn’t trust the SA 15rd mags as far as I can throw them. Way too many problems, I tried to give them a chance but they have issues mostly just due to how the spring is right inside the body and hangs on the mag catch as it rises. They are not self defense reliable, I don’t care what anyone says. If 15rd is a must then stick with the G19.

Regarding red dots and lights, fuck China. I run RMR’s on FCD plates with Trijicon suppressor sights on my 19.5’s and the RMSW with Ameriglos on my 43X MOS because they’re the best things for the cuts and not made in China. For lights I run TLR-7A’s full time on the 19’s and carry in a Tenicor Certum Lux holster and sometime but rarely in their OWB light bearing holster. I’ve been running TLR-7’s for over 2 years now and they’re amazing lights. I tried the Surefire XC1-B and had a few and they’re pieces of shit, the first Surefire product I’ve ever owned and disliked.

I’m finally going to start carrying the 43X with a light some. I’ve been patiently awaiting Tenicor to release the same holster for it with the TLR-7 Sub but it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen any time soon so I ordered the Sagax Lux last night with the stupid body contour tumor to give it a try. It looks like it’s smaller on that holster than the G19 version I had briefly so I’m hopeful I’ll be able to stand it. Been carrying the 43X with a Raven vanguard clip which is night and day from my G19 setup in several regards and not a fair comparison. I can hardly tell the G43X is there until it starts flopping around which it does all the time because the Raven sucks ass. You REALLY have to wear a great thick non flexible belt with it and then it still moves around. With the light bearing holster I don’t expect it to be any smaller in the pants than the G19 setup but I’m sure it will still be noticeably lighter, I can let you know in a few days. The G19 in the Tenicor I can clip in my gym shorts and go to the store if that tells you anything.

Shooting them the G19 shoots better, it’s not even a comparison. It shoots SOOOOOO much better and you have a much better grip. With that said, the G43X still shoots great for a thinner lighter gun. Accuracy also isn’t comparable, I can beat the shit out of the 6” gong at 100 yards with the G19. I would say the G19 shoots about twice as accurate as the G43X and it’s just so much easier to shoot accurately.

Personally I wouldn’t really want to be without either, both have their place. When I can comfortably carry the G19 I always do which is most of the time but the G43X is still really nice to have. If I had to pick only one though it would be the G19, but if I had to pick only one pistol period that would be my choice.
Just watched the Sage Dynamics mag review. He said 7k+ rounds through them with no issues. I wonder why he would lie and suspect that he would have had issues similar to others.
I prefer my G45 over my G19, the full size grip feels better to me, but some guys like the G19 grip. The G45 is a G17 full size grip/magazine with a G19 slide.

Once you’re used to AIWB it gets pretty comfy, I can do road trips with mine in the waistband.

I’m thinking of picking up a P365 or P365X as a smaller and lighter gun that’s more conducive to running and other athletic things. I have a pair of Gadsden Dynamics gym shorts that you can run a belt through, I throw an inner Velcro belt for a range belt through it and o can run with the G45 but it’s a little hefty.
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I wanted a 49/43x, but went with the tried and true 19 because I wanted 15 round factory mags. I would probably just use the 10 rounders with the 43x.
Most people don't have issues with the 15rd metal mags for a 43x.

Also my 43x doesn't really shoot any different than my 19, it's not that much smaller, but it's enough to be more comfortable to carry.

Anyone who thinks a 43x is real snappy needs to work on their form or stop limp wristing. That's not trying to be a jerk, it's just fact. Watch anyone with good form shoot them.
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i have 17, 19 & 26 among other glocks but the 43x is an awesome carry gun and with the 15 round mags is a game changer. tulster aiwb holster is secure but clips on and off very easy.

find a range that has the 19 & 43x and decide for yourself.
The size and 15 rd mags are a game changer on the 43 mos carries really small and the mags have worked fine for me.
It’s easy to shoot I was always a sig guy before my son introduced me to the 43x
So I discovered that I live about two hours away from the shield arms headquarters. I sent them an email and told them that I don't want the gun if their mags won't work 99.9% of the time in it. Said that if I have trouble with it, I will bring the gun to them to figure it out. I asked them if they are confident we can get it to run and if I should buy the gun. We shall see what they say!
So I discovered that I live about two hours away from the shield arms headquarters. I sent them an email and told them that I don't want the gun if their mags won't work 99.9% of the time in it. Said that if I have trouble with it, I will bring the gun to them to figure it out. I asked them if they are confident we can get it to run and if I should buy the gun. We shall see what they say!
Looks like I got a cookie cutter response email where they are blaming the mag catch for the issues that some people are having.

That doesn't give me a warm fuzzy........
I think I need to get a poster of all the glock models and put it on my wall so I can follow half of this haha.
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I tried the 43X and bought the 48. Very nice and slim compared to the 19, but both are much more "Snappy" as far as recoil, compared to the 19.

I'd consider the 43X something like a Chief's snub-noise, and the 48 like a 9mm PP or 230/232. Both are flatter than the 19 if that matters for concealment.

I have 300 rounds through three Gen 2 Shield Arms magazines and had my first-ever Glock stoppage (a magazine-caused failure-to-feed using Ball ammunition). Fantastic idea, nice weight and balance for 15+1, but not quite sure it's ready for last-ditch use or competition where you are docked points for time (i.e., clearing a stoppage).

I don't think the 43X or 48 are the right choice if you're using it for routine shooting (duty and competition). They're nice concealed carry guns where you want flat and light in 9mm.
My buddy has a G48 and shot a G43X last weekend and thought the 43X was much more snappy than the 48
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I agree Shield mags are not trustworthy. Tried 'em and had problems. Neat idea if they were reliable. Oh, and I don't believe in "degrees of reliability" or "ran reliably for my buddy's girlfriend" or what- have-you. 10 +1 should get it done, especially where the factory mags are slim to carry as reloads.
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That's what I'm seeing on youtube videos.

I had hoped for a more concrete response from them.

Probably leaning towards a PDP, now I'm just worried about how much a tank it will be AIWB.

You can always just get one of the SA mags and run it during practice. Once you get 500+ rounds without issue, start carrying it. Then get another and repeat the process. Mags are individual items, so one can work flawlessly forever and another not so much. You can always carry one SA and one factory.

I run the MagGutz kits on my Sig 365XL mag. Makes the factory 12rd mags 14rds. I ran a few hundred rounds through it clean and started carrying it as my spare mag. Ran a few hundred more without issue and now its my main mag. I'll do the same with the other kit soon. Of course, I also like the kit for the small pinky extension too, which is just perfect for my hands.
The Glock g26 is a fantastic pistol that can still use standard high capacity Glock OEM mags.

Like the g43, the 43x/48 have proprietary mags and are lower capacity while being physically bigger guns- than the Sig p365/XL pistols. If wanting smaller than the g26, the p365 and XL win the category.

IMHO and in the opinions of many other shooters, the 15 round Shield mags, even with the Shield mag release, aren't reliable enough for EDC/Defensive use. Many on the 'net have relegated them to practice/training use only.

It's smarter and safer to carry a g26 with 15 round OEM mags, than a 43x/48 with the less reliable 15 round aftermarket mags.
Any Glock I've run steel through has gobbled it up. Have ran upwards of 400 rounds in one day with a G19, no issues. It was free-so, I shot it. The 365 on the other hand will only make it 20-30 rounds before it chokes.
Any Glock I've run steel through has gobbled it up. Have ran upwards of 400 rounds in one day with a G19, no issues. It was free-so, I shot it. The 365 on the other hand will only make it 20-30 rounds before it chokes.
The first million p365s made sold in under three years, and probably another half million or more since then, but you're certain those approximately 1.5 million pistols will choke on steel case. :ROFLMAO:

The 365 doesn't come with a warning against lead bullets, while the Glock polygonal rifling requires a warning on lead bullets.

Have you run a 43 or 43x with 400 rounds of steelcase in one day? Comparing a g19 to a 365 is just silly.
I got my Tenicor Sagax Lux holster for the 43X MOS and have carried it some, same day as carrying the G19.5 MOS in the Certum Lux. Both pistols have red dots (RMSW on the 43, RM06 on the 19) and both pistols have TLR-7’s.

As I suspected the case would be once a light is added there’s really no difference in the girth in the pants between either and I don’t find either to be bulky in that regard (especially compared to the girth that’s tucked right below it). There is a significant difference in weight that’s very noticeable even with a thick double layer horsehide beltman belt. Both holsters weigh 4oz on the dot but the G19 setup weighs 11.3oz more. The added weight of the G19 isn’t uncomfortable at all, it’s just not quite as comfortable as the 43 and you notice that the gun is there more.

Yes Glocks will shoot steel cases just fine, but why would you? It’s just junk ammo. Shitty accuracy and super dirty stuff. Quality brass cases isn’t much more these days. Unless you’re living in poverty there’s no reason to ever shoot that crap.
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The first million p365s made sold in under three years, and probably another half million or more since then, but you're certain those approximately 1.5 million pistols will choke on steel case. :ROFLMAO:

The 365 doesn't come with a warning against lead bullets, while the Glock polygonal rifling requires a warning on lead bullets.

Have you run a 43 or 43x with 400 rounds of steelcase in one day? Comparing a g19 to a 365 is just silly.
Not from the standpoint of shooting steel case ammo. I've done approx 200 on a 43x, while I had plenty of brass, steel was plentiful during the 2020 time frame and wanted to keep what brass I had
I've CC'd a Staccato C2, G19, and a 43X MOS throughout the last year. All of them wearing their respective models of TLR7's and mrds. The C2 is ridiculous. It's really not a consistent carry gun. You can do it just to get away with it and prove it can be done but it's really uncomfortable. The G19 is a good happy medium. I've been carrying the 43X Mos the most lately. It is significantly more comfortable and concealable. It is definitely more snappy. It shoots like a subcompact while the G19 shoots like a normal pistol. MVs are slower as well. I bought the Gen 2 "nuke" version of the RMR 115gr MPR's and a softer shooting load expands very well using those bullets in the 43X. As far as the shield mags, I haven't had a single issue. I did buy their mag catch but never got around to installing it. Reading this thread is the first time I heard there could be an issue with them. Otherwise just buying them and shooting them, I never would've known. No issues.

I've noticed that the difference in carrying some of these pistols is in the day. Some days, when you're off work and only going out for a short time you want to carry the "cool" pistol. Maybe going out for a movie. Mostly going to be in the dark so bulk isn't an issue. Longer shot potential. Environment filled full of people so shots have to be %1000 better. And then some days you're going to be wearing the pistol for a significant amount of time but you're not going to be around people as much. Like out for a hike with the family, camping, etc. You don't want to be wearing a peashooter. But on the days where it's a bit of a chore reaching for the rig and putting it in your pants, knowing you're going to be out on a hot day around a bunch of people, in and out of the truck and carrying is a duty to your family more than a "I get to" having a more comfortable pistol makes the difference in actually grabbing the gun and carrying vs leaving it at home.
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I got my grubby mitts on a staccato C2 last night. Very nice pistol, but I had hoped for more. The grip is enormous. I love how thin the slide is though. The trigger was great, but when compared to the entry level PDP trigger, I didn't feel the PDP trigger gave up too much. The stock PDP trigger is pretty darn impressive. I bet their upgraded version closes that gap even more.

I wanted to buy the staccato, but can't with that grip size.
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Thanks for the writeup.

You're the first person I saw that mentioned the SA 15 round mags not being good. Kind of bummed about that. Need to look at them more I guess.
They suck. I bought into the hype and got a Gucci 43x and 5 SA mags with 3 extendos.

I've put thousands of rounds through the gun and the mags between practice and matches. The issue for me isn't the body, it's that the springs wear out SUPER fast. I don't know if they can't handle the heat (I'm shooting fast) or if they aren't good at maintaining proper length or what but I've had a ton of issues with the springs wearing out.

Additionally, the extendos with the stronger spring tend to break the mag bodies at the wings that retain the extension.

I've thought about putting the stronger extendo spring into a normal length mag but at that point I'd rather just carry a normal gun that I don't have to fuck with.
I've put thousands of rounds through the gun and the mags between practice and matches. The issue for me isn't the body, it's that the springs wear out SUPER fast. I don't know if they can't handle the heat (I'm shooting fast) or if they aren't good at maintaining proper length or what but I've had a ton of issues with the springs wearing out.

I seriously doubt that it's an issue with heat (any quality spring material should withstand temperatures that would cause problems for the gun's plastic bits), but it's quite possible that there is simply too much strain occuring in the spring wire due to the amount of travel required to pack 15 rounds in a narrow(er) magazine.

It's often wise to remember that:
1) OE engineers aren't dumb and limited the stock magazine to 10 rounds for reasons
2) There's no such thing as a free lunch

I've yet to encounter problems with the S15 magazines, but if/when I do, I'll look at the spring first - thanks for the tip.

Also worth noting:

It's often wise to remember that:
1) OE engineers aren't dumb and limited the stock magazine to 10 rounds for reasons
I don't see how there's any realistic reason Glock engineers couldn't get more rounds in the mag. It's more likely that they didn't want to hassle with making mags for free-er states and different mags for dumb states. They very rarely do anything that gun owners actually want anyways, besides making a reliable pistol.
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I don't see how there's any realistic reason Glock engineers couldn't get more rounds in the mag. It's more likely that they didn't want to hassle with making mags for free-er states and different mags for dumb states. They very rarely do anything that gun owners actually want anyways, besides making a reliable pistol.
I agree that Glock needs to step up the game. How can they compete with companies that have 50% more capacity in the same size gun? For me they can't. I like how the Glock fits my hand more, but not at the expense of 5 extra rounds in the same sized package.

If the 43x had a reliable higher capacity magazine from the factory, I'd buy it and my deliberations would be over. Currently holding out to see how the PSA mags work.
Look at the FN FNX in 45 acp. It holds more rounds than the G21 and the grip is much smaller.

Change the angles of things and get more rounds in there, or optimize the magazine and reduce the size of the 2x4 grip.
Glock OEM mags' internal space is limited by the total thickness of the outer plastic over the inner steel sleeve, and in order to enlarge the inner space for more rounds they'd have to do what Shield did- except make it OEM reliable. (Shield makes a metal only mag body that gives them more internal space (than the Glock OEM steel sleeve wrapped in polymer design) that allows for the 15 rounds.

As a general rule, very few aftermarket pistol mags are as reliable as the OEM mags.
I have a 19 and 43x and used to have a 48, which I sold. The 19 is certainly a nicer gun to shoot; the frame is wider and more comfortable, the additional weight soaks up a little recoil, etc. But I find it cumbersome to carry IWB, and especially AIWB, compared to the 43x, which is perfect. I had my 43x milled for an RMRcc and I really enjoy carrying it in a Gcode phenom stealth.
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I don't see how there's any realistic reason Glock engineers couldn't get more rounds in the mag. It's more likely that they didn't want to hassle with making mags for free-er states and different mags for dumb states. They very rarely do anything that gun owners actually want anyways, besides making a reliable pistol.

Uhhhh… they literally offer 10rd mag versions of every pistol for ban states and then even do special NY and/or MA models for their dumb trigger spring laws. It would be nothing for them to do another mag and different labels if that were possible.

How can they compete with companies that have 50% more capacity in the same size gun?

Reliability. If you’re talking about the P365 I went down that road, hit a hard dead end, and hauled ass back out. Had 6 of them in total at the same time. Fuck that platform. Twice I got dead triggers at the range because the little takedown bar on the right side slipped around the sear and off because the grip module flexed just enough, in 100% stock guns too except for mountain an RDS. Hellcat also sucks balls for it’s own reasons, mostly the trigger. Glock may hold only 10 in the mag but it’s fucking solid.

I actually ordered a 48 MOS the other day because I like my 43X MOS so much. I’ve been thinking that I could probably actually live without my G19’s even.
Uhhhh… they literally offer 10rd mag versions of every pistol for ban states and then even do special NY and/or MA models for their dumb trigger spring laws. It would be nothing for them to do another mag and different labels if that were possible.

Reliability. If you’re talking about the P365 I went down that road, hit a hard dead end, and hauled ass back out. Had 6 of them in total at the same time. Fuck that platform. Twice I got dead triggers at the range because the little takedown bar on the right side slipped around the sear and off because the grip module flexed just enough, in 100% stock guns too except for mountain an RDS. Hellcat also sucks balls for it’s own reasons, mostly the trigger. Glock may hold only 10 in the mag but it’s fucking solid.

I actually ordered a 48 MOS the other day because I like my 43X MOS so much. I’ve been thinking that I could probably actually live without my G19’s even.
Point taken, but wouldn't it be 50% better if it held 50% more? 😬

If they can put a man on the moon, they should be able to jam some more rounds in that puppy.
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Point taken, but wouldn't it be 50% better if it held 50% more? 😬

If they can put a man on the moon, they should be able to jam some more rounds in that puppy.

It doesn’t need to though, 11 rounds on tap is a lot of ammo for a CCW piece. You do realize that the average round count for a gun fight is less than 3 right? I know a lot of people have John Wick fantasies, but you’ve gotta be realistic sometimes.
I have a 43x MOS, I went full potato when I got it. HS 507k X2, TLR7 sub, Full Johnny Glocks combat trigger and upper parts and Parker Mountain Machine barrel and comp. I’d get rid of it if I could, tho I’d never get rid of my G19.

Accuracy wise, it’s on par with my 19, I wrapped the grip in CamoForm tape make it bigger, I used stock Glock mags, since I wasn’t aware of the shield mags needing a special release. The PMM comp makes a noticeable difference and the Johnny Glocks trigger and upper parts upgrade made a big difference In trigger.
I don't see how there's any realistic reason Glock engineers couldn't get more rounds in the mag. It's more likely that they didn't want to hassle with making mags for free-er states and different mags for dumb states. They very rarely do anything that gun owners actually want anyways, besides making a reliable pistol.

I was listening to Wayne Weber (retired president of HK USA) on Q's podcast, and Kevin Brittingham was busting Glock's balls for the polymer-over-steel magazine construction, and Wayne quickly jumped in and said something along the lines of "they [Glock] make better magazines than us [HK]".
It doesn’t need to though, 11 rounds on tap is a lot of ammo for a CCW piece. You do realize that the average round count for a gun fight is less than 3 right? I know a lot of people have John Wick fantasies, but you’ve gotta be realistic sometimes.
Statistics aside, it doesn't make me want to carry a revolver.

The striker fired crowd has poo pooed 1911s for years because of their capacity.
I was listening to Wayne Weber (retired president of HK USA) on Q's podcast, and Kevin Brittingham was busting Glock's balls for the polymer-over-steel magazine construction, and Wayne quickly jumped in and said something along the lines of "they [Glock] make better magazines than us [HK]".

Oh I don't think they make bad mags or anything, I just feel like its odd that they tried their hardest to fit as many rounds reliably in a glock 43x mag and magically landed on 10.

Reliability. If you’re talking about the P365 I went down that road, hit a hard dead end, and hauled ass back out. Had 6 of them in total at the same time. Fuck that platform. Twice I got dead triggers at the range because the little takedown bar on the right side slipped around the sear and off because the grip module flexed just enough, in 100% stock guns too except for mountain an RDS. Hellcat also sucks balls for it’s own reasons, mostly the trigger. Glock may hold only 10 in the mag but it’s fucking solid.
Is this the original 365's that have had issues?
I've heard of no issues with 365XL's. Between myself and a few guys i've shot with at comps and classes, there's close to 10k rds through our XL's with no known issues. There's a few youtube guys who run them and have the same experience as myself through thousands of rounds.
Is this the original 365's that have had issues?
I've heard of no issues with 365XL's. Between myself and a few guys i've shot with at comps and classes, there's close to 10k rds through our XL's with no known issues. There's a few youtube guys who run them and have the same experience as myself through thousands of rounds.

Nope they were all mid 2020 and newer guns. The two that I actually had fail at the range were both XL’s.
Big difference between a massive heavy 1911 and a slimline CCW and what it should/could carry.
I would be my life that they could appropriately engineer the G43x to hold 15 rounds (or close to it), if the desire to do so was there.

I just can't stand products that could be better. Scrape every ounce of potential out of the system. Leave nothing on the table.