Glock 47 with some mods, 50k round review


Rub some dirt on it
Full Member
Mar 24, 2011
Houston Texas
A quick review of a Glock 47 with some modifications. It started out as a stock 47 MOS. To the pistol I added the Radian Ramjet (barrel and compensator). I chose the Trijicon SRO as the optic. I replaced the plastic sites with whatever was on sale on Amazon at the time and I added a Tacticaltrigger pack (new shoe, shorter pull and reset, minus connector). I decided to clean the pistol this weekend because I just hit the 50k round mark and thought I would give a review.

I keep a Rite in the Rain notebook in my range bag. I use little picket fences on the first page to keep track of round fired. I also write down failures and sometimes color metaphors when I have a bad day at the range. In 50k rounds, this pistol had 12 failures and 8 of them are because I did not read and follow directions. (The Radian documentation recommends 124 grain or higher ammunition to ensure function). When the pistol was new, I had some failures to eject with 115 grain range ammo. I had a few light primer strikes at the beginning of February, and I replaced the firing pin spring ($4), and solved the problem.

In terms of performance, I can easily do sub 2 second bill drills with all a zone hits with the Glock. From the holster I can do the same drill, but mag dump 20 round in 4.1 to 4.2 seconds. If I bring something like a Shadow 2 or a 2011, I may pick up a 1/10 of a second or two in both drills.

I used to compete all the time, now not so much. I shot a carry optic qualifier last year with my Glock 34 and hit Master (this pistol has talon grips and the same TacticalTrigger). I took the Glock 47 to another qualifier and shot open with it because I thought it was funny, I placed 4th out of a field of 31 and again hit Master.

The pistol does not show any unusual wear. I shoot whatever crap 124 grain ammo happens to be cheapest on ammoseek or sgammo. I was surprised at the amount of filth that came off the pistol but 50k rounds without a cleaning will do that. Glocks are fantastically reliable firearms; I highly recommend them.


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