Go to axe handle


Only here for the memes
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May 14, 2021
North Idaho
Ok, so of all the different rabbit holes to dive into, this week’s chasm happens to be axe handles. I prefer a double bit for splitting wood and have always had one around that just worked. It swung well two handed and was kind of an arm extension for single handed kindlin’ splitting. Well a kid we have help out from time to time broke the handle and dammit if I can find a good replacement that feels right. The old one was already tossed out when I got around to looking for its replacement, so that easy button of just comparing it to available ones ain’t available. Hardware store store handles feel like complete garbage. Anyone have a favorite axe handle maker?
-an oddity-Just about every handle I see is hickory. Kinda remember the grain of the wood I pulled out of the head looking a bit like mahogany-
I just had to replace the handle on my Collins 3.4#

Surprised myself by finding a 28" hickory handle from Ace Hardware that actually feels like I think a quality handle should.

Of course it took a bit to get a good fit up and to strip the garbage coating off of it, but she'll cut.
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I heat with wood - split chop delimb dozens of cord a year - to burn to sell and to trade .
I was spoiled for years - friend of my mother had a husband that made handles - for axes and hammers and sling blades (some calls it a Kiser blade I calls it a sling blade ) and peaveys ect. When that guy got to old there was this quasi Amish family had a son about 20 - mind of a 10 year old- he was a fantastic black smith and a hell of a dog trained and made the nicest handles - just with draw knives - he’s moved to Illinois so now I’m stuck with garbage handles as well. I also preferred a double bit axe. Have one head I found metal detecting in Northern MI , the sorta Amish kid cleaned it up retempered it and also hammer forged a clone of it . Put different grinds on left edge and right edge . It just fucking works .
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Well, I went with House. Going to give their 30” a try. They offer an octagonal profile, but I stuck with the original. The eye on My axe head was a bit smaller than theirs, so I’ll have to profile it down. Started looking the head over, hoping it was something special- think it was my wife’s grandfathers - turned out to be an older Chinese axe. Was a bit disappointed, but after using a few other axes, I still like it better than most others I’ve swung.
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for the last 29 years on the job I have carried LA City Fire Axe 6lb. Wouldn't trade it for anything.
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