Going from 2 to 3 miles and all the new issues!


Say cheese!
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  • Feb 12, 2017
    Well we're hitting just past 2 miles pretty consistently now, so out to 3 miles we go. I just finished fabricating our new 3 mile (1moa or 53") target and a-frame hanger. The next task was to modify one of our Charlie units to 170 mils. That went pretty smoothly but when we popped it on my rifle to test it out, all you see is the barrel ??‍♂️. I swear, it's one thing after another with this elr stuff! Now I guess we need Delta Taracs to see around our barrels. We should have one on the way as soon as John gets home from the Victrix shoot. Then it's back out to Kansas next week to try it all out.
    Well we're hitting just past 2 miles pretty consistently now, so out to 3 miles we go. I just finished fabricating our new 3 mile (1moa or 53") target and a-frame hanger. The next task was to modify one of our Charlie units to 170 mils. That went pretty smoothly but when we popped it on my rifle to test it out, all you see is the barrel ??‍♂️. I swear, it's one thing after another with this elr stuff! Now I guess we need Delta Taracs to see around our barrels. We should have one on the way as soon as John gets home from the Victrix shoot. Then it's back out to Kansas next week to try it all out.
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    Please expatiate on "pretty consistently" at two miles and the size of the target. I am all ears...…….

    In July, we hit at 2miles in very favorable conditions. 80 degress with 8-15mph winds. Shooting from a makeshift position in the back of a Suburban. That's me in the Cadex shirt firing from the SUV. On the 4th round we made contact. A change of shooters and dramatic changes in the wind due to a setting sun resulted in 4 more impacts. The hit indicator failed to trigger so we have no idea how many rounds it took to do so. 33 rounds fired.

    In September, we were once again able to make contact. 16-21mph variable winds and soft ground made it more difficult to see impact and trace. 8 rounds for me to make contact. MACHTECH was able to do so in 4 once again.

    The conditions deteriorated quickly thereafter and we never fired another round. Seemed pointless when we could no longer see the target.

    With the poor conditions causing a break in shooting we were able to scope out an expansion to further test our capabilites.

    The target size at 2 miles is 36 square inches. 1 MOA or so at 3643 yards. The target built for the planned expansion to 5,280 yards is 53"x53".

    Please let me know if you have any further questions.

    Happy to help.
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    You'll find out in a week. Lol.

    Seriously though, it was harder to estimate what the wind was "going to do" vs. what it "is doing" than holding the wind. When it was that variable, it made for a better time.

    Always a blast to be out there!!! Just wish it wasn't a 20 hour drive
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    Shit, the hardest part is probably trying to figure out how many times the wind changes direction on the way, which way its blowing, and how much its blowing.

    I've yet to try to shoot at 2 miles but I was shooting a 300 PRC at 1.5. (Still not the tool for the job) Wind was crazy different just few seconds apart sometimes. Went from 2.3 mils when the wind was more direct, to 5.6 mils with a quick change of direction.

    Thanks to @MACHTECH I'll have a 375ct to call my own this time out and should be a better tool for the 1.5 miles and further out targets.

    Going to be a blast no matter what kind of wind we have to deal with.
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    Well we're hitting just past 2 miles pretty consistently now, so out to 3 miles we go. I just finished fabricating our new 3 mile (1moa or 53") target and a-frame hanger. The next task was to modify one of our Charlie units to 170 mils. That went pretty smoothly but when we popped it on my rifle to test it out, all you see is the barrel ??‍♂️. I swear, it's one thing after another with this elr stuff! Now I guess we need Delta Taracs to see around our barrels. We should have one on the way as soon as John gets home from the Victrix shoot. Then it's back out to Kansas next week to try it all out.
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    Where are you shooting over 2 miles in Kansas?
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    Well, we successfully got the 2.5 and 3 mile range set up on Friday. It took longer than expected so we didn't really have a lot of time to shoot until yesterday. Jake was able to get multiple hits with his new Cadex Shadow at 2 miles. I got my first impact at 4400 yards on the 16th attempt. We ran out of daylight and didn't get a chance to move back to 5280. That will have to wait until the next trip. Thanks again to John and Jacob at tacomhq for taking care of us setting up our Delta units inline with the Charlie's!



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    Compliments of @MACHTECH, my new 375 Shadow. All I can say this rifle hammers. And without @tnester1 's expert spotting I would have had a heck of a time getting on target. Dang wind! What a great weekend.


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