Going long for the first time - 1000 yds. Any advice?


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Nov 17, 2009
Huntington WV
6.5mm CM, 140 gr 26" bbl, @ 2780 fps

Got my cell phone based Strelok ballistics program

Been out to 500 yds, with 3" groups.

Shooting suppressed.

Leupold Mark4 w/ TMR reticle

Recommends on working out to 1000 yards?

Wind reading becomes very important. It doesn't take much of a breeze to push your bullet off target.

Seeing the miss is very helpful, so having a target with dirt/snow/something around it & behind it will help if you need to make adjustments from shot to shot. Conversely, shooting in tall grass @ 1000 yards is kinda frustrating.
1000 yards is very easy with the creedmoor, i have taken mine out beyond 1400 yards, once you get wind down, it simple, specially if you use a 18x30 target, i hit 40 of 50 at 840 on a 12x18 last saturday with no problems,it takes like 7 mills to get out there,
Wind reading becomes very important. It doesn't take much of a breeze to push your bullet off target.

Seeing the miss is very helpful, so having a target with dirt/snow/something around it & behind it will help if you need to make adjustments from shot to shot. Conversely, shooting in tall grass @ 1000 yards is kinda frustrating.

Ditto on that!
Not sure what power your scope is, but might turn it down some to give a bigger field of view to see your splash or trace. Shot 1100 yesterday with a 6 creedmoor. Had hit with the first 4 shots, then the 5th got blown just off the target. It can get frustrating missing and not knowing where you are missing. The only other thing is once you hit at 1k, you will have a problem with not wanting to shoot 500 and in anymore.
I know it might sound elitist, but after doing a few 1000yd shoots over the past couple of years posts like that make me chuckle. I remember when I first shot 1000 and my nerves were racked. Never busted 500yds and never shot groups at that distance. Then when I finally lined up and fired a couple shots I realized, it's the same lead slinging experience. Just a HELLuva lot harder and more rewarding when you crack the 10 or x-ring!

The main variable that will be introducing wind. If I had control, money, time, etc. I'd put up wind flags at 150-200yd increments. That way you can work on reading wind and enjoy the experience of the 1000yd flag flying straight to you, the 200yd flag flying to the right, and 600yd dead still! I might be a masochist...
Last weekend was 1000y in tall grass with 20mph winds - tail wind at the rifle and 80% full value from the right at the target. Everyone had a hell of a time trying to make a hit with zero trace or splash to judge against.

+1 to the flags at 200y increments!

If you can shoot in very low / no wind your first time, DO IT. Once you hear that steel ringing in the distance, you'll be hooked.
Bring a friend that knows how to spot and watch the mirage in your scope to help read the wind. Flags are good, but once you learn to read the wind by the way the mirage is moving in the scope, you won't have to rely on flags as much. Plus their a Pain to set up every time you shoot. That's how I learned to read the wind better, Laziness. There's no flags when hunting in the field, so learning to read the wind by means of mother nature's flags(grass, leaves, branches, dust clouds) will become easier with time. Once you get a few shot's downrange and actually hit the target a few times, you'll be fine.