Golf Balls

Re: Golf Balls

Ill do it with your rifle
Re: Golf Balls

I built a Coehorn-style mortar that fires golf balls about 400 yds, with 2-3dram scoops of Fg. Police came looking for me when an illegal immigrant was found dead in the next town--coroner said it was a perfect Hole-in-Juan. Well that's half true....
Re: Golf Balls

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: xs hedspace</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I built a Coehorn-style mortar that fires golf balls about 400 yds, with 2-3dram scoops of Fg. Police came looking for me when an illegal immigrant was found dead in the next town--coroner said it was a perfect Hole-in-Juan. Well that's half true.... </div></div>
Re: Golf Balls

I've always wanted to get one of those, a few hundred golf balls, and go hide off a green and fill the area around the hole with so many balls that when the golfers come up they can't find theirs and get pissed.
Re: Golf Balls

Damn greenskeeper at the local course wouldn't let me try it out on the course--might damage the greens. Sorta like a 400 yd 9-iron shot. Tried it out on a pond, lots of pissed off ducks taking off about 400 yds away. Only took 3 shots, left before the police showed up. Asked a retired sheriff's deputy what they could charge me with, he said,"They'll think of SOMETHING"
Re: Golf Balls

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: xs hedspace</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I built a Coehorn-style mortar that fires golf balls about 400 yds, with 2-3dram scoops of Fg. Police came looking for me when an illegal immigrant was found dead in the next town--coroner said it was a perfect Hole-in-Juan. Well that's half true.... </div></div>

That was funny, still laughing after signing in to reply
Re: Golf Balls

Meh... Bowling ball mortar.

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