Good news pure bloods......the Army wants you back.

Hopefully, someone that had just a month or two before retirement takes the offer gets back to active and immediately files for retirement.

They would simultaneously be inprocessing and outprocessing.

Hey, Sgt Swill, I need...

---Sorry man, I can't. I have an appointment with the med group for my retirement.

Oh, okay, when you get back...

--- Won't be back today. I have Inprocessing to do.

Wait, wut? You said you were retiring. How can you be inprocessing and outprocessing at the same time?

--- This might be hard to explain, so follow closely...
I suspect that anyone that does go back is going to have a nice note in their personnel file that ends any chance of promotion they might have. Having strongly held principals is a real liability under current management.
That's OK. They just need some cannon fodder for the impending war.

It's the same reason the Army's newest recruiting ad is all white dudes. No more cross-dressing kangaroos and two moms ads. They need actual warriors for the upcoming war.
That's OK. They just need some cannon fodder for the impending war.

It's the same reason the Army's newest recruiting ad is all white dudes. No more cross-dressing kangaroos and two moms ads. They need actual warriors for the upcoming war.
Something that has broken upon me as I age, is that young men need battles to fight. When I was 20, really IDGAF about where we were going and who we shooting at. When there is a real opportunity to go shoot “them” and blow stuff the fuck up there will be lots of recruits, until the dead and maimed start coming home anyway.
I suspect that anyone that does go back is going to have a nice note in their personnel file that ends any chance of promotion they might have. Having strongly held principals is a real liability under current management.

That's OK. They just need some cannon fodder for the impending war.

It's the same reason the Army's newest recruiting ad is all white dudes. No more cross-dressing kangaroos and two moms ads. They need actual warriors for the upcoming war.

Or it's just part of the NWO plot.
They want to find out who might think for themselves and be freedom minded, lure them back in and then send them out to die as cannon fodder for the glory of the NWO so that they don't have a chance to go back home and do freedom stuff or breed freedom minded kids.

Remember the NWO wants to get rid of white male freedom loving hetro Christians.
They openly state it.

What better way than to propagandize the public and men than "army good killing good" and send them off to go kill each other and take care of eliminating any resistance in the future. Oh and their own families and loved ones get to pay the bills for the "glorious" slaughter fests...
Hopefully, someone that had just a month or two before retirement takes the offer gets back to active and immediately files for retirement.

They would simultaneously be inprocessing and outprocessing.

Hey, Sgt Swill, I need...

---Sorry man, I can't. I have an appointment with the med group for my retirement.

Oh, okay, when you get back...

--- Won't be back today. I have Inprocessing to do.

Wait, wut? You said you were retiring. How can you be inprocessing and outprocessing at the same time?

--- This might be hard to explain, so follow closely...

Could happen just like that. But if I had 19+ and was going in to top off the 20 then I would mentally prepare to face a stoploss.
Where's the restitution and restoration of rank? Just a "lets forget the whole thing"? I hope everyone had enough sense to tell them to pound salt

Most have.
Not just restoration and restitution, but also missed promotion. In a 3+ year period, there's a lot of promotions happening.
That should be factored in.

I'm of the mind to say Fuck off!!
Don't fall for it. They'll come up with another type of jab to give you, then kick you out again for refusing that one, so that they don't have to retire you...again. 🖕
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By now, any soldier who got kicked out for that reason, and who had anything on the ball, already has a start on their future, and possibly education, has kids, and has no reason to go back. I'm thinking there's a good chance of that, because they had the backbone to resist in the first place. Turns out they kicked out their best, and kept their tranny's.
I support an active duty team, my old unit. In the 25 years since they have matured and gone on to other things, I've seen some become SGM's, some 1st SGTS, and some get out and start businesses, and become MBA's or Musicians. Out of all of them, they are mostly staunch conservatives, with only one or two being liberal-minded,(one of whom I was surprised still bought into the thought that the illegals coming in now , are going to work meaningless jobs for pennies on the dollar!).
The sad truth is that the military of the US has been compromised, it's equipment has been given away or sold, and our youngest soldiers STILL have to raise families on welfare. Among tranny's. The woke bullshit is a minefield, designed to entrap, and destroy careers. Who can have any enthusiasm for that sort of work condition?