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Got my second 4473 “Delay” in 5 years...


Nest-stirring pot-poker.
Full Member
  • Jan 17, 2014
    NO AL
    Had my first-ever (and only) 4473 delay about 5 years ago. It got released/proceed less than 24 hours later.

    Within the last couple of weeks, I’ve purchased a few long guns at a local dealer. The 4473’s went through no problem.

    Day before yesterday (been over 48 hours now) they called to let me know my new rifle just arrived so I went in to pick it up. The 4473 was returned “Delayed.” In the interim between my last 4473 and this one I’ve processed 3x Form 4’s and 6x Form 1’s — all currently in process.

    Could those have affected my 4473? It’s been over 48 hours now since my 4473 was submitted and I really want my new 20S for this weekend. I have an somewhat unusual name, shared only by my father in NH (though I’m not technically a Junior). He’s a big gun nut too and buys frequently as well.

    I really need to get my 07 FFL.
    CHL the same as Concealed Carry permit/Concealed Weapon permit?

    How the hell do you get delayed with one of those. Here with permit it is less than 30 sec approval. FFL goes online, verifies permit valid DONE.
    My address didn’t match so some places made me do the form, others didn’t.
    It was more alarming to me that being a law abiding chl holder with no arrests since mil service would have to wait with no explanation given.
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    CHL the same as Concealed Carry permit/Concealed Weapon permit?

    How the hell do you get delayed with one of those. Here with permit it is less than 30 sec approval. FFL goes online, verifies permit valid DONE.
    Only if your state allows it. AL was doing that, then recently quit. Back to getting online approval again.

    I have NEVER gotten a delay, until a couple of weeks ago on a handgun. Salesman said it’s happening a LOT right now, like 1 out of every 10 applications, or some days even 1 in 5. That one took 4 days to clear (over a weekend). Got another one coming up as soon as it arrives. We’ll see.
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    I have had several this year. I think the system is overwhelmed. In addition, a lot of the keyword is done by contract police agencies and they are not letting these staff come to work... they get a fed grant to do transfers/hire folks. But in Corona land, don’t have to honor it. Interesting the depts doing this are in woke places like NJ....

    Want to shut firearms sales down? Pass mandatory checks on all transfers... even private sales. Turn off NICS. Tell gun stores no sales. What happens?

    fortunately, there is enough hardware ready in circulation that it it has no real effect. Except in future of our rights and the rights of new shooters. What could go wrong?

    pretty much the same here. Verify CCW is good, sign once, done.

    The ATF has been going after certain states (particularly those that legalized a particular agricultural product), stating that their concealed pistol licensing process no longer suffices as a background check. They did this to MI in early March, which was great timing :rolleyes: The last gun show that I attended before the lockdown was a complete shitshow because of this.
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    Oh yeah... I forgot to add...

    Abolish the ATF!

    That I need their approval everytime I exercise a Constitutionally-protected right should make every American’s blood boil.
    I sure the F hope you wore your mask now that Grandma says we have to. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂
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    I went into Dunham's here in Iowa today to pick up a Cimarron Pre-War P replica. Did the whole "digital" 4473, and waited for almost an hour before it came back "delayed"! I have a valid Concealed Carry Permit, NO felonies or violent misdemeanors, ever, and I've bought two guns in the last few months without a hitch (paper 4473s)! Think their system is overwhelmed?
    Here in the great gun friendly state of Kansas, they don't have to run a NICS check if you have a CCW.......fill out the 4473 and go..........but, this is up to the FFL..........some of the big box stores will still run the check....
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    I went into Dunham's here in Iowa today to pick up a Cimarron Pre-War P replica. Did the whole "digital" 4473, and waited for almost an hour before it came back "delayed"! I have a valid Concealed Carry Permit, NO felonies or violent misdemeanors, ever, and I've bought two guns in the last few months without a hitch (paper 4473s)! Think their system is overwhelmed?
    Hello bioluminescent person of color.
    Yea they’re definitely having issues with the new digital stuff (shocker). The AFTs website was crashed when I went in to pick up my gun at my FFL a couple weeks ago. Looked like they got hacked or something.
    The new questions on the 4473 I am sure caused the delay for you @TheHorta

    Here in the great gun friendly state of Kansas, they don't have to run a NICS check if you have a CCW.......fill out the 4473 and go..........but, this is up to the FFL..........some of the big box stores will still run the check....
    Yeah, here in Iowa as well... or so it has been for every other purchase! First time buying from Dunham's, first ever digital 4473!
    Ancient thread...
    I bid thee arise !

    Go forth and summon more newbs.
    Yeah, well its still a relevant topic.....and WTF do you care.

    I'm 70, former mil officer (like they still had horses, it was so long ago), zero arrest record, security clearances as both mil and civ, and until COVID have had zero issues with NICS since its inception.

    Starting during COVID, I was constantly delayed...sometimes 10 minutes, sometimes 2 days.....and its still going on.

    So, I went today to get fingerprinted for application to the FBI for a UPIN (VAF...right?).

    They now have an online application system vs just snail mail and will accept scans of the fingerprint card.

    Anybody apply for a UPIN lately? If so, how long did it take and any pitfalls to avoid?
    Yeah, same here in Iowa, and it's a Dunham's Corporate policy. If this particular "Cattleman's" Colt P replica hadn't been a full $200 off retail, and the only one I've seen "In Stock" I would probably have told them to keep it. As it was, after the nice young Store Manager listened to my "2A Iowa Gun Owners" spiel, she politely explained her reality and offered to recheck the status (had done it when she got to work). She looked at the screen and got a sour look on her face, started to say something, then her face lit up, and she said I was just "cleared". Corporate BULLSHIT! Government infringement!
    Yeah, well its still a relevant topic.....and WTF do you care.

    I'm 70, former mil officer (like they still had horses, it was so long ago), zero arrest record, security clearances as both mil and civ, and until COVID have had zero issues with NICS since its inception.

    Starting during COVID, I was constantly delayed...sometimes 10 minutes, sometimes 2 days.....and its still going on.

    So, I went today to get fingerprinted for application to the FBI for a UPIN (VAF...right?).

    They now have an online application system vs just snail mail and will accept scans of the fingerprint card.

    Anybody apply for a UPIN lately? If so, how long did it take and any pitfalls to avoid?
    Wow, after a bit of a struggle with the FBI NICS eVAF website to apply for a UPIN (hey, its government website, my expectations were low and remain so) I finally got my application and uploaded fingerprint card submitted.

    This was last Friday at 6:30 pm.

    The following Monday, at 3:30 pm, I received approval and my UPIN. Shockingly fast response from the FBI.

    Now, since it was so very easy to confirm who I am and that I have zero NICS issues, I do wonder why starting with COVID I got delayed every fucking time. I mentioned this in a call with an ATF Form 4 person who rather angrily denied that people were being put on hold to park them because they were backlogged and/or understaffed.

    So, if it was so easy to validate my eligibility to purchase firearms, why the constant delays? Yeah, WTF knows...its our government at work.
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    @Baron23 ,

    I’ve only been delayed once, which was for a form1 years ago that took way too long. Anytime I inquired about the status, I was told I was in a NICS delay. I immediately applied for my UPIN at that point. I think it was 2019 before the Covid nonsense, and I used mail, so mine took quite a bit longer than yours. My usual LGS accepts my CCW for transfers so it rarely gets used except for NFA items, which I have had pretty speedy approvals on Form1’s. My form4’s take just as long as everyone else.
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    @Baron23 ,

    I’ve only been delayed once, which was for a form1 years ago that took way too long. Anytime I inquired about the status, I was told I was in a NICS delay. I immediately applied for my UPIN at that point. I think it was 2019 before the Covid nonsense, and I used mail, so mine took quite a bit longer than yours. My usual LGS accepts my CCW for transfers so it rarely gets used except for NFA items, which I have had pretty speedy approvals on Form1’s. My form4’s take just as long as everyone else.
    How did you clear your NICS delay on that Form 1?
    For me, on my Form 4 for a suppressor, after a year (a whole fucking year) I lost patience and reached out to my Senator's office. Now, I live in the deep blue state of Maryland (yeah, but I'm old and the thought of moving makes me quail) and I know my Senator doesn't give a flying frak about my getting my damn suppressor. But, he has young constituent service staffers who have POCs at most agencies and its their job to help with this crap.

    So, young staffer reaches out to ATF who comes back and says that I've been on a NICS hold for like 3 full months! And yes, they have zero responsibility or process to inform of this. When called, all I would get is that its "pending". ATF told staffer to tell me to contact the FBI. Yeah, all 35,000 of them with no contact info published anywhere for NICS delay.

    But, there was a contact email for an FBI VAF help desk (yeah, VAF like UPIN VAF) and I reached out to them. Son of a gun, next day I get an email reply telling me that my "transaction" was completed with a "proceed" and sent back to the ATF. I asked when was it "completed and was told "today...when I asked the head of that section". Nobody would say, but I believe my NICS check (and yes, ATF uses NICS for background check on Form 4's) was sitting under a box of donuts on someone's desk.

    So, I very much like the FBI VAF folks as they actually seem to move out and resolve things...at least in my two experiences with them.

    Have you seen your NICS checks actually be "instant" now you have a UPIN? That is, not put on "delay"?

    Do you remember how long it took you to get your UPIN?

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    Here in the great gun friendly state of Kansas, they don't have to run a NICS check if you have a CCW.......fill out the 4473 and go..........but, this is up to the FFL..........some of the big box stores will still run the check....
    Same here in Wyoming. I won't do business with any shop that won't honor the CCW.
    How did you clear your NICS delay on that Form 1?
    For me, on my Form 4 for a suppressor, after a year (a whole fucking year) I lost patience and reached out to my Senator's office. Now, I live in the deep blue state of Maryland (yeah, but I'm old and the thought of moving makes me quail) and I know my Senator doesn't give a flying frak about my getting my damn suppressor. But, he has young constituent service staffers who have POCs at most agencies and its their job to help with this crap.

    So, young staffer reaches out to ATF who comes back and says that I've been on a NICS hold for like 3 full months! And yes, they have zero responsibility or process to inform of this. When called, all I would get is that its "pending". ATF told staffer to tell me to contact the FBI. Yeah, all 35,000 of them with no contact info published anywhere for NICS delay.

    But, there was a contact email for an FBI VAF help desk (yeah, VAF like UPIN VAF) and I reached out to them. Son of a gun, next day I get an email reply telling me that my "transaction" was completed with a "proceed" and sent back to the ATF. I asked when was it "completed and was told "today...when I asked the head of that section". Nobody would say, but I believe my NICS check (and yes, ATF uses NICS for background check on Form 4's) was sitting under a box of donuts on someone's desk.

    So, I very much like the FBI VAF folks as they actually seem to move out and resolve things...at least in my two experiences with them.

    Have you seen your NICS checks actually be "instant" now you have a UPIN? That is, not put on "delay"?

    Do you remember how long it took you to get your UPIN?

    That particular form1 got to about 60 days from submission and I started emailing the ATF through the NFA email address. I got a lady named Patricia Bartles (who has come up in our form4 timeframe thread as a speedy examiner) and she told me it was on NICS delay. I emailed every few weeks to inquire, knowing that most form1’s were coming back in 30 days or less, and she would give me the same answer. At 5 months I said to hell with it and contacted my reps (West Virginia) for some help. I had an approval in about 2 weeks after that.

    I applied for the UPIN during that whole mess and I’m thinking it took probably about 4 months. The UPIN came about two weeks after that same form1. Lol
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