Greenmill 22LR Long-range Marksmanship match, Saturday June 19th, 2021 (Denver area)


Full Member
Oct 29, 2008
Denver CO
Green Mill Long-Range .22 Matches for 2021

Matches will be held on the 3rd Saturday of each month through October 2021:

May 150th, June 19th, July 17th, August 21st, September 18th, October 16th,

8:00am – 8:45am: Registration

8:45am: Safety Briefing, Sight-in

9:00am: Match Start

1:00pm: Match End (estimated)

Location: Green Mill sportsman’s Smallbore range, Erie CO

Registration: In person, 8:00am – 8:45 am at the range, limited to 32 shooters

Entry Fee: $25.00 – at the range (cash only)


The Green Mill Long-Range .22 match is a long-range “quarter-scale” precision rifle competition that uses ¼ scale steel targets placed at ranges from 35 yards out to 230-ish yards. The match consists of seven to nine shooting stages with round counts of 8 to 15+. Each stage is shot under time pressure from supported and unsupported positions (e.g. standing, sitting, kneeling, prone, tripods, barricades, rooftops etc.). This competition is designed to mimic long-distance shooting in field conditions and closely approximates long-range centerfire PRS style competitions.

The ballistics of subsonic .22LR match ammo closely aligns with the ballistics (wind drift and drop) of a .308 (175g SMK) at one quarter the distance. In other words, you can closely simulate and practice long distance centerfire shooting at ¼ the distance using a .22LR and shooting ¼ scale targets. The elevation and wind call needed to “ring steel” at 232 yards with a .22LR on a ¼ scale IPSC target will closely match the elevation and wind call needed to hit a full-size IPSC in the field at 928 yards with a .308. A detailed knowledge of your gun, optical sight, ammo and its associated ballistics are required to make first rounds hits and wind reading is the “Great Equalizer” between competitors. The course of fire is fun and challenging and will help every shooter hone his or her marksmanship skills.

Who may shoot:

This match is open to Green Mill members as well as the public 18 years and older. A youth 12 years old an older may also shoot this match if a parent or legal guardian accompanies them AND shoots with them. Non-members must sign a liability waiver to participate.

Firearm Requirements:

This match is limited to .22 LR rimfire rifles only. Rifles may be semi-auto loading or bolt action and for safety purposes, all eligible firearms MUST be equipped with a detachable box magazine – No exceptions.

Required Equipment:

  • A scoped 22LR rifle with a detachable box magazine (e.g. no lever actions).
  • A sling and/or front bi-pod and at least two magazines, and 150 rounds of ammo
Optional Equipment:
  • Shooting bags, Shooting mat, Binoculars or Spotting scopes
  • Shooting tri-pod (may be used on certain stages), suppressors welcome and encouraged
Directions From Denver:
  • I-25 north to Exit #232 (Erie Parkway)
  • West on Erie Parkway past County Roads 7 & 5
  • Left (south) on Bonanza Drive (past Erie Fire Station on S.W. corner) then left on first dirt road (just past Fire station and Longs Peak Rd) Follow dirt road (Green mill Rd) for ¾ mile to GreenMill range gate.
I have attached Last month's course of fire for those that would like more details. The match does vary slightly each time in terms of targets and target placement so the attached file will give you a good idea of what to expect.


  • COF.2021.05.15.pdf
    104.4 KB · Views: 125