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GreenMill "long-range" .22 match tomorrow (4/20) - Denver Area


Full Member
Oct 29, 2008
Denver CO
I thought I had put out this announcement earlier on this forum and was wondering why so little response. I choked ...

Announcing a "long-range" .22LR match at GreenMill sportsmans club (Denver Area): While many will be smoking pot in the area this is great chance to shoot and hone your long-range shooting skills.

Registration starts at 8:30 ($25.00 entry fee) and match will start at 9:00 and will end at approx 1pm.

Green Mill match Layout and Course of Fire

April 20th, 2019​

Stage 1 – Standing Silhouette (Standing offhand,10 shots / 14 possible points)
  • Time limit: 2 minutes (120 seconds)
  • Gear restrictions: limited to sling
  • Shooting position: Standing offhand only - Shooters with physical disabilities can shoot from a chair no support other than a sling.
Target(s): Hanging silhouettes (chickens, pig, turkeys and rams and life-sized crow) Painted BLACK

Course of fire:

46 yds. - 2 shots chicken (1 pt.)
66 yds. - 2 shots pig (1 pt.)
85 yds. - 2 shots on WEST facing big turkey (1 pt.)
110 yds. – 2 shots on WEST facing big ram (1 pt.)
183 yds. – 2 shots at the life-sized crow (2 pts.)

Stage 2 – “Know Your Limits” (Prone 10 shots / 14 possible points)
  • Time limit: 2 minutes (120 seconds)
  • Gear restrictions: limited to sling
  • Shooting position: Prone - Shooters with physical disabilities can shoot from bench off a bi-pod with a rear bag.
Target(s): RED (1) KYL rack of 8 round spinners (45 yards) 2” circles down to ¼”
  • 2” diamond at 126 yards (2-points)
  • 4” square at 185 yards in the middle of the back berm - (2-points)
  • If the shooter misses any shot, their turn is over and they forfeit all points!!!
  • The shooter shall start shooting targets on the KYL rack at 45 yards from left to right.
  • The shooter is awarded one point per hit.
  • If the shooter hits all eight round swingers on this stage they are then eligible take 2 additional shots: 1 shot at RED 2” diamond at 126 yards and 1 shot at a 4” diamond at 185 yards
  • 1 points per hit on the 45 yard KYL rack
  • 2 points for a hit on the 2” diamond at 126 yards.
  • 4 points for a hit on the 4” diamond at 183yards.
Remember: “A good man always knows his limitations.” – Dirty Harry, Magnum Force

Stage 3 - “Rapid Fire”
(As many shots as you can get off in 60 seconds w/mag change)
  • Time limit: 1 minute (60 seconds)
  • Gear Restrictions: Rifle, sling, bi-pod ...
  • Shooting Position: Standing or supported of a bench/barrel.
Target(s): Green Prairie dog at 73 yards (left of the turkeys) (behind berm B)

  • The shooter may not place more than 2 shots in the first magazine.
  • Shooter can get as many points possible in 60 seconds or less.
  • 1 point per hit.
Stage 4 - “Dog Hunt” Rock chucks and prairie dog - 10 shots. Painted dog colors on mounds ...

Time limit: 2 minutes (120 seconds)

Gear restrictions: Tripod, bi-pod, rear bag and any “props” in the shooting box

Shooting position: any appropriate

  • Shooter can use any position or props to shoot 2 shots at each gopher target.
  • 1 point per hit.
Stage 5 - “Big Game Hunting” (Shot at ¼ scale trophy animals with sling and/or sticks 10 shots / 10 points). Simulate hunting shots on the real animals at 4 times the distance.
  • Time limit: 1 minute (60 seconds)
  • Gear Restrictions: Rifle, sling, and or provided shooting sticks
  • Shooting Position(s): Standing or sitting, with or without a sling or provided shooting sticks. Shooters with physical disabilities: can shoot from a chair with the provided shooting sticks.
Target(s): ¼ scale animals WHITE coyote (H) , antelope (D) , Mule Deer (F) and coyote (185) life size crow

  • The shooter shall shoot 2 shots at each target from any shooting position with or without a sling and the provided shooting sticks (in the following order: Coyote (H) 165 yr
  • 1 point per hit. 2 points for a hit in the vitals of the mule dear (red flag must pop-up)
Stage 6 – “Wind Doping ”: (209 yards, 10 shots / 20 possible points)
  • Time limit: 2 minutes (120 seconds)
  • Shooting position: Prone with bi-pod or off RRS tripod (shooter must provide and set up his/her own).
Target(s): ½ MOA “wind-chime” rack at 219 yards.

  • Shooter shoots 10 shots at the “wind chime” rack at 209 yards.
  • 1 point for any shot that moves any of the white or red strips (3/4 - 1.5 MOA wind doping).
  • 2 points for any shot that spins the red strip all the way around (1/2 MOA wind doping)
Stage 7 – “Cold bore Hostages” (10 shots / 16 possible points)
  • Time limit: 2 minutes (120 seconds)
  • Gear restrictions: Rear bags, slings, bipod, RRS tripods allowed (shooter must provide his/her own RRS tripod)
  • Shooting position: Any appropriate

Rules: This course of fire consists of 4 stages:
  • Stage 1 - Simulated 1,000 yard Cold-bore shot at the ¼ scale IPSC (N) one round - 4 points
  • Stage 2 – Clear the Hostage Rack (D) 100 yards.
  • Shoot one shot at each “bad guy” (black target on the right side of each hostage) from left to right (largest to smallest) at the 110 yard rack (1 point per hit )
  • If the shooter hits any hostage they lose the points gained so far (including cold bore points) and start over on the hostage rack.
  • Once the shooter has successfully hit all bad guys on the hostage rack they move on to stage 3
  • Stage 3 - Flip the red hostage flapper at 180 yards (2 points) to the other side
  • No points lost for hitting the white IPSC hostage
  • Stage 4 - Shoot all remaining rounds at the ¼ scale IPSC at 224 yards (M) (2 points each hit)

Stage 8 – Strong side / weak side “Barricade” (86 yards, 8 shots / 8 possible points)

Time limit: 2 minutes (120 seconds)
  • Time limit: 2 minutes (120 seconds)
  • Gear restrictions: Any bag(s) including shooting bags, Comanche style bags, slings, bipods
  • Shooting position: Whatever is appropriate
Shooting Position: Gun must be rested on each of four barricade positions.

Target: Small IPSC red (85 yards)

  • The shooter shall shoot 2 shots from each of the four shooting positions
  • From positions #1 an #2 (right side) the shooter must shoulder the rifle in his/her right shoulder. From positions #3 and #4 (left side) the shooter must shoulder the rifle in his/her left shoulder.
  • The shooter is awarded one point per hit.
  • SAFETY NOTE: Each shooter MUST open the bolt (bolt action rifles) or engage safety on semi-auto rifles before moving the rifle from position to position.
Damn that looks like fun, but I am going to miss due to prior commitment. I like the idea of sling and standing stages mixed in with bipods/tripods/prone, that shows who has multiple skill sets real quick.

Are you going to run another match(es) this year? I need another monthly 22 game since CRC's "Steel Dogs Challenge" is no longer held.
I'm in. I assume somebody at the match will have the stage rules written down, or can 'splain them to me tomorrow, because as I read through them now my eyes glaze over. (No, I have not been smoking weed).
We will host the GreenMill Long-range tactical 22 match every 3rd Saturday for the rest of the year.

The nice thing about 22 matches is that the logistics are such that we can "splain" the match as part of the safety briefing. Eight stages, about 10 yards between stages.

We have 1/4 scale targets to simulate shooting a .308 at 4x the distance, the drops and the drift is surprisingly close.
Tho it is legal to smoke weed in CO AND 4/20 is THE day to celebrate weed ... this practice is can have unintended consequences when mixed with firearms and live fire so smoking weed is not allowed on the firing-line or amoung match participants ... just though ti would make that clear.

Look forward to seeing all tomorrow between 8 and 8:30am.