Griffin Armament Optimus 9 no blast baffle on a 308?


Full Member
May 13, 2011
Hello all.
For the last few years I have owned a GA Optimus 9.
Overall a decent purchase for my first suppressor.
Where it fails miserably is on return to zero when I switch from the pistol/short configuration to the rifle/long configuration (with 308 GA says It requires an extension, the blast shield, and a blast baffle).
So I have wondered if it would be safe to shoot 308 in the short configuration, without a blast baffle.
With the blast baffle in the long configuration the suppressor is rated all the way to 300WM, and my 308 loads are relatively mild (175gr over 43 gr of Varget, 2544 fps out of a 20" barrel).
I am told it may accelerate wear on the first baffle of the stack.
I am thinking: the blast baffle is a sacrificial baffle, meaning that it will need to be replaced at some time.
If instead of getting wear on the blast baffle I get wear on the actual first baffle of the stack, I still will have to send it in to get it replaced (thanks, ATF).
So, really, what changes?
Question is, will the pressure be too much for the actual suppressor?
Will it blow up on me?
Has anyone done this?