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Hunting & Fishing Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

What is a Nutrias? Tried to search it up on wikipedia but it came up with the definition of a giant rat.

Yeah I want to to some groundhog shooting out in the country where I am but it seems all of our groundhogs tend to live near the roads and buildings.
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TimResin</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What is a Nutrias? Tried to search it up on wikipedia but it came up with the definition of a giant rat.

Yeah I want to to some groundhog shooting out in the country where I am but it seems all of our groundhogs tend to live near the roads and buildings. </div></div>

Nutria basically is a giant rat, swims like an otter though. I'd say they get up to about 15lbs or so maybe a lil more. They eat the marsh vegetation which in return causes the soil to erode from storms and what not. They've got pics of areas fenced off where the nutria can't get to and the marsh grass in that lil patch will be 3-4 feet tall, everywhere else is 8-12 inches tall or less. Our state actually has a program where you can go get a permit to hunt them in a certain area and they will pay ya 5 bucks a piece for the tail. and if ya kill a mom full of babies you get 5 bucks for each of their tails too. And if you got set up to sell the meat too, you could make a nice chunk of change. It's just an effort to help with coastal erosion but you cant kill em fast enough.
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DFOOSKING</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Saw an episode on animal planet about the Nutria on the Florida Keys Islands...

The towns people were kiling the buggers trying their best to keep them from getting to the mainland. Some lady had a couple as pets and when they were banned from export from Africa she let them go cuz she thought she'd get into trouble for having them.

Population exploded, and animal control, biologists, and even local SWAT were used to contain the ever growing numbers.

SWAT snipers with what looked like integrally suppressed 77/22's were cruising around town in the back of trucks spotlighting were doing there best to weed them out. The local prison inmates were sent in to pick up the dead, which were used to feed gators at the local Zoo. The dead were fed to Gators not inmates.

That's a job I would kill for... </div></div>

I saw that show I while back. but that was some kind of huge rats carrying diseases and stuff. those werent nutrias though, nutrias spend alot of time in the water. nutrias are basically otters that eat up the marsh, only they look more like a rat than an otter.
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Trey Warren</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Once again, you have no clue. </div></div>
I have no clue? Here's your earlier post:
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Trey Warren</div><div class="ubbcode-body">ok but why shoot em if you dont eat em? what harm do they cause? <span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">I have no idea about these things</span></span>, only thing I know about em is if it comes out and sees its shadow then 6 weeks more of winter(heck I may have that backwards) </div></div>
Who has no clue? But hell! Don't let that stop you!
More gems from TW.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Trey Warren</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> You sir are a typical moron that shouldn't own a gun </div></div>
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Trey Warren</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: tucker301</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Told ya you'd learn something.
its been hard but im trying

You keep on with your learning. Maybe someday you will learn the difference between vermin and table fare.
Meanwhile don't forget to impose your F'd up "morality" on folks and be sure to call them names if they don't buy into your crap.
BTW, there are plenty of coyote and prairie dog posts here that need your correction.
Get on it man!

BTW, you will not find a more ethical hunter than myself. I have never failed to take an animal with a fatal first shot and have hunted for decades. I have taken follow up shots on tough animals to make sure but have so far not taken a first shot I could not guarantee was anything other than fatal. I know it's coming someday, hopefully later rather than sooner. So far I have passed on marginal shots rather than take a chance and so far it has worked out for me and the my quarry. So suck on that!

To the rest of you, placating and appeasing those who judge us hunters and resort to name calling when they don't have a leg to stand on is something I'm done with. It never got us anywhere anyways.
Your mileage may vary.
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

Dude you are literally a total idiot. You are worse than a woman. And YES you still have no clue because you are talking and commenting on my conversation with someone that you have NO CLUE ABOUT. Those comments of I'm learning are COMPLETELY irrelevant to this whole thread. so yea, YOU HAVE NO CLUE. And just because you are a good shooter doesn't make you an ethical hunter. How bout you quit sticking your nose where it doesn't belong and let us have civil conversation about the topic at hand. Everyone on here has been informative and helpful in all aspects except you. And no one was judging anyone, I threw out a simple question about groundhogs and you feel the need to jump on here and bash me. And if you had read anything on this post instead of trying to find ways to twist my words around, you would have realized that I have no problem shooting varmints. So get a life or learn how to decipher conversation in a logical manner so that you are not quoting and talking about stuff that is irrelevant or stuff that you don't know about even though you think you do
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

last time me and the wife went out to kill some p-dogs we shot about 120 of the mangey little critters in a few hours.after that i decided that a 22lr and 223 shoting 50 v-maxs just wasnt enough put down for the p-dogs so we picked up a savage 308. were hoping that some 168 a-maxes will handle the charging little buggers.may have to try out some bigger rounds if thats not enough for a clean human kill.oh yea i kill thousands a year and have never ate any.did have a fading idea once for making the wife a lovely p-dog fur coat for mothers day.lol
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)


Trying to impose some imagined authority over me again?
I think I can help you understand what is going wrong.
Before you can exercise authority over me you will need to establish it first.
Good luck.
Till then, and I don't think you are getting this, I don't take orders from you.
Keep calling me names like the some internet bad-ass. That's obviously the best you can do.
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jeffersonv</div><div class="ubbcode-body">TW,

Trying to impose some imagined authority over me again?
<span style="color: #CC0000">I think I can help you understand what is going wrong.</span>
Before you can exercise authority over me you will need to establish it first.
Good luck.
Till then, and I don't think you are getting this, I don't take orders from you.
Keep calling me names like the some internet bad-ass. That's obviously the best you can do.


Yea you are like talking to a stump and you don't know how to read a whole thread. For the last time, I am not against shooting ground hogs. If theres a purpose to shooting something(besides "it's fun") then go ahead and shoot it. I don't care. I kill coyotes and bobcats all the time and leave em where they drop. So no Im not some anti hunting liberal like you have some how come to conclude(I have no idea how). Happy hunting and respect the outdoors.

This will be the last response to any of your comments regardless as to what you reply. I have nothing to explain to you. A true outdoorsman is going to agree with my ethics of hunting 9/10 over your attitude of shoot any ol thing just because I can.
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Trey Warren</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Those comments of I'm learning are COMPLETELY irrelevant to this whole thread. </div></div>

No, they were specifically relevant to this thread. I made the comment and what I meant is that if you kept pissing on people you don't understand that you'd eventually be set straight.

Just because you personally don't what the fuck a groundhog is, you condemn others for shooting them without having a recipe for them. THAT was moronic and clueless.

Now that it has come to fruition, you should make an apology, shut the Hell up and move on.

Doesn't seem to be in your nature though, does it?
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

NOPE, and I'm not going to apologize for asking a question and giving my view on things(pardon me but thats what a forum is for, a place to ask questions and state your opinions. If we not gonna have that kind of stuff then we better go back and delete a whole bunch of post and comments). thats all I did, sorry yall decided to jump on that and run with it.

I will however apologize for misusing your statement as well as to jefferson for this. It was everything I could do to not make a political remark back to his political comment to me.(If you remember, me and you had a lil debate over the use of political stuff that very day a few hours earlier. so I wasn't going to do the same thing again. which is why I responded the way I did. But obviously you only turn people in that don't agree with your political views because I notice you didnt say a thing about his comment, when mine wasnt nearly as in depth or drastic but you got mine pulled just hours before and didnt do anything on his) That is why I said he had no clue about that comment. So yes like I said I apologize to jefferson and to you for that, but other than that I dont owe either of you an apology for asking questions and throwing in my .02
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jburt</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Lets get back to some groundhogs. </div></div>

There's an idea!

Two today with the Savage Mark II-FV. First time hunting with the CCI Velocitors. I thnik I like 'em.

35 yard shot shot. First one def hit hard in chest, but Chuck hardly reacted; just kind of squatted down. Puzzling. Didn't wait to see if it would die eventually since my policy is to keep shooting once I hit something until I'm sure it's dead or I don't have a shot. Second shot hit just under his chin and flipped it backwards, after which it slid down its hole. Ended up sliding too deep for me to reach, but this is the evidence at the top of the hole. Any brainy ideas on retrieving deep-falling woodchucks/groundhogs?


3rd shot of the evening made this unlucky guy DRT @ 89 paces/approx 80 yards. This is the entrance hole. Much bleeding; not quite as devastating as it looks. Bullet Did exit and left a nice, ragged, dime-sized hole after passing through the chest of this critter at a respectable distance. I'm happy with the round so far.


Forth shot was a clean miss @ 130 paces. Poor range estimation on my part. Should have run the numbers twice...held for my initial calculation of 105 so it was way low. Fun evening though! Love to see some more dead 'chucks, ya'll.

-The Kid.
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: HathcockWannebe</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jburt</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Lets get back to some groundhogs. </div></div>

Any brainy ideas on retrieving deep-falling woodchucks/groundhogs?


Stoney point shooting sticks = 36" chopsticks
. Never leave home without them, good for electric fence crossings too.
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

I am putting together a ground hog gun for my youngest son,(19 years old). It's a Savage 10 precision carbine with a bushnell 10 power mildot scope. We live in Tennessee but I haven't hunted pigs in years. TW, I understand your question. I used to hunt a lot, but I guess I don't care to kill animals unless I'm gonna eat em anymore. But, ground pigs do tear up a lot of land. I'd shoot one if I got a chance. We don't have as many as we used to. Any Tennessee boys on here that hunt pigs?
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

Yet another unlucky groundhog. 105 paces. Using CCI 40g HP "Velocitor." Went about 10 feet after the shot.

Bullet entered just in front of left "armpit". LOTS of bleeding, as was the case with the other 'chucks I've killed with this round...

Exited just under opposite shoulder.

Headshots are def going to be preferred at over 100 yards with the .22 LR, but this round seems to be up to the challenge of even longer range body shots. This is the longest shot I've made with this round thus far. Seems to expand well and do a lot of damage, yet even this 100 yard shot passed completely through a good-sized 'chuck.

Here's my first attempt at a through-the-scope pic. Hen turkey @ 10x through my hunk-o-junk BSA 4-16x4MD scope.

Thoroughly enjoyable evening. Sorry for the lengthy post.

-The Kid.
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

I try to stay the hell away from the p-dogs I shoot, the fleas on those fuckers carry all kinds of illnesses. I smoked one last weekend at 460yrds and by the time it took to get there the fleas were coming off in droves.
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

Tough hunting so far this year, but here's #8...

...and #9 of the season.

45 and 64 yards with Velocitors.

Shot in the Dark, Thanks for the heads-up; I'm headed West again this summer for some p-dog shooting. Good shooting, btw.

-The Kid.
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

I shot 4 more this weekend recovering 3 of them. I missed a chance at the follow up on the lost one due to the magazine not being fully seated and not chambering the round. He was neck shot right over the den hole making the escape easy. The hits were at 152yds, 185yds, 84yds, and 30yds. The first three shot prone, fourth was shot offhand. They were shot using my newly stocked Marlin 917V in 17HMR with Boyd's Evolution stock, Rifle Basix trigger, Pentax Gameseeker 4x-16x scope and CCI 20gr. gamepoints.


Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

Pretty critter killer and beautiful shooting, Arcory! Love that stock and it's obviously doing the job for you. Nice to see someone else is murdering the buggers. Good luck and be safe, man!

The local farmers love me for killing these guys as early in the season as I have since the young haven't all been born even yet; makes a far greater impact on the local population than just killing a few dumb young ones later in the season.

Now, if the farmers would just cut their fields I'd really be in business!

-The Kid.
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

I've been so hypnotized by the awesome power of the 243 on hogs that I have ignored my 17HMR and my 223 AR. I bought the stock for a walk the fences and barns type rifle. Many shots come offhand and are within 150yds. The little HMR has decent power and a nice flat trajectory for short range work without too much power so that I can safely use it around farm structures and rockpiles. I'm glad I grabbed it on a whim.

The hay here is really tall. I knew it would be so I packed the 17HMR to "jump shoot" them around the hard to hunt spots. I managed to spot 11 that day in a matter of about 4 hours. This farm is usually eat up with them even though I have taken 158 of them out in the last 4 1/2 years. Even the coyotes can't keep them out of the fields, and they're much better predators than I am, LOL.
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

Looks like it worked ok.

Enjoying the bountiful groundhog shooting around my new home here in Central PA.

"jump shot" three about an hour ago. One point-blank and two @ around 30 yards. All off-hand work today. CCI Velocitors from "Gordita"; Savage Mark II-FV.

Season kill #10...

...and #13 (#12 was camera shy and fell back down the hole).

Arcory, most of the males really beat up this time of year? Esp on the one property I've been hunting all of the males have been Really tattered; large patches of fur missing, scars on head and shoulders and a few were even missing an eye. Fighting with each other or what?

Never noticed so many battered looking 'chucks before, but then I've never killed more than a few per year until now.

-The Kid.
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

HathcockWannebe, I use to see that a lot the first year I started hunting this farm. Now they don't look quite as beat up since I keep the population refreshed so often, LOL. Every now and then I get an old one in a place I don't hunt often that is pretty rough looking. Most of the ones I see have some sort of mange that makes them loose patches of hair like yotes do sometimes. I usually pick them up with my shooting sticks to avoid taking it home with me
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Trey Warren</div><div class="ubbcode-body">ok but why shoot em if you dont eat em? what harm do they cause? I have no idea about these things, only thing I know about em is if it comes out and sees its shadow then 6 weeks more of winter(heck I may have that backwards) </div></div>

Out here in washington the tear the hell out of young trees in the orchards
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

Used to hunt them alot till the man died that owned the property. His and His Wifes comments were "Kill All Of Them". We have lost alot of the hogs here in Tenn. but they are coming back in some places. Destroy alot of beans too.
Nice Thread....
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

"NOPE, and I'm not going to apologize for asking a question and giving my view on things(pardon me but thats what a forum is for, a place to ask questions and state your opinions. If we not gonna have that kind of stuff then we better go back and delete a whole bunch of post and comments). thats all I did, sorry yall decided to jump on that and run with it.'

Trey; You didn't know what you were talking about and gave an inane opinion. Your detractors may be equally guilty of name calling, but there is a considerable level of hostility toward those who would impose their morality on others. You may answer this post, but I won't reply, almost no one wants to read such bickering.
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

Farmers around here have just begun the first cutting...revealing lots of nasty holes like this one. My host farmer is just down-right cranky over the situation. Well, fresh-cut fields and no school? This could get kind of messy. :

Off-hand @ 65 yards w/ CCI Velocitor.

This is kill #14 of the season, but I'm beginning to think I don't know much about hunting these things. Any tips? What's your basic methods? I've been just sitting looking over good area then spot and stalk or just walking field edges and shooting the ones that pop up w/in range. Ends up being a lot of off-hand work though. How long do you guys sit in one place? I'm young and rather impatient, I'm afraid; efficiency is everything in my book.

-The Kid.
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

I just popped 6 of them tonight in a fresh cut field. I'm up to 31 on the year! (trying to beat my record of 110 I set last year....looks like I'm off to a good start)
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

I said this might get ugly.
Gordita (Sav M2-FV) had a great time putting Velocitor style smack-down on these youngsters this afternoon.

#'s 15-18 (of the season). 25,32,55, and 29 yards. All off-hand work again today.

#19. Point-blank.

Also missed one @ 75 and made a bad hit on one @ 40. I really do stink @ hunting these things. I must learn patience!

Had the privelege of having my youngest bro (10) along as "spotter" today. He always loves it, so today was an awesome day for a blood bath. Keeps the interest level up.

Posing with the rifle and 4th kill. 2nd and 3rd are on the path in the background.

My newest and favorite spotter doing a hero shot with 4/5 of the day's kills. By this fall he'll be running a range-finder and binocs for me hopefully.

If you ever feel the need for some spice to your trip, just take a kid along. Double the fun!

Keep the carnage coming, men.
-The Kid.
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: HathcockWannebe</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

This is kill #14 of the season, but I'm beginning to think I don't know much about hunting these things. Any tips? What's your basic methods? I've been just sitting looking over good area then spot and stalk or just walking field edges and shooting the ones that pop up w/in range. Ends up being a lot of off-hand work though. How long do you guys sit in one place? I'm young and rather impatient, I'm afraid; efficiency is everything in my book.

-The Kid. </div></div>

I do a combination of run and gun plus spot and stalk. Scouting is key. You have to know the den locations and plan your route using terrain and vantage points to get the best shot opportunities and conceal your movement. I walk a pattern that has taken me several years to come up with and is ever changing with the new den locations. I might walk the route from either direction and will walk it several times in a day. I may leave that pattern and drive to another location and do the same thing only to drive back and start all over again. I take into considration the weapon I'll be using and adjust accordingly. By no means am I a great groundhog hunter, but I have taken 158 (that's hands on, not just hit)off of 1 farm in what is the beginning of my 5th year on the same farm. I might hunt every other Saturday from May until August and only 3-5 hrs at a time then. I glass alot. Good binos help a bunch. I got a set of 16X50 Bushnells with the Crooked Horn outfitter carry strap. They are strong and clear and carry well with the strap. They're not high dollar, but they seem to do me just fine. I put them on when I leave the vehicle and take them off when I head home. I walk a couple of yards at a time then re-glass anything that looks different. Sometimes the different angle shows things you didn't see. When I spot one, I do my best to stalk into a good shooting position when possible. If not possible, do the best you can. The knees of my pants are shot from belly and knee crawling into position. If you miss a shot, especially at a long distance or with a small rifle, wait half an hour or so, many times they'll be curious and come right back out. I spotted 6 more today shooting at 5 and hitting 4 of them. Unfortunately, I only recovered one for a photo. Hits were at 181yds with the 17 HMR, 150yds, 335yds, and 340yds with the 243.


A view of the 340yds shot, goundhog just under grass line in direction of rifle barrel.
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ARCOREY</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: HathcockWannebe</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

This is kill #14 of the season, but I'm beginning to think I don't know much about hunting these things. Any tips? What's your basic methods? I've been just sitting looking over good area then spot and stalk or just walking field edges and shooting the ones that pop up w/in range. Ends up being a lot of off-hand work though. How long do you guys sit in one place? I'm young and rather impatient, I'm afraid; efficiency is everything in my book.

-The Kid. </div></div>

I do a combination of run and gun plus spot and stalk. Scouting is key. You have to know the den locations and plan your route using terrain and vantage points to get the best shot opportunities and conceal your movement. I walk a pattern that has taken me several years to come up with and is ever changing with the new den locations. I might walk the route from either direction and will walk it several times in a day. I may leave that pattern and drive to another location and do the same thing only to drive back and start all over again. I take into considration the weapon I'll be using and adjust accordingly. By no means am I a great groundhog hunter, but I have taken 158 (that's hands on, not just hit)off of 1 farm in what is the beginning of my 5th year on the same farm. I might hunt every other Saturday from May until August and only 3-5 hrs at a time then. I glass alot. Good binos help a bunch. I got a set of 16X50 Bushnells with the Crooked Horn outfitter carry strap. They are strong and clear and carry well with the strap. They're not high dollar, but they seem to do me just fine. I put them on when I leave the vehicle and take them off when I head home. I walk a couple of yards at a time then re-glass anything that looks different. Sometimes the different angle shows things you didn't see. When I spot one, I do my best to stalk into a good shooting position when possible. If not possible, do the best you can. The knees of my pants are shot from belly and knee crawling into position. If you miss a shot, especially at a long distance or with a small rifle, wait half an hour or so, many times they'll be curious and come right back out. I spotted 6 more today shooting at 5 and hitting 4 of them. Unfortunately, I only recovered one for a photo. Hits were at 181yds with the 17 HMR, 150yds, 335yds, and 340yds with the 243.
A view of the 340yds shot, goundhog just under grass line in direction of rifle barrel.

Thanks man! That actually helps quite a bit. Some stuff to incorporate. I'm taking off for work in a few days, but I'm sure I'll have a chance to apply it when I get back. Maybe sneak in one last trip. One thing is clear to me; I need to slow down! More glassing and less moving.

That's some nice shooting! Like the .243 rig. Best of luck.

Hopefully be putting away some serious p-dogs in a few weeks out in South Central NE; not as much fun as G-hogs, but good practice and lots of shooting.

-The Kid.
Re: Groundhog season is here (Graphic)

My Dad taught me the fundlementals of long range shooting on groundhogs when I was a boy, and I think back to those days often. Beside helping out a farmer in need as explained in the other posts, it's a great time to teach a young hunter. Believe me, what I learned in those early years followed me through a successful career in the Corps.