GRT Experts - Building 22ARC File?


Sep 30, 2022
So I just started using GRT and like it a lot. Between the documentation that comes with it and a little before-hand knowledge of using open source type programs, I found it fairly easy to get up and going. I’m just using GRT for general knowledge I.e.: starting charges, approx max charge, general velocity.

My question is, can anybody walk me through building a cartridge in there that is reflective of the 22ARC. Like what cartridge did you start with? What all variables did you change? Is there a spot to just build a cartridge from scratch? Is there already another thread on this I missed?

Thanks for the help in advance
Yes it's not hard. Load 6 ARC into main window on GRT, select the cartridge designer tab (3rd from right top of screen). Use the SAAMI chaber/reamer drawing for 22 ARC and change applicable inputs at the top end of cartridge. Save to user data file. Measure an actual fired case H2o capacity to confirm it matches calculated data & adjust if not.

Once it's saved, when you go to change calibers there will be 2 tabs. 1. Is GRT data base i.e. preloaded calibers. 2 nd will be labeled user data base.

Below is a very similar example to what your after. I made a 22 GT starting with a 6 GT.

Screen shot shows the 2 tabs.


The cartridge designer tab edit screen.


Export of new cartridge drawing.
As 357Max says, the important part is that case volume value. You could short cut some of the design details, but not that one.
The details make the drawings accurate, but that doesn't affect the pressure calculations like the volume does.
I love GRT and have figured out how to get to good loads with it. I have this write up

The best thing about GRT is that it gives you an idea about where your pressure actually is. So it then lets you get the max safe load you can.


@357Max thats exactly the coaching I needed. Thank you! I’m definitely going to be looking at that next time I’m in there, to see what I can do.

@Dstoenner i read your write up and that’s the goal I’m trying to get to. Currently though, my 22ARC is my newest caliber and takes up the majority of my load dev at the moment, so I’ve got to get a useable caliber profile before I can start getting to your level.

Thanks for the help! Hopefully I’ll have some successful results to post in the next couple of days
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