SOLD Grunig Elmiger Grunel 300m Free Rifle Olympic Target 7.5x55 Swiss PRICE REDUCED $1650


Freer of the Oppressed
Full Member
  • Mar 17, 2014
    Llano, TX
    sold $1650 Grunel Grunig $ Elmiger 300m Free Rifle, 7 5 Swiss. Imported from Switzerland, super accurate match rifle. 27" barrel, 1 inch in diameter. Weight 15 pounds. Fully adjustable Anschutz cheek piece and buttplate. The cheekpiece has a piece cut out for bolt clearance. Anschutz handstop, Grunel rail takes Anschutz accessories. Grunug and Elmiger match front and rear sights included. Match trigger currently set at 1 lb 2 ozs. The solid walnut stock has a thin hairline crack across the wrist (see pic). This appears to be a surface crack and does not go through. It appears like no attempt has been made to repair it. I have shown a pic of the crack and the bedding. The bedding is solid with no sign of the crack going through. Because of the hairline crack and bad job of cutting the stock for bolt clearance I am discounting this rifle to half its normal price. FREE SHIPPING
    Grunig Elmiger Grunel 300m Free Rifle Match Olympic Target 7.5x55 Swiss-img-0

    Grunig Elmiger Grunel 300m Free Rifle Match Olympic Target 7.5x55 Swiss-img-1
    Grunig Elmiger Grunel 300m Free Rifle Match Olympic Target 7.5x55 Swiss-img-2
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    Grunig Elmiger Grunel 300m Free Rifle Match Olympic Target 7.5x55 Swiss-img-4

    Grunig Elmiger Grunel 300m Free Rifle Match Olympic Target 7.5x55 Swiss-img-5

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      2. Grunig Elmiger Grunel 300m Free Rifle Match Olympic Target 7.5x55 Swiss-img-10
      3. Grunig Elmiger Grunel 300m Free Rifle Match Olympic Target 7.5x55 Swiss-img-11
      4. Grunig Elmiger Grunel 300m Free Rifle Match Olympic Target 7.5x55 Swiss-img-12
      5. Grunig Elmiger Grunel 300m Free Rifle Match Olympic Target 7.5x55 Swiss-img-13
      6. Grunig Elmiger Grunel 300m Free Rifle Match Olympic Target 7.5x55 Swiss-img-14
      7. Grunig Elmiger Grunel 300m Free Rifle Match Olympic Target 7.5x55 Swiss-img-15
      8. Grunig Elmiger Grunel 300m Free Rifle Match Olympic Target 7.5x55 Swiss-img-16
      9. Grunig Elmiger Grunel 300m Free Rifle Match Olympic Target 7.5x55 Swiss-img-17
      10. Grunig Elmiger Grunel 300m Free Rifle Match Olympic Target 7.5x55 Swiss-img-18

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    With all due respect, there is so much background clutter that this beautiful rifle is lost. Of course all the stickers on the rifle do not help either.
    Can you put a white sheet behind the rifle and take new pics.
    Good luck with the sale