I shudder to imagine what the awe thor it ays would have done had they known what was in my house when I lived across the fence from a middle school playground/athletics field. Probably nothing being as I was still in Idaho then and times were definitely different. However, after that rental house, I was very careful about where I chose.
Then...imagine their horror...I taught school in the Bush of Alaska. I taught most of the high school subjects. One was a class on hunting, trapping and survival. We took field trips every Friday for those that had all of their homework caught up. The school district mandated that a "responsible adult" be armed any time students would be out in the wild. I would be armed with a 454 Casull and a 300 WM. Occasionally, if I thought we might be encountering wolves, I'd take my AR (Colt SP 1). I almost always had a Ruger 22LR pistol.
Once, the state had a program of bringing ukele players and such into the schools. Art in the schools. We'd have a whole school assembly to listen to or watch these dipshits. The high school kids would be cutting up and ruin the event for the younger set (I say that tongue in cheek). My principal had me assigned to a nice big classroom that watched over the school entrance...like the other side of the window was the ramp to the front door. She had asked me to be armed at all times and I was and everyone knew it. She also asked me to start taking the hs kids out if there were one of these "artists" scheduled. One day, such was planned for after lunch. The students went home after eating lunch to gear up with cold weather gear. Meanwhile, principal is giving the "artist" a tour of the school. She stopped to talk to this gal outside my door. There I am, bandolier holster with the Casull, WM on my back, Ruger MK2 on my side, checking students back in and verifying they came back prepared. The artiste notices the firearms and starts freaking out. Principal calmly explains the District policy and that I am uniquely qualified and that she felt ever more safe since I had been hired. I had no clue until later that night when principal called to invite me over for dinner with her husband and that artist. I still had no clue about even the artist going to be there or I may have had other plans. But...I did my best and was polite and informative and I think I may have opened one set of eyes.
I taught some reloading, incorporating math and science into the lessons. Students would bring their (or their fathers or grandfathers) rifles to my housing before school and I'd remove the bolt or otherwise make it unoperable. Then they'd wait for me to go to the classroom where those rifes were stacked up orderly. We would clean and lube and such. We'd learn about use of dial calipers and measuring carefully, using a balance beam..that sort of thing. I even had old guys bringing me firearms that didn't work for me to try to figure out. I saw some real relics and even bought a 30 Carbine AMT Long Slide that needed a new extractor. That thing was fun to shoot in low light!! It was cartoonish the flame that it threw out.
EDITED for some fatfinger shit.