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Gun owner's home raided by NJ Police


Full Member
Aug 30, 2012
If any of you are active in the Facebook gun groups, his name will likely be familiar to you. What are the chances of FPC/GOA taking on a case like this?

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Hard to feel sorry for someone if this was legitimately things he was doing and posting.

“Totowa police said it was acting on an anonoymous email Wednesday that included screen shots of Arena's posts with "questionable content from various Facebook groups ranging from pointing firearms at people while driving and photos of illegal items like silencers.”

If you don’t want people in ya business don’t post the shit on the internet.
Hard to feel sorry for someone if this was legitimately things he was doing and posting.

“Totowa police said it was acting on an anonoymous email Wednesday that included screen shots of Arena's posts with "questionable content from various Facebook groups ranging from pointing firearms at people while driving and photos of illegal items like silencers.”

If you don’t want people in ya business don’t post the shit on the internet.
Yeah there's certainly some more details that need to come out. There's speculation that the photo of him brandishing his handgun in traffic was a photoshop, which he was kind of known for doing (photoshopping funny "unsafe" pictures). He was also known for being a bit of a "who gives a shit, I do what I want" kind of person, so who knows. The anon tip was based on that picture which gave the police the greenlight for investigating his other posts which will likely be taken out of context. He's a funny guy, and if you don't know that then his well photoshopped pictures will likely make him look like a total psychopath.

This article actually really sums up what I'm trying to say: https://www.news2a.com/new-jersey/the-sad-case-of-kyle-arena/
Frankly, I'm amazed it was the "Totowa" Po-Po and not the NJSP, as their biggest Troop (Troop B) is headquartered right in Totowa. I'd pass by it every day going to and from work for a while. Usually, it is the NJSP that like to do those "red flag" raids as a means of confiscating weapons and disarming people. This guy can kiss his inventory "Good Bye!" He'll never see it again. And that's usually how it works when they do an ERPO. They take everything, including ownership docs so you can't prove you own(ed) them when it's time to claim them (assuming you are eventually cleared) after the end of the ERPO.
I'm surprised he didn't flex the cops before allowing entry. I'm sure he had nicer guns than them lol.
I haven't logged in in a few days but recently there was some drama over first-person POV pics where you'd photoshop your hand and gun to make it look like you were aiming at people in traffic or doing something in a grocery store with people in the background.
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I haven't logged in in a few days but recently there was some drama over first-person POV pics where you'd photoshop your hand and gun to make it look like you were aiming at people in traffic or doing something in a grocery store with people in the foreground.
Yeah using Photoroom and well picked images, you could make it pretty convincing. Knowing that Kyle (behind his shitposting) was actually a pretty solid guy that took training seriously, I doubt the picture that started all of this was real. I've been wrong before though so who knows.
He's a 39 year old man-child who was living in his parents basement.

Should have spent less time being a douchebag online and more time looking for a goddamn job so he could live like an adult.

The thing that will probably hurt him the most are the magazines. NJ is an ass-backward 10 round mag limit state, so he'll probably get a separate felony charge for every 30 round magazine they find.

Play stupid games...
If it's the one I'm thinking of it was pretty convincing. I assumed it was shopped because who would be that crazy?
This is what started it. Not sure if it's real or not, but it's certainly convincing. If I recall correctly, he drives an Audi. I'm not sure if that's an Audi dashboard.

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Hard to feel sorry for someone if this was legitimately things he was doing and posting.

“Totowa police said it was acting on an anonoymous email Wednesday that included screen shots of Arena's posts with "questionable content from various Facebook groups ranging from pointing firearms at people while driving and photos of illegal items like silencers.”

If you don’t want people in ya business don’t post the shit on the internet.
That's assuming that the "facts of the case" aren't complete BS to begin with. We don't know what the truth is, and we aren't likely to ever find out either. By the time this case goes to court, it'll be a year or more, and we'll be worrying about something completely different by then, and won't even remember this incident.
That's assuming that the "facts of the case" aren't complete BS to begin with. We don't know what the truth is, and we aren't likely to ever find out either. By the time this case goes to court, it'll be a year or more, and we'll be worrying about something completely different by then, and won't even remember this incident.
Ah yeah...but what I think we do know is while he was voluntarily living in the Commie state of NJ, he had a shit ton of stuff that was illegal and stashed in a crawl space and, unless his account was hacked, he did so while posting idiotic "come fuck me, FBI/ATF" pics (photo-shopped or not)
And all he had to do was buy a bit less guns while putting in some more hours at work instead of wasting endless hours online, and move out of his parent's house across state lines to PA where everything he had was legal. He's 31 and still lives at home while spending a ton of time shitposting on Fuckbook? What a douche.

As much as I believe NJ's and the rest of the commie states that have gun control laws are oppressing their citizenry through unconstitutional measures, you still have to be smart about what you're doing and where you're doing it at. Don't live in commie states, deny them of your taxes and census numbers, live in free states. Unless you're a .gov teat sucking piece of shit, then live in commie states and deplete their resources as much as possible. Please.

He'll roll over on himself in a crying plea bargain to spend as little time in fuck you in the ass prison as possible.
That's assuming that the "facts of the case" aren't complete BS to begin with. We don't know what the truth is, and we aren't likely to ever find out either. By the time this case goes to court, it'll be a year or more, and we'll be worrying about something completely different by then, and won't even remember this incident.
Don’t disagree because the media only posts facts right 🙄 but as far as possession of illegal items it either is or isn’t, there is no grey area there.
That's assuming that the "facts of the case" aren't complete BS to begin with. We don't know what the truth is, and we aren't likely to ever find out either. By the time this case goes to court, it'll be a year or more, and we'll be worrying about something completely different by then, and won't even remember this incident.

Gotta be true. It's in the news.
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Don’t disagree because the media only posts facts right 🙄 but as far as possession of illegal items it either is or isn’t, there is no grey area there.
"Illegal". It's funny how states rights are subjective. The people are fine with having the right to restrict guns in their state but when the scotus kicked abortion back to the states all hell broke loose.
Don't like the laws in the state? Move to a state that you agree with.
I have no reason to cross the NJ state line.