Suppressors Gundocx trust help


Full Member
May 16, 2012
Arlington, Wa.
I just got my bronze edition Gundocx trust (I live in washington). Reading through it I dont see a place to list benificiaries anywhere, it talks about it but has no place to list their names. I know this is something that can be edited at any time depending on who may also be using the NFA item. Any light you can shed on this would be great. I know I could call the gundocx place and still may do that but I think this is an easy one and I am just not seeing it.
Re: Gundocx trust help

I just went through the process of selecting a gun trust. One of the reasons I didn't select this one is that it was so inflexible. The Bronze didn't allow for addition or deletion of beneficiaries.

See the comparison chart here: Gundocx chart Seeing as you already paid the money, you can add the paragraph yourself.
Re: Gundocx trust help

This is what I have from a gundocx lawyer about it:

The bronze trust contains language that defines anyone with whom you are engaged in firearms related activity as a beneficiary of the trust, so that they can use your Class 3 weapons without that use being a transfer. It doesn’t, however, allow you to designate beneficiaries on a long-term or permanent basis with[out] the forms that are included in the silver trust package.

The explanation seems to be in contradiction to the #5 point that Jimichanga referenced in the Gundocx chart - "5. Names lifetime trust beneficiaries for legal “sharing” of firearms" - because the bronze level doesn't give a place to actually name names.

Seems like one would just need to see what the additional paperwork looks like (silver level), then add that to the existing bronze paperwork.
Re: Gundocx trust help

Ya thats what I am thinking also. It also says that I can list lifetime trust beneficiaries on the front page of the trust that I printed out (front 3 pages are just description and personal records). I may send an email to them and ask why I am not seeing such a place to list people. I at least want my dad and wife on this thing in case I go the way of Mr. Noveske or something.
Re: Gundocx trust help

I dont think you can add anyone else to the Bronze Trust, You have to pay for one of the other levels. I noticed it states to reference your revocable living trust for a successor if you become incapacitated. We get what we pay for. for $97.00 it worked for me.
Re: Gundocx trust help

Would this be legal?? I also have the bronze edition of the gundocx trust and have the paperwork sent off right now. It would be nice to have the wife or daughters name on it as bene's...
Re: Gundocx trust help

Ya knowone seems to know what is going on with this so I am going to send an email to the gundocx folks and see if they can shed some light on this in high school learned terms. I have a few weeks before I need to send all this crap into the BATF so I want to have it all in one sock when my can shows up. Ill report back with the reply email.
Re: Gundocx trust help

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Sportin' wood</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Would this be legal?? I also have the bronze edition of the gundocx trust and have the paperwork sent off right now. It would be nice to have the wife or daughters name on it as bene's... </div></div>

Yes it is legal, it is a revocable living trust. You just amend the trust as the situation dictates.