An estimated 225,000 people die each year from some form of medical malpractice, from incorrect dosages to surgical errors, to wrong diagnosis. This is the third most common reason for death in the United States.
A 2002 study by Healthgrades found that an average of 195,000 hospital deaths in America were due to potentially preventable medical errors.
We have ALL heard about the horror stories. Whether it is from a friend, colleague, relative, or a daily news broadcast. A perfectly healthy man checks into a dentist's office for a routine procedure. Halfway in, the man's vital signs collapse and he is pronounced dead by the time an ambulance arrives. Cause of death: Overuse of anesthesia. Or tools left in a patient's body after surgery. Only to be discovered weeks later when patient suffers life threatening bleeding after being discharged. Sometimes, the patient is not so lucky. Or staffers failing to acknowledge blatantly clear records of a patient's pre-existing medical conditions and administer medications anyway that exacerbates the patient's condition, resulting in his / her death in a routine diagnostic procedure.
The stories can go on and on. But the fact is clear: Deaths from preventable medical negligence / carelessness and malpractice is as high as ever. And yet, a lot of these statistics and cases are swept under the rug. And even worse, very few people are being held accountable. This is not due to the quality of medical technology. This is pure human error. Preventable human errors.
And then, we have motherfuckers who have the audacity to claim that GUNS are the number one menace in society.
Put me in a community where EVERY single law abiding person owns semiautomatic rifles, large quantities of ammo, and carry fully loaded handguns as they go about business in town. And I will assure you that I will probably never even worry once about being shot, accidentally or intentionally.
Now, if I were to go to a hospital for a perfectly routine invasive diagnostic or surgical procedure, there is a very REAL possibility that I am leaving the facility in a wooden box. And all due to something that could have been prevented and not have supposed to happen.
USA Today investigators have recently unleashed a harrowing review of the staggering amounts of gross negligence and carelessness in the childbirth and maternity care sector ALONE that has led to the deaths of many mothers and infants. And this is just merely ONE sector of the enormous umbrella of the medical field.
Read more here:
Every year, thousands of women suffer life-altering injuries or die during childbirth because hospitals and medical workers skip safety practices known to head off disaster, a USA TODAY investigation has found.
These are not complicated procedures requiring expensive technology. They are among basic tasks that experts have recommended for years because they can save mothers’ lives.
Yet hospitals, doctors and nurses across the country continue to ignore them, USA TODAY found.
As a result, women are left to bleed until their organs shut down. Their high blood pressure goes untreated until they suffer strokes. They die of preventable blood clots and untreated infections. Survivors can be left paralyzed or unable to have more children.
In Ohio, Ali Lowry bled internally after giving birth in 2013, but medical staff didn’t recognize and act on the warning signs for hours, according to records in a lawsuit...
Oh it gets better, trust me.
If anybody is looking for more ammo to use in engaging in civil debates with gun control supporters who may just not know any better and need a slight push in the right direction to start learning the real facts, use this info. After all, your chances of getting killed by a botched medical procedure is far more higher than getting shot, criminal or non-criminal circumstances.
An estimated 225,000 people die each year from some form of medical malpractice, from incorrect dosages to surgical errors, to wrong diagnosis. This is the third most common reason for death in the United States.
A 2002 study by Healthgrades found that an average of 195,000 hospital deaths in America were due to potentially preventable medical errors.
Medical Malpractice Statistics
Instances of medical malpractice are rampant in the US, including Indiana, Illinois, and New Mexico. Only a fraction of cases are ever bright to light.
We have ALL heard about the horror stories. Whether it is from a friend, colleague, relative, or a daily news broadcast. A perfectly healthy man checks into a dentist's office for a routine procedure. Halfway in, the man's vital signs collapse and he is pronounced dead by the time an ambulance arrives. Cause of death: Overuse of anesthesia. Or tools left in a patient's body after surgery. Only to be discovered weeks later when patient suffers life threatening bleeding after being discharged. Sometimes, the patient is not so lucky. Or staffers failing to acknowledge blatantly clear records of a patient's pre-existing medical conditions and administer medications anyway that exacerbates the patient's condition, resulting in his / her death in a routine diagnostic procedure.
The stories can go on and on. But the fact is clear: Deaths from preventable medical negligence / carelessness and malpractice is as high as ever. And yet, a lot of these statistics and cases are swept under the rug. And even worse, very few people are being held accountable. This is not due to the quality of medical technology. This is pure human error. Preventable human errors.
And then, we have motherfuckers who have the audacity to claim that GUNS are the number one menace in society.
Put me in a community where EVERY single law abiding person owns semiautomatic rifles, large quantities of ammo, and carry fully loaded handguns as they go about business in town. And I will assure you that I will probably never even worry once about being shot, accidentally or intentionally.
Now, if I were to go to a hospital for a perfectly routine invasive diagnostic or surgical procedure, there is a very REAL possibility that I am leaving the facility in a wooden box. And all due to something that could have been prevented and not have supposed to happen.
USA Today investigators have recently unleashed a harrowing review of the staggering amounts of gross negligence and carelessness in the childbirth and maternity care sector ALONE that has led to the deaths of many mothers and infants. And this is just merely ONE sector of the enormous umbrella of the medical field.
Read more here:
Maternal mortality rates rise as hospital safety measures go unused
Women giving birth are needlessly dying or suffering life-altering injuries because U.S. hospitals aren't following known safety measures, a USA TODAY investigation found.

Every year, thousands of women suffer life-altering injuries or die during childbirth because hospitals and medical workers skip safety practices known to head off disaster, a USA TODAY investigation has found.
These are not complicated procedures requiring expensive technology. They are among basic tasks that experts have recommended for years because they can save mothers’ lives.
Yet hospitals, doctors and nurses across the country continue to ignore them, USA TODAY found.
As a result, women are left to bleed until their organs shut down. Their high blood pressure goes untreated until they suffer strokes. They die of preventable blood clots and untreated infections. Survivors can be left paralyzed or unable to have more children.
In Ohio, Ali Lowry bled internally after giving birth in 2013, but medical staff didn’t recognize and act on the warning signs for hours, according to records in a lawsuit...
Oh it gets better, trust me.
If anybody is looking for more ammo to use in engaging in civil debates with gun control supporters who may just not know any better and need a slight push in the right direction to start learning the real facts, use this info. After all, your chances of getting killed by a botched medical procedure is far more higher than getting shot, criminal or non-criminal circumstances.