H-1000 MV/F*


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
  • Jun 16, 2007
    Anacortes WA
    I recently did the second comparison of my H-1000 load in my 300WM from 65*F & 36*F. I wanted to get the temp deviation set up in FFS for ELR shooting. I did a similar test last winter.(77*-28*) I ended up with .2-.3 FPS/F*.(Difference is probably Lot change, &/or crappy chrony) As I'm using a crappy F1 chrony, I'm curious what others have come up with.
    Re: H-1000 MV/F*

    7mm WSM from a 28" barrel. I've used an RCBS chrono and I think my friend's was a Chrony Beta, but I have adjusted mostly by drop variations with temperature at 1600 yards or further to adjust my velocity.

    What caliber are you shooting with H1000?
    Re: H-1000 MV/F*

    I did another test a few yrs ago, & got about what you did, but once I entered that into my FFS program it was way off @ long range. This one tests out much closer to actual dope in the field for me.
    Re: H-1000 MV/F*

    I'm using ColdBore and shooter. Shooting the 180gr Bergers at 2930fps.

    Could be the difference in calibers as well, since the 7mm WSM runs faster than 300 win mag, variations in temperature may result in larger variations in velocity.

    The other factor is isolating out powder temperature as a single variable vs temperature as it effects density altitude.

    The only way I know of doing that is freezing your ammo in ice water and comparing it with ammo from boiling water. Measure the temperatures of the water after letting the ammo sit long enough to get to the same temperature. Then shoot in the same session with similar atmospheric temperature etc.
    Re: H-1000 MV/F*

    Yeah I go for what the whole package changes with temp so I let the rifle, & ammo settle in ambient temp for a while, & then test. My rifle isn't ever going to be a different temp than my ammo. At least not til I've fired a pretty long string already. Its the cold bore shot that counts with me.
    Re: H-1000 MV/F*

    i tested my 300rum with 210vld's and H1000
    @ 60 degree's 2980fps
    @ 30 degree's 2960fps
    so i deviated 1fps per degree. then just this last weekend i went and shot @20 degree's and got 3010fps. i thought wtf? the only difference in weather was about 4 inches of snow on the ground. all my loads were loaded at the same time month's ago, same chrony, same gun range and elevation. absolutely no difference but the snow on the ground.

    i also tested my 308 load with varget and it doesn't change weather or temp's that ive tried. so i know my shit's right.
    Re: H-1000 MV/F*

    What chrony? I have had similar results with my crappy shooting chrony. First I thought it was my brl constricting in the cold causing a tighter bore. But now I'm pretty sure it was the chrony. Perhaps misalignment to the bullets flight, or maybe the chrony reacts to the cold, or change in light. I have been chasing this for several yrs & have seen very little difference in trajectory that can be attributed to a velocity change from temp. I have FFS dialed in to where it was off by 2 clicks @ 1800yd @ 5600'asl from my zero @ 100yd @ 1500'asl. And that wasn't using any temp/velocity change in the program.
    Re: H-1000 MV/F*

    chrony beta... its only a year old and seems to work fine. i use it every time to the range just to keep verifiying whats going on. and i recently puchased a trimble nomad and started using FFS program. damn fine program and i havent quit learning all of it yet. the range i go to has steel to 1209yds and i am gonna get some setup to do the mile shots. this longrange bug is fun anbd expensive.lol
    Re: H-1000 MV/F*

    I think the beta is mechanically the same as mine. I have found it to be very finiky with where the bullet passes over the gates, & how far above the gates. I have seen 100fps change in a string just by sliding an inch to one side. I use it as a guideline only, & do everything I can to verify in the field, & I don't trust anything it tells me till I see it in the field.