Thinking about doing a M24 replica build but while doing research I found some posts showing H-S stocks completely cracking in half when exposed to heat of around 150°F. This is caused by the foam they fill them with expanding and creating pressure on the outer shell cracking them down the middle. Surely since these were military issued they went through all types of testing and were successful? If someone leaves their stock in their car on a hot day it gets rendered completely useless, while our soldiers in the middle east used them year round in a scorching desert. They must be differently made?
I wonder if the military issued stocks were completely filled with resin instead of expanding foam. Makes sense to me and I would much rather have a solid stock anyways. So does anyone who has a rebuild want to do some science and take their stock off and weigh it on a scale? And someone with the retail stock do to the same? If the rebuild stocks are heavier that's a good indication it's filled with resin, then maybe there's a way to do some cutting and get rid off all the foam making a more durable accurate replica.
This really disappointed me, it's not just this potential issue but the fact that H-S does not even warranty it... $600 stock...
I wonder if the military issued stocks were completely filled with resin instead of expanding foam. Makes sense to me and I would much rather have a solid stock anyways. So does anyone who has a rebuild want to do some science and take their stock off and weigh it on a scale? And someone with the retail stock do to the same? If the rebuild stocks are heavier that's a good indication it's filled with resin, then maybe there's a way to do some cutting and get rid off all the foam making a more durable accurate replica.
This really disappointed me, it's not just this potential issue but the fact that H-S does not even warranty it... $600 stock...