H4831 vs IMR 4831


In Hoc Signo Vinces
Full Member
Feb 16, 2017
Ocala, FL
so I'm working up a load with what I have on hand for my 300 win mag. That is H4831, brand new hornady 300wm brass, cci large rifle primers and Sierra 240gr BTHP. My Sierra manual only covers IMR 4831. I'm pretty sure the H4831 burns slower. Does anyone have data on it???
Haven't ran the 240. Have you looked the Hodgon load data below?


I really like h4831SC in my 300wm for up to about a 208 a max. Looking at the data, it looks like you will be hitting pressure with low velocities. I think Retumbo, h1000, RL26, or 7977 might be a better choice for 240s.