Spotters Hacked JIM LR MWIR thermal spotter for ELR


May 25, 2022
Henderson, NV
The JIM LR with factory 2x MWIR afocal magnifier is a pretty capable thermal spotter. But I was curious how it would perform with my Flir Recon MWIR afocal 2.5x magnifier mounted in front of the JIM LR 2x magnifier. It is nothing short of stupendous.

You can sort of see the OD green 2x magnifier between the big FLIR magnifier and the JIM LR spotter.


Here is our 1 mile target. The steel is 3 ft wide.

Screen Shot 2023-09-03 at 8.34.38 PM.png

The image above is simialr to what I can get out of my hacked FLIR SeeSpot III using the same FLIR recon magnifier. But the JIM LR is 320 res vs the SeeSpot III which is only 256 resolution. The JIM LR also has digital zoom. Here is the 1 mile target with digital zoom.

Screen Shot 2023-09-03 at 8.33.48 PM.png

Now here is our ELR 2,200 yard target.
Screen Shot 2023-09-03 at 8.35.29 PM.png

Now with 2x digital zoom.
Screen Shot 2023-09-03 at 8.36.12 PM.png

For those not familiar with MWIR, normal thermal devices are LWIR. This is cooled thermal. It can see bullet wake from heat and the heat off regular projectiles. It can see dirt kick up even at night 2,200 yards away.

Here is a video I captured off the hacked JIM LR.

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Very cool.

Do you have videos of rounds going down range?
not at this distance with this level of magnification.

But here is one I did recently. 700 yards with .22lr on a water bottle at night. Water bottles had a chemlight inside.

Keep watching and my friend uses .308 on the remaining bottle. You can see the thermal bullet wake. This was at 10pm at night.