Had an interesting encounter at Lowes.


"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood"
Full Member
  • Jul 27, 2007
    I was wearing one of my Sniper's Hide sweat shirts, standing in the checkout line at Lowes. As I turned to leave and old guy said, "Hey I like your shirt" I told him I shoot long range and he brightened up and mentioned he was headed up to Raton NM to the NRA Whittington center, had I heard of it? I told him I got certified as a Barrett Armorer there and shot my M82 out to 1000 yrds. He told me he had hit the White Buffalo at 1350 yards and that he was going out to meet up with members of his old team from Viet Nam, headed up by Col. Robert Brown. :cool: We chatted for a moment more then I wished him well and God Bless.

    I'm kicking my ass for not inviting him to go shooting, probably could learn a lot.
    giphy (18).gif
    How big is the White Buffalo?
    My son, who was there for summer camp as a 15 year old, said it was “yuge.” The group got to shoot a barret 50 BMG at it, but only 2 shots each. He was one of 3 that went 2 for 2. The wind was pretty stiff and holding off half a target gave him impacts on the far side. Yea 1/2 a target, and he let the rest of the group play “wind dog” when asked who wanted to shoot first. He had shot a few comps before going to camp…🤣
    you maybe should have invited him to go shooting if your able to . I was pretty shocked to learn 2 of my doctors shoot as well as 3 nurses I have been graced with in the past also shoot while another 4 totally refuse to step foot in my house just be cause they saw a couple of the guns on the wall , I could not be happier they were able to scare that type of leftist trash away .
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