HFB is running wide open. They usually do a drop to their web page on Sat at noon pst. You have about two seconds to pick a blade and buy it. At fifteen seconds, twenty models will be sold out. All of the customs will be gone. You can still pick up a production model at the end of the drop, but if you wait forty-five seconds, they will be gone. Now I’m going to put on my armor and say something. I’m a knife snob. I have several customs from different makers. Randall’s, Doziers, Tim Regrut, Norris, etc. HFB is making hard use production blades, but, they are made from patterns, the blades finished, and the patterned handles bolted on. The fit and finish on the production knives is horrible. For a $3-500 dollar knife, they should be a lot better. Even my wife (also a knife snob) gets pissed when I buy one because they are over priced for what they are. With that being said, you can beat the piss out of these knives, and they just keep taking a licking. The steel is good, the edge is good, but for the price, they should be better. As an example, I have a blade where the plunge line above the choil looks like someone tried to hit it on the grinder about three times before they were happy and ground it in. I see it and I’m like, Damn dude, drink to much coffee this morning or what? Now, you need to go to work on an elk? No one is going to give a shit about a bad plunge line, it’s time to get to work, but if I pay that much for a knife, it needs to be right. Bad dudes need to be taken care of, no one gives a rat‘s ass if the plunge lines are wobbly, but if you are paying premium prices for a premium knife, they should do better. All of this is for the production knives and doesn’t apply to their customs, but they cost double, so they should be finished better. All right, you can start with the hate mail now.