Happy Solstice! Time to break out my goat leggings!


Command Sgt. Major
Full Member

Right now it gets light at 7 and dark about 4... if having a hootenanny in goat chaps will bring the sun back... I'm all for it!

PAGAN Saturday!

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Right now it gets light at 7 and dark about 4...

I thought I was the only one that noticed - yes, I understand the solstices and daylight savings time yada yada yada but right now sunrise is around 730AM, and it's dark by 4/4:30PM - I don't remember that. I distinctly recall in previous years when I had to get the trash out by 7 AM it was already past sunrise, and it didn't start to get dark until 6:30 PM. Its a noticable shift this year.

Is this more Geo engineering crap?