Harrell's powder measure


Stupid can be fixed
Full Member
Apr 3, 2009
Hey guys,

Bit the bullet and picked up a Harrell's precision powder measure. Went back and forth for a while and finally decided to try it. Bought it from Harrell's directly and they pretty much said try it and if I like it, send them a check!!!

I have never dealt with a business like them! I've spoken a handful of times with Lynwood on the phone and all I can say is they are a pleasure to deal with.

On to the measure:

At first I was having trouble getting a consistent throw. Using Varget and H4350 primarily. I read tons of other threads and forums at how most people just were not getting the accuracy out of the measure.

Long story short, after conversing with a few hide members and Lynwood himself, and about 3 days of constantly throwing charges, I can honestly say that this measure will hold +/- 0.1gr of accuracy at least as far as my acculab 123 will tell me. The measure is pretty predictable. How it feels when operating the handle really does tell me all I need to know. I can tell when the charge is usually going to be heavy based on where the cutting of the kernel begins, or if the measure gets rattled from the previous throw. When I mean heavy it's .3gr over my target charge weight. The very next throw will usually (but not always) be light, again by no more than .3gr. The next throw if I remain consistent will be spot on +/- 0.1gr and remain so until I get another funky feeling in the throw handle.

I don't know why it is, but it is.

I still plan on weighing long range stuff but getting that much closer means less trickling time. For AR and short range, this will be a great addition to the bench.

All in all, I'm real happy with my purchase and wanted to share with you guys.

Thanks especially to Victor N TN for the tips, they were extremely helpful.

Re: Harrell's powder measure

I have one and like it as well. It is operator sensitive. Good operator = good result (and I have a GD503...). I no longer weigh individual charges for my ARs.
Re: Harrell's powder measure

I love mine. Years ago I developed the habit of automatically tossing out any charge that had a rough kernel crunch, and the next charge, too. Having a nice consistent charging motion is always key.

And I love being able to repeat charges from earlier sessions just by dialing it in. It took me forever to get where I wanted with the old RBCS Uniflow.
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Re: Harrell's powder measure

I've on the verge with getting one of these but i'm just so stuck on my trusty (and slow) lock-n-load and charge master.

do these things really throw charge after charge to within .1 grains? i'm assuming it's fast and can really speed up loading rounds, especially when you are throwing 100 charges. does it favor certain types of powders?
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Re: Harrell's powder measure

I don't know if I would call it fast. At least for me, I found that going slow on the down stroke to dump the powder results in the most consistent charge. I've only thrown varget and H4350 so far and it's held +/-.1gr if I'm consitent on the handle. If I get a really hard crunch that rattles the whole measure or I'm too fast on the handle the charge will vary. I haven't seen more than .3gr of deviation during one of those "funky" throws.

From what I've heard, ball powders throw pretty much dead on. I have yet to try it.

I don't know how long it takes for a charge master to drop a load, but I figure it takes me around 5-6 seconds or so to drop an accurate charge. That's me guessing, not timing. Maybe some others will chime in on the speed.
Re: Harrell's powder measure

I had a Harrells and found it to be +-.4 grains with long extruded powders that most of us use. Most of the time, it is +-.1 grains and every so often you get a throw that is way off....+-.4 grains. Honestly, all the powder measures are about the same in accuracy. The benchrest shooters prefer harrels because of the click mechanism, not necessarily for its accuracy. Remember, these guys are shooting at 100/200 where variance in powder weight is not as important...although many of them are starting to weigh their charges...as best as they can do in the field. Long story short, I sold my Harrels and replaced it with a Lee and I actually prefer several of the Lee features better....plus it's only $20. I'm not a hater....just don't see the value unless you really like/need the clicker adjustment. Benchrest shooters need the clicker to return to previous setting when they change charges in field settings. For those of us loading at home, not much value IMHO. As mentioned, not a hater, I have a Harrell's turret press and LOVE it.
Re: Harrell's powder measure

I said above I love my Harrell. But I will admit it was not the dream machine I envisioned when I ordered it. Long powder kernels give it problems just like the Uniflow I had been using, just maybe not as often.
Re: Harrell's powder measure

For long range work, I still plan on throwing low and trickling to weight. The harrell's will just cut down on how oftenI have to trickle and how much powder to add or subtract.