Re: Harris Bipod and Recoil
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Sterling Shooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Sterling Shooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">All,
<span style="font-weight: bold">The bipod, any flavor, is an awesome rest, but a much less than idea support since it requires some muscular tension in the position in order to maintain consistent control of the rifle until recoil has subsided.</span> This is a problem as muscular tension defeats consisteny. Artifical supports such as the sling allow the shooter to relax fully into the position to get more consistent control over the rifle than possible with the bipod.</div></div>
This is not true, it does not require muscular tension, it requires your center of gravity to forward... muscular tensions is not an element of shooting with a bipod, unless you are doing so from a less than desirable alternate position, then you increase your support as necessary.
Loading a bipod is not about using your muscles it's about being a slab of meat straight behind the rifle, with your core weight being moved forward without any tension on it.
This a fallacy of bipod shooting... that muscling it works.
For something like the Atlas, or Versa, or Parker Hale, all that is required is to take the slack out of the bipod to allow the recoil on that slack, which is very, very little movement and requires no tension. The amount of muscular support necessary to hold the rifle into the shoulder pocket is more than is required to load a bipod properly.
Don't let the sling crowd fool you, they haven't explored how to shoot off a bipod since they started being more popular, and those in the F Class game use more Free recoil, what is being used now in the Tactical world is not your grand-dad's bipod shooting. We're grown a bit since 1992 on how you employ the system. </div></div>
You may not identify it as muscular tension, but when muscular relaxation is absent, that's exactly what it is.</div></div>
I know how relaxed I am -- you can see it in the movement of the rifle which goes straight back... I think do this every day and would know if I was using muscular tension.
I shot this this week, you can see the rifle recoil and move and I am not using any tension
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I think we just do things differently because we are talking about two different disciplines.
Watch the recoil, if I was tense it would show, as well I shoot a lot of rounds of larger calibers and never bruise, tension would appear in bruising with a high volume of rounds down range.