I've had Randy do two 10/22's for me.
One was a 1960's production stocker I just sent the trigger, bolt, and receiver so he could do his usual tuneup (trigger job, bolt truing & jeweling.) It ended up getting a Green Mountain barrel and Tech Sights and is my iron sights plinker.
The second rifle is a Force Productions billet receiver (same as Kidd) with a Volquartsen barrel. I had Randy do a trigger job, all the bolt work, and thread the receiver & barrel as I was going for all-out accuracy and consistency with that build and didn't want the V-block.
His prices were fair, turnaround times good, and the quality of work is very good.
His trigger jobs on the stock Ruger triggers aren't quite as good as a complete KIDD drop in but they're very crisp and about 2#.