So, I like to be able to prep brass when I want. Not put in tumbler. Then either dryer or media separater, etc etc. Whichever your preferred cleaning method.
We clean to be able to run brass in dies and chambers without problems. Anything more to get shiny is aesthetics.
So, here is my brass prep routine I’ve developed that is getting me single digit SD/ES.
***note*** I mostly neck turn for uniformity as I have a 21st century lathe that I can do 10 rnds in less than 2 min. When I don’t turn, I still see sub 20 ES. Single digit SD turning or not turning. But my ES drops way down turning****
Fired brass:
Anneal (amp annealer seems to burn off any major junk). And I use this time to make sure no sand/dirt in case.
Wipe down cases with micro fiber cloth.
Quick neck burnish with 0000 steel wool. (By hand, just a turn to knock carbon off)
Size/deprime with imperial wax and SAC custom die
Dip cases in acetone and wipe off (removes wax)
Brush inside of necks (.22 brush with 0000 steel wool wrapped) this knocks down the shit inside necks from annealing
Run mandrel to desired beck tension
Trim/Chamfer/deburr with giraud
Run .22mop sprayed with one shot into necks (can use moly. This is just cleaner and I can’t find a difference in performance). This knocks down any friction inside the necks so they all seat at the same psi in my hydro press with the exact same neck tension inside diameter. If something doesn’t seat the same or close, I can sort it out if needed.
This allows me to do 200 or more rounds all in one sitting, while watching Wither reruns on Netflix for the 80th time.
No waiting on brass to clean and such. Just get to it.
We clean to be able to run brass in dies and chambers without problems. Anything more to get shiny is aesthetics.
So, here is my brass prep routine I’ve developed that is getting me single digit SD/ES.
***note*** I mostly neck turn for uniformity as I have a 21st century lathe that I can do 10 rnds in less than 2 min. When I don’t turn, I still see sub 20 ES. Single digit SD turning or not turning. But my ES drops way down turning****
Fired brass:
Anneal (amp annealer seems to burn off any major junk). And I use this time to make sure no sand/dirt in case.
Wipe down cases with micro fiber cloth.
Quick neck burnish with 0000 steel wool. (By hand, just a turn to knock carbon off)
Size/deprime with imperial wax and SAC custom die
Dip cases in acetone and wipe off (removes wax)
Brush inside of necks (.22 brush with 0000 steel wool wrapped) this knocks down the shit inside necks from annealing
Run mandrel to desired beck tension
Trim/Chamfer/deburr with giraud
Run .22mop sprayed with one shot into necks (can use moly. This is just cleaner and I can’t find a difference in performance). This knocks down any friction inside the necks so they all seat at the same psi in my hydro press with the exact same neck tension inside diameter. If something doesn’t seat the same or close, I can sort it out if needed.
This allows me to do 200 or more rounds all in one sitting, while watching Wither reruns on Netflix for the 80th time.
No waiting on brass to clean and such. Just get to it.