I'm kind of at that point of trying to decide on one "go to pistol" that I can use for everything. Right now I switch guns based on season, dress and sometimes S&G's. I know this is all personal preferance on Make, Model and caliber.. but just thought it would be good to hear from others that have thought about this also.. the "thinning the heard" theory.
So what is everything for me??
1. Primary CCW - comfortable to carry all year round and 100% reliable
2. Training - range work to keep up skills
3. Competition - Shooting USPSA Practical - Could have a gun to get scores up but would prefer to practice with my carry gun.
4. Packing/Camping gun - Usually a larger caliber for the unexpected larger than human needs but too big for normal EDC. (low on the "need" scale)
So what is everything for me??
1. Primary CCW - comfortable to carry all year round and 100% reliable
2. Training - range work to keep up skills
3. Competition - Shooting USPSA Practical - Could have a gun to get scores up but would prefer to practice with my carry gun.
4. Packing/Camping gun - Usually a larger caliber for the unexpected larger than human needs but too big for normal EDC. (low on the "need" scale)