The Hawks Double Mountain Ranch ERLSO match is fast approaching! Come shoot with us at this perfect location for a summer match in TX. Engage your targets and then walk a handful of steps to the air conditioned lodge for a cold drink. The ranch is beautiful and it's going to be a great time! Guaranteed 30% payout of entry fees.
Links to signup:
Limited: (.338 cal and smaller and boltface diameters of .585 and smaller)
Unlimited: (Over .338 cal, up to .50 cal)
COF and rules:
Links to signup:
Limited: (.338 cal and smaller and boltface diameters of .585 and smaller)
Hawks Double Mountain Ranch / ELRSO Limited Match
ELRSO Limited Match Hosted by Hawks Double Mountain Ranch

Unlimited: (Over .338 cal, up to .50 cal)
Hawks Double Mountain Ranch / ELRSO Unlimited Match
ELRSO Unlimited Match Hosted by Hawks Double Mountain Ranch

COF and rules:

Extreme Long Range Shooting Organization