HEADS UP: Please leave your long guns at home for Lobby Day VA on 1/20/20: VCDL Bulletin.

Blue Sky Country

Urban Cowboy
Full Member
    Please do not open carry long guns on Lobby Day, January 20, 2020. It will be a distraction, and not helpful to our cause in any way.

    Yes there will be media coverage and yes, there will be plenty of cameras and folks from the press. This is VCDL's prime chance to broadcast a POSITIVE representation of ALL American gun owners to the entire world. Thus, VCDL urges us to attend en masse and in as fully a professional manner as possible. Open carrying of rifles will be counterproductive to our cause on this day. There will also be various local militia units at the event conducting food and clothes drives for VA's needy and vulnerable population.

    Main VCDL bulletin here:

    Long Guns

    If you are asking how you can help with VCDL's mission,
    carrying long guns at Lobby Day is not helpful - it is a distraction. VCDL's important messages inevitably get lost as the press rushes to get pictures of anyone carrying an AR or AK. The stories then become about the rifle, not VCDL's agenda. You can set your watch by it. Long guns are not easy to carry in a crowd, either. VCDL needs its voice heard loud and clear in order to able to stop the onslaught of gun-control bills.

    Laws you need to know for carry in Richmond

    You can't have a magazine in a centerfire rifle or pistol that holds more than 20 rounds unless you have a Concealed Handgun Permit (CHP). You must also have a CHP if the centerfire rifle or pistol has a threaded barrel or a folding stock. Click here to see the code section, which also covers similar restrictions on shotguns: 18.2-287.4

    Open carry without a CHP is legal in Virginia, but watch the restrictions in the previous paragraph.

    You need a CHP to carry in the General Assembly or Capitol Building. Once through security, you can carry openly or concealed in the buildings. You cannot carry in the gallery over the Senator Floor. Keep an eye on these alerts. Should any of this change, we will notify you here.


    More information about Lobby Day events, transportation, and schedules, are all available here in this email alert archives section:

    We still have PLENTY of days leading up to 1/20 to get the word out to as many people as possible and hopefully, achieve an EPIC attendance. If anyone you know balks at the 'No Long Guns Please' request by the VCDL, just ask them "Are you going to bring a rifle to jury duty too?" Our main goal is to present a professional, firm, and friendly image to everyone on this day. Especially following right on the heels of Puerto Rico's spectacular gun rights victory this month.
    " must also have a CHP if the centerfire rifle or pistol has a threaded barrel"

    This is flat wrong when applied to a rifle as the code DOES NOT use those words exactly. Christ it's not hard to cut-n-paste.

    It says exactly: "or designed by the manufacturer to accommodate a silencer"

    Most "silencer" manufacturers require the use of an adapter. Not to mention most rifle manufacturers allow the use of a muzzle brake on their rifles.

    As I found on the VA Code site:
    It shall be unlawful for any person to carry a loaded (a) semi-automatic center-fire rifle or pistol that expels single or multiple projectiles by action of an explosion of a combustible material and is equipped at the time of the offense with a magazine that will hold more than 20 rounds of ammunition or designed by the manufacturer to accommodate a silencer or equipped with a folding stock or (b) shotgun with a magazine that will hold more than seven rounds of the longest ammunition for which it is chambered on or about his person on any public street, road, alley, sidewalk, public right-of-way, or in any public park or any other place of whatever nature that is open to the public in the Cities of Alexandria, Chesapeake, Fairfax, Falls Church, Newport News, Norfolk, Richmond, or Virginia Beach or in the Counties of Arlington, Fairfax, Henrico, Loudoun, or Prince William.
    Seems as my centerfire rifle fixed stock with a 10 round mag is good to go BUT I have a threaded barrel.....so I need a CCP by the VCDL.....Are they helping us or just NOT reading plain English???

    Yes, Houston we have a problem.
    Just a general comment of my take on this

    The leftist media and the libtards in VA are extreme radicals. The mention or sight of a gun (even a toy gun) will cause them to have panic attacks

    What the VCDL is telling you is that if mobs of people show up to this march with long guns RIGHT NOW, that will send the wrong message and will derail the point of this event. The media will only show scary pictures of scary black guns and threats of violence (and I am sure the term nazi will come up) and the real message will lost

    The message they want to get out now is that millions of gun owners do not want these laws and will turn out PEACEFULLY and not brandishing weapons to show support for their rights.

    Depending on if that message is heard and received, you might get your chance to show up armed at a future march ;)

    Remember "black face Northam" is stating publicly that VA voters WANT these insane gun control laws, the public needs to see that isn't true.
    I'm completely torn on this.

    On one side, you know that the cringeworthy inbred looking tacti-tards are going to roll up in their size XXXL tiger stripe BDUs, TAPCO fucked gun and gear that looks like someone dragged a shit magnet through a surplus store along with their giant MILITIA patch on their Made in China plate carrier with an expired 14lb plate that they only have in the front because of 'weight!' -and- 'I need to be able to move fast'. They will make sure everyone knows that they are a Green Beret Sniper Delta as well as have on cliche shit like punisher skull shirts and will be operating so operationally that they will be the faggots that end up pointing their shit tier guns at everyone, all the time, unbeknownst to only them that they're doing it. Their main reason to be there isn't actually 2A rights, but instead because they've played so much Call of Duty and watched Rambo so many times, they feel they need to be in the middle of something where they can get it on. (Fun Note: These tards are right up there with the women who just stand in the same spot and scream and scream when something happens as the first people I will shoot.)

    They will also smell, barely know how to actually use any of the weapons they brought with them, drag their 17 trailer park looking family members along who are all varying levels of inbred retarded, have low IQ and generally just be seen as a fucking liability by everyone.

    They're trying to keep the politicians and the useless news faggots, who have basically just turned into a shock jock 'gotcha' outfit, from being able to focus on these idiots and say this is who these laws are protecting you from.

    You know thats coming. However, I'm not set that people need to be armed. Why? Well, because we're not an organized force and this isn't an assault on the capitol building. If done right, the message that should be understood from the event is 'Dont make us come back here'.

    On the other side, I am completely sick of and exhausted by the constant attempts by conservatives to always 'take the high ground' and/or 'lets talk to/write to/call our reps!' as their final call to action. I have no idea how this continues after decades of this policy and its results, as well as the sanctimonious bullshit additude towards anyone who brings up the fact that it simply DOES NOT WORK instantly divises our forces making us our own worst enemy in a fight that we for the most part, don't even end up participating in because of it. Want proof? Go to AR15 and read any thread about anything like this and you'll have the retards wanting to take the high ground shouting down anyone because 'itll be different' and/or because we 'dont want to stoop to their level' but instead, just like to CONSTANTLY. FUCKING. LOSE.

    Look at the last 20 years. We've gained next to zero. We've had an 'assult weapons ban' passed. We endure constant cries for new laws anytime anything happens, with zero compromise as to anything; its basically 'give us this!' and rinse/repeat until next time. Everytime that happens, the overwhelming 'strategy' from republicans/conservatives/gun owners is to reason with people and call your reps. Hell, they're usually more worried about how you dress going to a town hall forum and if your letter is 'well written' as opposed to warning these faggots that this shit isn't going to fly.

    Look at California and the circle jerk of self assurance known as calguns. Chess not checkers right? Be sure to be presentable and spell check your letter or be nice on the phone, right? Be sure to comply with all of these laws so they see gun owners are responsible people, right? Be sure to know certain facts and statistics so you can speak to people about how safe firearms are, right?

    NY has something like a 6% compliance rate to the SAFE act, yet, what is anyone doing as far as getting their rights back? Writing and calling your reps? If you're that stupid, well, you deserve what you got.

    We are way past the point Americans of sitting down and talking about it, especially with gov/politicians. Why? Well, its not that we didn't try, its because they either don't care, or they are not properly motivated to. And this isn't just on the 2A, but on basically every right that exists. This isn't some newfound attempt to focus on one right; all of ours have been eroded over the years. All of them. Feel free to name one aspect of personal freedom that us stronger now than it has ever in history been; you can't. The rights may cover different aspects, but their erosion all have one thing in common - government.

    It's been long time to make them afraid. While on one side, the liberal communists have finally removed the veil of 'we support the 2nd Amendment' and have gone to full blown wanting confiscation and some going as far as wanting gun owners murdered, we are slowly seeing the response to that; an armed society who is no longer in fear of using their weapons on anyone who wants to tell them otherwise.

    Generally when you decide to go and fuck with something, and it stings/bites you really bad, you usually leave it the fuck alone after that. We're counting on you VA.
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    Here is the one thing that confuses me

    The 2020legislative session formally begins in Virginia on Jan. 8

    I understand that Lobby Day is a tradition that has gone on for years, but...

    Wouldn't it make more sense to turn out on Jan 8th?
    I understand what the VCDL was trying to impart. Sure that's the point to get across. WTFH would you just not openly say that??

    If you don't want me to show up in my BDUs with my SECDEFDELTACIA tab on my shoulder then SAY SO. I'm sure a reasonable person would follow the thought process. But for the love of all holy things....don't misquote something.

    Misquoting things is part if the problem.
    I understand what the VCDL was trying to impart. Sure that's the point to get across. WTFH would you just not openly say that??

    If you don't want me to show up in my BDUs with my SECDEFDELTACIA tab on my shoulder then SAY SO. I'm sure a reasonable person would follow the thought process. But for the love of all holy things....don't misquote something.

    Misquoting things is part if the problem.

    Because doing so, in such language, gives WaPo and others direct quotable stuff to paint law-abiding citizens as reactionary militamen set on civil war to overthrow duly elected government.

    At this stage of the game, words matter.
    • Like
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    Wow......that's a stretch. So if I follow you correctly, you say the VCDL deliberately misquotes an easily read VA Code so that their statement would not be "misconstrued" by a Fudd?? This was in an attempt to prevent a media outlet from painting all of VA as a group set on the next civil war??

    As you say words matter. Guess it's just okay to misquote things.

    Okay....yes Houston we have a PROBLEM.
    I'm completely torn on this.

    On one side, you know that the cringeworthy inbred looking tacti-tards are going to roll up in their size XXXL tiger stripe BDUs, TAPCO fucked gun and gear that looks like someone dragged a shit magnet through a surplus store along with their giant MILITIA patch on their Made in China plate carrier with an expired 14lb plate that they only have in the front because of 'weight!' -and- 'I need to be able to move fast'. They will make sure everyone knows that they are a Green Beret Sniper Delta as well as have on cliche shit like punisher skull shirts and will be operating so operationally that they will be the faggots that end up pointing their shit tier guns at everyone, all the time, unbeknownst to only them that they're doing it. Their main reason to be there isn't actually 2A rights, but instead because they've played so much Call of Duty and watched Rambo so many times, they feel they need to be in the middle of something where they can get it on. (Fun Note: These tards are right up there with the women who just stand in the same spot and scream and scream when something happens as the first people I will shoot.)

    They will also smell, barely know how to actually use any of the weapons they brought with them, drag their 17 trailer park looking family members along who are all varying levels of inbred retarded, have low IQ and generally just be seen as a fucking liability by everyone.

    They're trying to keep the politicians and the useless news faggots, who have basically just turned into a shock jock 'gotcha' outfit, from being able to focus on these idiots and say this is who these laws are protecting you from.

    You know thats coming. However, I'm not set that people need to be armed. Why? Well, because we're not an organized force and this isn't an assault on the capitol building. If done right, the message that should be understood from the event is 'Dont make us come back here'.

    On the other side, I am completely sick of and exhausted by the constant attempts by conservatives to always 'take the high ground' and/or 'lets talk to/write to/call our reps!' as their final call to action. I have no idea how this continues after decades of this policy and its results, as well as the sanctimonious bullshit additude towards anyone who brings up the fact that it simply DOES NOT WORK instantly divises our forces making us our own worst enemy in a fight that we for the most part, don't even end up participating in because of it. Want proof? Go to AR15 and read any thread about anything like this and you'll have the retards wanting to take the high ground shouting down anyone because 'itll be different' and/or because we 'dont want to stoop to their level' but instead, just like to CONSTANTLY. FUCKING. LOSE.

    Look at the last 20 years. We've gained next to zero. We've had an 'assult weapons ban' passed. We endure constant cries for new laws anytime anything happens, with zero compromise as to anything; its basically 'give us this!' and rinse/repeat until next time. Everytime that happens, the overwhelming 'strategy' from republicans/conservatives/gun owners is to reason with people and call your reps. Hell, they're usually more worried about how you dress going to a town hall forum and if your letter is 'well written' as opposed to warning these faggots that this shit isn't going to fly.

    Look at California and the circle jerk of self assurance known as calguns. Chess not checkers right? Be sure to be presentable and spell check your letter or be nice on the phone, right? Be sure to comply with all of these laws so they see gun owners are responsible people, right? Be sure to know certain facts and statistics so you can speak to people about how safe firearms are, right?

    NY has something like a 6% compliance rate to the SAFE act, yet, what is anyone doing as far as getting their rights back? Writing and calling your reps? If you're that stupid, well, you deserve what you got.

    We are way past the point Americans of sitting down and talking about it, especially with gov/politicians. Why? Well, its not that we didn't try, its because they either don't care, or they are not properly motivated to. And this isn't just on the 2A, but on basically every right that exists. This isn't some newfound attempt to focus on one right; all of ours have been eroded over the years. All of them. Feel free to name one aspect of personal freedom that us stronger now than it has ever in history been; you can't. The rights may cover different aspects, but their erosion all have one thing in common - government.

    It's been long time to make them afraid. While on one side, the liberal communists have finally removed the veil of 'we support the 2nd Amendment' and have gone to full blown wanting confiscation and some going as far as wanting gun owners murdered, we are slowly seeing the response to that; an armed society who is no longer in fear of using their weapons on anyone who wants to tell them otherwise.

    Generally when you decide to go and fuck with something, and it stings/bites you really bad, you usually leave it the fuck alone after that. We're counting on you VA.

    It is not the politicians and legislators that we are trying to convince that we are "civilized" and "responsible". If I was conversing with a pro-disarmament politician about gun control, I'd happily tell him right to his face that he can take a horse dick up his ass and that he and his homies can fucking come at me at any time.

    It is the normal, non politically aligned folks out there that we have to convince to at least side with us. When push DOES come to shove, these people will view us as noble fighters for a noble cause, not the "terrorists" that the statist media WILL portray us as...
    • Like
    Reactions: HeavyAssault
    Wow......that's a stretch. So if I follow you correctly, you say the VCDL deliberately misquotes an easily read VA Code so that their statement would not be "misconstrued" by a Fudd?? This was in an attempt to prevent a media outlet from painting all of VA as a group set on the next civil war??

    As you say words matter. Guess it's just okay to misquote things.

    You don't think having a threaded barrel constitutes "designed by the manufacturer to accommodate a silencer". You are entitled to your interpretation of the statute (proliferation of direct thread cans notwithstanding), but I can understand why VCDL decided to go with the most broad interpretation of the statute so as to not have a bunch of people get arrested and have to defend themselves in court.

    How does "three dozen Second Amendment supporters arrested for carrying illegal guns" splashed across the front page of every major newspaper and news website in America help the cause?
    • Like
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    You don't think having a threaded barrel constitutes "designed by the manufacturer to accommodate a silencer". You are entitled to your interpretation of the statute (proliferation of direct thread cans notwithstanding), but I can understand why VCDL decided to go with the most broad interpretation of the statute so as to not have a bunch of people get arrested and have to defend themselves in court.

    How does "three dozen Second Amendment supporters arrested for carrying illegal guns" splashed across the front page of every major newspaper and news website in America help the cause?
    How does 3 dozen 2a supporters defend their rights with their threaded long guns and 21 round detachable magazine while every other claimed 2a supporters could only give opposition dirty looks sound on the front page of every newspaper sound??
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    I know Virginia has some stand up people BUT a lot of y’all sound like a bunch of pussies that deserve to be over in England or something.. since when does someone’s fears or feelings affect my rights? It’s already mine, I don’t have to earn it. Y’all sound about as stupid as the people saying bring your gun to a protest but leave ammo at home. How exactly are you gonna “support” any one or any thing with a empty gun.
    Wait, I can't even bring this? I built it special! On a "Trump-Punisher lower!"

    It's got wood and gold plating... and it doesn't even look scary! It looks like the lobby of Trump Tower!




    trump 3.jpg
    trump 1.jpg
    trump 2.jpg

    P.S. I Really did build that. Finished it yesterday. Unveiling it on Impeachment day!


    For all those decrying the GOV for restricting guns, the NRA for having no back bone......we have a new contender...VCDL is NOW in the game as well.

    Honestly, people want to make a point. Okay. It's not hard to find the public areas where there are no carry restrictions. Show up IN MASS with whatever you can carry. Then speak with one voice...."We the people...." LMAO....Then move to another area.....do it again and again and again and again.......You'll get media coverage.

    As of now.....the media is doing EVERYTHING to make you the "bad guy".
    Step back and actually pay attention. It's the LAW that you can't carry those items inside the General Assembly or in the buildings. They have restrictions inside those buildings. It's not a Statewide issue. It's that block and the rules are set by the General Assembly. If they chose to make it illegal to carry at all in the building, then that's the rule. Want in? Abide by the rules. Don't want in? Don't abide by the rules. Kind of hard to talk to your representatives when they are inside and you're outside because you can't come in the building.

    Use your head, carry all you want in public. No need to beat up the VCDL for this, it's not their rule, it's the GA.
    Step back and actually pay attention. It's the LAW that you can't carry those items inside the General Assembly or in the buildings. They have restrictions inside those buildings. It's not a Statewide issue. It's that block and the rules are set by the General Assembly. If they chose to make it illegal to carry at all in the building, then that's the rule. Want in? Abide by the rules. Don't want in? Don't abide by the rules. Kind of hard to talk to your representatives when they are inside and you're outside because you can't come in the building.

    Use your head, carry all you want in public. No need to beat up the VCDL for this, it's not their rule, it's the GA.
    I bet your mattress still has that “do not remove” label on it. God and the constitution are the final laws of this land
    I bet your mattress still has that “do not remove” label on it. God and the constitution are the final laws of this land

    Maybe, but I do know I'm going there to lobby my representatives. Getting stopped at the door because I can't read the sign that says you can't bring that inside the building seems like a poor way to achieve talking to them. Maybe you can lick the glass from outside while everyone else is inside, fighting for our rights with the actual people who can change that. Standing on the sidewalk with your AR isn't going to change your representative's opinion. In fact, it'll probably solidify what they already thought.

    If you don't plan on talking to them, then go for it, bring all you want. Doesn't matter to me, I'm not running the show. But if you want to be inside the Capitol or inside the General Assembly Building, you aren't doing it your way.
    Maybe, but I do know I'm going there to lobby my representatives. Getting stopped at the door because I can't read the sign that says you can't bring that inside the building seems like a poor way to achieve talking to them. Maybe you can lick the glass from outside while everyone else is inside, fighting for our rights with the actual people who can change that. Standing on the sidewalk with your AR isn't going to change your representative's opinion. In fact, it'll probably solidify what they already thought.

    If you don't plan on talking to them, then go for it, bring all you want. Doesn't matter to me, I'm not running the show. But if you want to be inside the Capitol or inside the General Assembly Building, you aren't doing it your way.
    I’ve already bled for this country. I can tell I’ll get another chance. In the meantime I wish you the best of luck if you do intend to actually waste air talking to politicians.. at least you will be able to say you tried. I can’t fault you for being optimistic. As long as you know my rights aren’t something to negotiate.
    I'm so sick to death of goddamn politics and toeing the PC line just to get my rights back. The message is this, leave us the fuck alone. Exhibit A as to why that's a good idea is my goddamn rifle, which I will have with me in accordance with the law. Don't like it, that's fine we can disagree but I'm not going there to yell and stomp my feet or count on others define my stance on the matter. I might not even have a job if somebody from my work even sees me there, so I'm fucking done. This is who I am, and this is how I roll when someone starts talking about taking rights away from me and my fellow Virginians.
    I'm so sick to death of goddamn politics and toeing the PC line just to get my rights back. The message is this, leave us the fuck alone. Exhibit A as to why that's a good idea is my goddamn rifle, which I will have with me in accordance with the law. Don't like it, that's fine we can disagree but I'm not going there to yell and stomp my feet or count on others define my stance on the matter. I might not even have a job if somebody from my work even sees me there, so I'm fucking done. This is who I am, and this is how I roll when someone starts talking about taking rights away from me and my fellow Virginians.

    I dont disagree with you at all.

    IMO, the best thing is to bring your voice.


    I certainly realize opinions will differ and IMO there is not really a right or wrong.

    Who am I to say how you choose to display your god given rights?

    On the flip, I would ask that no one judge how another will display their rights...if they choose to do so differently.

    And instead...

    To walk arm and arm as brothers and sisters. Putting aside small differences for the greater good and to acknowledge that despite these differences that we are all patriots.

    Either choice doesnt make someone a better patriot, a worse patriot, weaker, stronger, etc.

    Those in power seek to divide. Lets not grant them their wish.
    I dont disagree with you at all.

    IMO, the best thing is to bring your voice.


    I certainly realize opinions will differ and IMO there is not really a right or wrong.

    Who am I to say how you choose to display your god given rights?

    On the flip, I would ask that no one judge how another will display their rights...if they choose to do so differently.

    And instead...

    To walk arm and arm as brothers and sisters. Putting aside small differences for the greater good and to acknowledge that despite these differences that we are all patriots.

    Either choice doesnt make someone a better patriot, a worse patriot, weaker, stronger, etc.

    Those in power seek to divide. Lets not grant them their wish.
    Couldn’t say it better if I tried
    • Like
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    Step back and actually pay attention. It's the LAW that you can't carry those items inside the General Assembly or in the buildings. They have restrictions inside those buildings. It's not a Statewide issue. It's that block and the rules are set by the General Assembly. If they chose to make it illegal to carry at all in the building, then that's the rule. Want in? Abide by the rules. Don't want in? Don't abide by the rules. Kind of hard to talk to your representatives when they are inside and you're outside because you can't come in the building.

    Use your head, carry all you want in public. No need to beat up the VCDL for this, it's not their rule, it's the GA.
    Or just fucking go in. The left plays by no rules. They are bound by no concience. They are guided by no God. This nice shit is what got us here in the first place. Good grief.

    We will never be portrayed positively by the media or the left. Wake up.
    Give that a try and let me know how it works out.

    I believe the same thing, no compromise. None. Zero. To win this battle against our rights, we need to be firing on all cylinders. That means talking to them as well. The VCDL has reported previous cases where the people they spoke to had never talked to anyone from the 2A side so they didn’t know. My role, as this point in time, is to make sure they are educated on the facts that I think they are wrong on.

    After that? Who knows?
    Give that a try and let me know how it works out.

    I believe the same thing, no compromise. None. Zero. To win this battle against our rights, we need to be firing on all cylinders. That means talking to them as well. The VCDL has reported previous cases where the people they spoke to had never talked to anyone from the 2A side so they didn’t know. My role, as this point in time, is to make sure they are educated on the facts that I think they are wrong on.

    After that? Who knows?
    There is no reasoning with the left. None. They are sick twisted people. Look what the left stands for. Look at what they want. Look what they say. Look what they do.
    Wait, I can't even bring this? I built it special! On a "Trump-Punisher lower!"

    It's got wood and gold plating... and it doesn't even look scary! It looks like the lobby of Trump Tower!




    View attachment 7205039View attachment 7205037View attachment 7205038

    P.S. I Really did build that. Finished it yesterday. Unveiling it on Impeachment day!



    We are now referring to that......thing.....

    as Peach Mint Poverty Pony
    There is no reasoning with the left. None. They are sick twisted people. Look what the left stands for. Look at what they want. Look what they say. Look what they do.

    Completely agree with you. I’ve never been involved in politics, other than voting, but I’ll be damned if I’m sitting on the sideline and letting them win without a fight. They won the election because the republicans surrendered before the battle started. A lot of people sat at home. A lot of conservative Democrats in the rural areas voted Democrat and now see the light. I might not be able to change a single one of their minds, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to stop fighting this, whether it’s sitting across the table from them, protesting beside you on the steps, or fighting with you and millions in the next step.

    Voters sat out. I’ll rest my head on my pillow at night knowing that I wasn’t one who sat out the 2A fight.

    I appreciate, more than words can ever explain, the sacrifice all our warriors and their families have given us. I am eternally grateful. While I wasn’t in the service, I was behind the scenes making sure those that are fighting have the highest quality tools at their use by some of my skills. I’ve made a lot of parts for a lot of bad ass weapon systems, aircraft, and ships over my lifetime. I hope my contribution from behind machines helped your battles go a little easier.

    I would never fault a warrior. He/She understands this far more than I do.
    • Like
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    Maybe, but I do know I'm going there to lobby my representatives. Getting stopped at the door because I can't read the sign that says you can't bring that inside the building seems like a poor way to achieve talking to them. Maybe you can lick the glass from outside while everyone else is inside, fighting for our rights with the actual people who can change that. Standing on the sidewalk with your AR isn't going to change your representative's opinion. In fact, it'll probably solidify what they already thought.

    If you don't plan on talking to them, then go for it, bring all you want. Doesn't matter to me, I'm not running the show. But if you want to be inside the Capitol or inside the General Assembly Building, you aren't doing it your way.
    How about 200 of you, armed, walk up there anyway. If you want to send a message send a damn message. Stop pussy footing around and get it done. You’d still be handing out pamphlets about your displeasure with the tea tax with that attitude
    How about 200 of you, armed, walk up there anyway. If you want to send a message send a damn message. Stop pussy footing around and get it done. You’d still be handing out pamphlets about your displeasure with the tea tax with that attitude

    Feel free to exercise your rights and do just that.
    How about 200 of you, armed, walk up there anyway. If you want to send a message send a damn message. Stop pussy footing around and get it done. You’d still be handing out pamphlets about your displeasure with the tea tax with that attitude
    200 fuck that. 20,000. Any why would they mince words when they now are in charge of government? Fuck it write your own law. And slam the gavel.

    My point is this. If there's this many armed peoole there. They can do whatever they want, if they act in unison... That's what 2A is about. Giving the people a means to take power back.. not beg the weak for it... How we have fallen as a society.
    200 fuck that. 20,000. Any why would they mince words when they now are in charge of government? Fuck it write your own law. And slam the gavel.

    My point is this. If there's this many armed peoole there. They can do whatever they want, if they act in unison... That's what 2A is about. Giving the people a means to take power back.. not beg the weak for it... How we have fallen as a society.
    I’ll take 20 well prepared determined armed guys over 20,000 sheeple any day
    I’ll take 20 well prepared determined armed guys over 20,000 sheeple any day

    Walking in there with guns with intentions to protest is stupid.

    Would take one false flag operative, or your own stupid idiot, to turn the entire event in favor of the opposition.

    There is a time to politic, and historically a time for guns. Mixing the two is not a well thought out plan.
    Walking in there with guns with intentions to protest is stupid.

    Would take one false flag operative, or your own stupid idiot, to turn the entire event in favor of the opposition.

    There is a time to politic, and historically a time for guns. Mixing the two is not a well thought out plan.

    Would take one false flag operative, or your own stupid idiot, to turn the entire event in favor of the opposition.

    This right here... It is a very real danger that we simply CANNOT afford.

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