Hearing protection

Andrew Blubaugh

Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Dec 4, 2003
I am purchasing new hearing protection for my agency. I am looking for some input, what to stay away from and what I should consider. Please give me some detail on your opinions.

Here are my purchasing requirements.

*20-30 db NRR rating
*low profile to allow user to obtain realistic cheek weld and use of the stock in unconventional positions.
*Robust enough to last a year or two of heavy use
*Easy to adjust
Price not to exceed $20 each

I typical use MSA and Peltor electronic ears but I need these for the masses. They will be used 90% of the time on outdoor ranges with handguns and 16inch AR15s. I was looking at Peltor H6A, Peltor Shotgunners and Allen 2287.

The reviews I saw online came from people who did not come across as dedicated shooters.
Re: Hearing protection

Have to be muffs. I offer soft plugs and muffs on the range. I wish we could just issue everyone a set of Surefires but people are lazy and irresponsible and won't bring them to range.
Re: Hearing protection

Cowboy, we bought the Peltors for my department. Its was nice to have the guys hear the range commands until the knuckleheads broke to Peltors from hard handlng ( throwing around like the 5.00 versions they where used to"

In short we eneded up replacing them all in about 1-2 years into use.

If you can control how they are handled maybe you will see longer life
Re: Hearing protection

I have been through dang near all over the ear in a 15+ year quest and settled on Chiller's rec, Howard Leights. They give me a consistant cheek weld I could not get with others. Another BIG +, the price is right.
Re: Hearing protection

Any thoughts on the Pyramex PM5010? I have a distributor that is pushing them. The price is great but I am concerned about the performance and robustness.
Re: Hearing protection

foam plugs Here is why these work for me: cost 200 pair for around the $20 price point you mentioned, hygiene - I do not have to worry about folks getting the crud from someone else, higher NRR (32) versus the low 20's from muffs, ear muffs can be hot in the summer, they get knocked around on the head when doing high speed dynamic cool guy stuff, any one brand does not seem to allow for a good stock weld for every shooter, wearing required safety glasses can be problematic and reduces the effectiveness of the muffs, muffs can be a distraction to shooters especially new shooters as well as uncomfortable under or over a hat not to mention they suck on top of a bush cover, storage of plugs is much easier whether on the person or in bulk in the range house, you do not get as pissed with shooters when you find foam plugs in the dirt instead of ear muffs that have to be shared, the corded version is not a bad idea they can tie to a hat or drape around their neck (and they can keep track of both earplugs), it is easy to have spares in your pocket, if they do not like the choice you provide they can buy their own and be responsible for their maintenance and safe keeping. The Surefires are nice and work well for me as I use at least one plug everyday plugged into my radio but they are a cost I absorb not the department. Really the only time I wear my electronic muffs is while running a range or under my helmet if the situation dictates. I personally just don't think you get value added out of muffs in the environment you are wanting them for. Do you supply safety glasses as well? Nothing worse than having to use range glasses that look like the Stanley Cup has been played on them. Good luck and let us know what you end up doing.
Re: Hearing protection

The ear plugs works well if and only if you insert them properly, but doing so 100% of the time is difficult. This involves scrunching them and inserting just at the right angle so that they are actually inside the ear canal before the inflate themselves. The only ear plugs which works all the time are the ones which are custom fitted and those even on sale are in the $60 range.

Don’t think we are talking about electronic ear muffs here as the good ones like the Howard Leights are at least $60, and the OP is talking $20. At $20, the best one for the money are the Howard Leights in my link. They are quite robust and not cheap. Have not seen the Pyramex PM5010s. I have seen lots of cheap ones like the Walkers which are very fragile.
Re: Hearing protection

I've used the Peltor Shotgunners for years. They were affordable and have good dB reduction. My only complaint is during the summer in GA they are very hot. I sweat alot and they sorta slide around my ear a bit - not enough to change their effectiveness but just enough to be annoying. I do like how they fold up and can fit in a small pocket in my range bag.
Re: Hearing protection

I have been using double protection ever since suffering from tinnitis from just using plugs.

I use Pro Ears Ultra, which offer very good noise protection. They are a bit bulky, but I haven't experienced any cheek weld issues. Price on Amazon is $26, but with an LEO and a volume discount, you might be able to get it down to $20.

They do have a Pro Ears Predator version that is slimmer in profile, but also offers less protection.

For plugs, I have found that the Howard Leight Max 33's work the best for me. I have been through a bunch. I guess I have an unusually large ear canal, because I often have trouble getting a plug to seal properly.