Just heard Lester Holt state that Flynn talked to the Russians after the election ( not during ) . He went on to state that all of this current info about conversations with Russia and Russian tampering was leaked information . Yet he went on to say that you can't discount the info gleaned from this investigation and absolve Flynn . I'm thoroughly pissed . They deny an investigation of Trump and his campaign yet have transcripts of conversations . They stated that Flynn's conversations were after the election but yet he still needs to be held accountable . Accountable for what . They deny the existence of any FISA warrant by saying that " I cannot comment on that " . Yeah we did illegal shit but we can't comment on that , Go fuck yourself American people . The Republican asking the questions at the time clarified that this was leaked info and that the individuals will be held accountable if found . Translation , we're gonna fuck the people who leaked it , deny our involvement and everyone else skates . It would seem that having parallel FISA warrants and investigations that the Trump investigation and subsequent info obtained could be hidden and disseminated as The investigation into Russian election hacking . And thankfully good old Lester Holt came out and stated that Russian campaign tampering is a fact , it happened . Well then I guess we can just close the hearing then since Lester has all of the facts and factual conclusions of this investigation and subsequent hearings . Wow really ?