hello hiders,
i wanted to introduce myself and our business quickly and this forum is a quick way to do just that.
i've been a member for quite a while here and have enjoyed the friendships and customers alike. becoming a site sponsor here seemed like a great way to give back while spreading the word about my business.
my corporation is owned by myself, my wife, and my brother. we also employ a trainer and a salesman. the five of us make up controlled chaos arms. my wife and i adopted a newborn baby girl eight months ago and she is hopefully going to be a part of the of our company some day... daddy's wish of course...
the operation started very small years ago. i am a former heavy diesel tech by trade and hobby engineer/inventor... what does that mean? i build things and then tear them down to rebuild them even better... lol. my aptitude and vision for how mechanical engineering works and can be manipulated lent itself to riflesmithing and ballistics - both of which i enjoy. i began by accurizing rifles for varminters, then onto AR platforms, entry weapons, suppressors, etc.
we offer complete rifles, parts, and riflesmithing work, but our core business has become firearms coatings. i enjoyed painting free hand and so i applied that to airbrushing. we now offer free hand coatings and stencil based pattern alike. just about any digital image can be morphed into the paint for the purposes of a theme rifle, etc.
we do a superior job of coatings and we're also smart enough to say no sometimes as well. no? yes, no... i've seen coaters and business entities come and go here on the hide and various forums. many have a great product, but simply get backlogged and only problems result. we strive to keep our backorders in check, and that means being honest about our cycle time. if we can't do it for you, you won't hear us say yes and then set on it for six months.
i hope to earn your business with a simple method as the core... provide a simple quality product and maintain customer service. it really doesn't have to be any more complex than that. it works like this: we're good people asking you to use our services. you're good people wanting what you pay for. that is it. no more, no less. the only favor i ask is that you spread the word on the good and tell me the bad so i may handle it. i wouldn't ordinarily make an introduction with something negative, but we all live in the real world. if something doesn't meet your fancy, i want to know about it. i can't fix what i don't know is broken...
cca has been a sponsor of the sts shoots and various local groups here in iowa like http://iowacarry.org/ of which i'm an executive vp. myself and my staff are actively involved in many political and 2a organizations and we stay busy fighting for 2a and firearm related legislation and policy. we hold first shot programs out our range for virgin shooters, women's self defense training, smack the smiley group shoots, and 'fun shoots' with various nfa items most iowans can't own all at no cost to give back to the shooting community. we also hold ar15 build clinics where we bring in our armorers to help joe blow put his own rig together then we transition to range time. we're going to hold our first ak47 build clinic this year.
the cca website is something i keep up myself and is pretty simple. there is a costing structure to give you an idea of what most standard services run.
i often ask for digital pics of your operating environment and i can build a custom camo in terms of colors and shapes to blend with the surroundings. we utilize duracoat and cerakote primarily and are in the process of building a new curing oven 6 feet high to accommodate the really long barreled actions that are becoming more popular.
our shop is small, and while we are going to expand, it'll be at the point we can write a check for the new building, rather than finance it.
work, work, work. we also manage to have a bit of fun... we did our own calendar this last year for 2010. we took the pics ourselves, edited, etc. and had them printed. all the pictures feature product we either built, coated, or manipulated.
we have some left by the way...
$20 shipped for hiders...
once again, my thanks to frank, the mods, and the many posters that share and contribute to make this, without a doubt, the finest tactical precision rifle site on the net.
visit us at http://www.controlledchaosarms.com/ - people rarely get things they don't ask for in this world, so we're asking. we're asking for your business and your support.
my thanks in advance.
i wanted to introduce myself and our business quickly and this forum is a quick way to do just that.
i've been a member for quite a while here and have enjoyed the friendships and customers alike. becoming a site sponsor here seemed like a great way to give back while spreading the word about my business.
my corporation is owned by myself, my wife, and my brother. we also employ a trainer and a salesman. the five of us make up controlled chaos arms. my wife and i adopted a newborn baby girl eight months ago and she is hopefully going to be a part of the of our company some day... daddy's wish of course...
the operation started very small years ago. i am a former heavy diesel tech by trade and hobby engineer/inventor... what does that mean? i build things and then tear them down to rebuild them even better... lol. my aptitude and vision for how mechanical engineering works and can be manipulated lent itself to riflesmithing and ballistics - both of which i enjoy. i began by accurizing rifles for varminters, then onto AR platforms, entry weapons, suppressors, etc.
we offer complete rifles, parts, and riflesmithing work, but our core business has become firearms coatings. i enjoyed painting free hand and so i applied that to airbrushing. we now offer free hand coatings and stencil based pattern alike. just about any digital image can be morphed into the paint for the purposes of a theme rifle, etc.
we do a superior job of coatings and we're also smart enough to say no sometimes as well. no? yes, no... i've seen coaters and business entities come and go here on the hide and various forums. many have a great product, but simply get backlogged and only problems result. we strive to keep our backorders in check, and that means being honest about our cycle time. if we can't do it for you, you won't hear us say yes and then set on it for six months.
i hope to earn your business with a simple method as the core... provide a simple quality product and maintain customer service. it really doesn't have to be any more complex than that. it works like this: we're good people asking you to use our services. you're good people wanting what you pay for. that is it. no more, no less. the only favor i ask is that you spread the word on the good and tell me the bad so i may handle it. i wouldn't ordinarily make an introduction with something negative, but we all live in the real world. if something doesn't meet your fancy, i want to know about it. i can't fix what i don't know is broken...
cca has been a sponsor of the sts shoots and various local groups here in iowa like http://iowacarry.org/ of which i'm an executive vp. myself and my staff are actively involved in many political and 2a organizations and we stay busy fighting for 2a and firearm related legislation and policy. we hold first shot programs out our range for virgin shooters, women's self defense training, smack the smiley group shoots, and 'fun shoots' with various nfa items most iowans can't own all at no cost to give back to the shooting community. we also hold ar15 build clinics where we bring in our armorers to help joe blow put his own rig together then we transition to range time. we're going to hold our first ak47 build clinic this year.
the cca website is something i keep up myself and is pretty simple. there is a costing structure to give you an idea of what most standard services run.
i often ask for digital pics of your operating environment and i can build a custom camo in terms of colors and shapes to blend with the surroundings. we utilize duracoat and cerakote primarily and are in the process of building a new curing oven 6 feet high to accommodate the really long barreled actions that are becoming more popular.
our shop is small, and while we are going to expand, it'll be at the point we can write a check for the new building, rather than finance it.
work, work, work. we also manage to have a bit of fun... we did our own calendar this last year for 2010. we took the pics ourselves, edited, etc. and had them printed. all the pictures feature product we either built, coated, or manipulated.
we have some left by the way...

once again, my thanks to frank, the mods, and the many posters that share and contribute to make this, without a doubt, the finest tactical precision rifle site on the net.
visit us at http://www.controlledchaosarms.com/ - people rarely get things they don't ask for in this world, so we're asking. we're asking for your business and your support.
my thanks in advance.