Hello from Greensboro, North Carolina


Full Member
Mar 22, 2014
Good morning gentlemen, I just joined. I'm 33 and I've been shooting pistols since I was 14. I just recently started looking at long range rifle shooting as the next step up in my hobby. I originally wanted to get into long range pistol shooting (silhouette) but found there were almost no matches for that in my region and if I wanted to get into accuracy related competitions then rifles were a more logical thing to get into.

I have a big corral of handguns and I'm in love with the 357 magnum round and I think it has excellent potential in a rifle. I just ordered a Ruger 77/357 and an Arsenal SAM7R. Aside from that I have a Mosin Nagant in decent shape. That's the extent of my rifle collection. Obviously I'm trying to learn and practice as much as I can and eventually I'll get something more suited to precision marksmanship.

I shoot and reload 357 mag, 38, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP. No bottleneck rifle calibers yet, but I'd like to try reloading for the mosin just to see how accurate it'll get.